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Everything posted by Andrew™

  1. E Edit: I have Hi5 too, but only For custom PvP server.
  2. έχει πολλά guides με βάση αυτό, αλλά για να μην δυσκολευτείς, πάρε το weapon.grp Και το Env.int απο κάποιο Patch που να τα έχει κανονικά ή απο ένα Clean Patch το οποίο μπορείς να βρεις στο google.
  3. ωραία για πρώτη φορά. Μπράβο! Επίσης κάνε edit το topic και βάλε τον σύνδεσμο ανάμεσα σε ["youtube"] link ["/youtube"] χωρίς τα αυτάκια :P
  4. αχαχαχαχαχαχα κλαίωωωω! δώσε πόνο! :P
  5. The video it's fake.. Also Paul have done the half + of the movie... :) Edit: Have Done*
  6. ωραίος χαχαχα, τα σπάει :)
  7. δεν θέλω να ασχοληθώ σοβαρά διότι δεν έχω χρόνο, απλά ετσι For fun το ήθελα :)
  8. Best Fails of the Week 1 December 2013 || FailArmy
  9. i have spend 1 day to watch supernatural.. :forever alone like a boss:
  10. true! come on , let's do something :)
  11. no i thin'k no, maybe he have a lot of work or something. i know one thing. MxC must stay alive :)
  12. i agree, but maybe leader won't ^_^
  13. PvP Server for me needs: Custom Items (weapons armors etc.) Custom Zones ( i don't mean the palces-maps) Custom Feauters. Crazy Codes and comads! And people ^_^
  14. yes i will, much people still playing.. Also forum is not focused only on l2 :)
  15. Hello guys... I'm not old member here, but i see that we don't have much activity. *we can change this. The only thing that we need to do, it's to share the Forum on Facebook - to friends and to another sites and forums. It's a shame to not have active people and much members here! Forum include much things and much Skilled people here. It's really of the best Forum I have ever visited Stop saying forum is Dead and others. Do something :) Best Regards Andrew™
  16. Vindred have inform me for the money... a person that have give to him 300e to make the exchanges has do something. so all trades and items that vindred have buy, have come back, so the person is -300 paypal balance. that's why Maxtor has ban him..
  17. For my Little Brother. (10 years old) http://www.amazon.co.uk/Sony-PlayStation-500GB-Super-Console/dp/B009DL2TBA/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1386765004&sr=8-1&keywords=play+station+3
  18. ναι, οκ συμφωνώ, άλλο λέω εγώ όμως.. στις έρευνες που έγιναν λένε οτι βρέθηκαν λάδια και ποιος ξέρει τι στο σημείο που ήταν παρκαρισμένο το αμάξι και κάτι αλλά λέγανε πάνω στο θέμα αυτό τα οποία δεν τα θυμάμαι. με λίγα λόγια, ήταν πολύ άτυχοι και οι 2.
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