Brilliant idea to use ahk for this. I want to change the commands, could u share this script without password prtotection?
I dont wanna use it as it would be mine, just i need to change your skillbar to fit it the actual characters. I play on a substacking server and some of my character has more skills then slot :)
it has a big disadvantage: if u are not in "all" chat u will spam your party/clan/ally chat like this /target enemy. So everybody can know u are using this.
I dont know why the cannot fix it with something like this {ENTER}{backspace}/target enemy{ENTER}.
The other is that u have to put pots on your skillbar. The sniffer solved this long time ago...
Not exactly. Maybe u have an old Necro/BP 80/80 out of use.
Take this char, switch to bp stat and delevel it for lvl40. U dont lose your lvl 80 necro skills till u dont switch your subclass back to necro at rodemai so u have a lvl40 bishop with lvl 80 necro skills.. This is the trick. As i know, the sineater trick doesnt work on DN now. And the other shit in this "fast exping" that your necro has to wear C grade sets and weapon and the lvl 85 mobs will kill it with 1-2 hit. So i think its useles i nthis form.
I never played on destro, so I cant remember exactly how, but my clanmates do it without sub. They use homu + conv after it they use clothes with +con and blunt + health and a BTB and they are on frenzy hp. They use zealot and frenzy and they take the real stuff on. After it they keep the HP low with skills.
In the battleground they ask a dagger class fighter to make hp to them.