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Everything posted by SkpLeaD

  1. Where is Pax sivir!!! that is rare aswell!
  2. Vayne Beast... I carry low lvl accounts with vayne easy has too much mobility late game beast and no tanks have a chance against her... I built her with 1st item Blade of the Ruined king 2nd Phantom dancer 3rd Infinity edge 4th Guardian angel and then you can buy either Last wisper or Blood thirster but after the first 4 items you just rape everything that moves.... Easy champion to play you just have to play good with your ulti ( hint when u press ulti don't press Q instant engage the fight with ulti open and when they target you press Q they lose target )
  3. I Want to buy theses skins and if you have any pax sivir tell me i also send you and IM!
  4. Hello Guys my name is Tasos. I have been playing League of Legends for 5 Years now almost everyday. Currently I am Diamond(used to be master) with my account but I decided to help some low accounts of friends to reach high. I saw that it was fairly easy to do it and I said to my self why not start boosting people for money. So I started boosting friend that i knew and then they brought me more friends. Currently I have boosted 4 accounts (1 from Silver to Diamond, 2x Silver to Gold, 1 Gold to Platinum) My prices go up and down according to the needs of the account. You guys don't know me and probably won't trust me yet but I hope that we get to know each other. My payment Methods are Paypal account. For more information you can add me in skype albertos.tasos! or visit my page and send me a message there https://www.facebook.com/EG.SkpLeaD?ref=hl Thanks for reading this and best of luck :)
  5. http://www.cowboytv.gr/esports/league-of-legends/greek-master-league/ Tsekarete edo me tin voi8eia tou CowboyTV ta pedia exoun ftiaksei kati san to GRC stin Dota gia osous kseroun gia na ksexorisoun oi kaloi ellines pextes. No trolls, No afkers, No Flamers( gia afto den perno kai orko ellinas ise :P ) If you register tell them Skplead send you!
  6. Koita edo kanane greek Launcher release kai genika i ellada exei megalo community kai na min miliso gia tous leftades pou exoun xrysosei tin riot me lefta gia na pernoun skins ( kai ego apo aftous ime >:D ) Pistevo me tin voi8eia tou CowboyTV polu kali douleia ta pedia kai tou greek community 8a paei mprosta kai apo oti exo akousei katevenei kai greek team gia to LCS siga siga.. ante me to kalo!
  7. Summoner name: ****** (Den dino name gia emfaneis logous , booster :P ) Server EUNE SoloQ current/max rating Diamond 1 ( to paratisa gt karkiniasa me to new system m ftanei to d1) Most preferable role mid, jungle, adc
  8. AFK= Away from Keyboard DC= Disconnect Mlk= Malakas @@= Arxidia! min ksexname ta vasika
  9. Elo boosting Forbidden!!! O H NO!
  10. den kako alla ine palio xD
  11. I would say try http://www.gamesites200.com/lineage2/out.php?id=30364 x500 close to ur details
  12. ^-^
  13. Oriana, Ahri, Lux, Fizz, Fiddle. If you are good with skillshots gor for Ahris , Lux awsome gameplay and can carry games at late. If you have good AoE team i suggest Oriana and Fiddle... Op in mid and late game. And of course fizz best nuker ever hard countered and late game beast dmgs.....
  14. Resistance + enchanted armor.
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