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Everything posted by SkpLeaD

  1. This is one of the accounts i finished today i will keep updating with more.
  2. Sta ADC ksexases ton ez ton poustogio pio megalo pruksarxida apo afton den uparxei.... poke poke poke escape poke poke poke escape
  3. PL are bad players generally but greeks are too and i am a greek aswell so i know what i am saying... we are wayyyyyyyyyyy tooooo greedy!
  4. Cancy cane Mf have it and my friends hate me :)
  5. Photoshop 8es kai to vazeis san border sto stream sou oxi sto game. Afto to vlepoun mono oi viewers.
  6. mapa itan sxedon ola ektos apo to oriana kati elege :)
  7. I run into a guy like that he had 0 loses and when he was losing the game the suddenly all dc and the game never existed...
  8. Kinda pointeless imo not much used!
  9. The best update is the golems but with some good burst champs on botlane you can still do them and miss like 2 creeps.
  10. Best Trailer EVER! I want a Movie now!
  11. I vouch for him he is good!
  12. The difference is Toooooo many greeks! and 15 years olds!
  13. Ok 8a symfoniso se afto pou les alla parola afta ine kali idea, apla 8elei ligo ftiaksimo!
  14. Mine is Candy Cane Miss Fortune and all my friends hate me for that!!! I also wish i had Zombie brand i hope they bring it back so i can buy it!
  15. Dat skin ridiculus xD doesn't worth 975 imo!
  16. Good luck finding a duo :) and Good luck with Q
  17. Best part of his stream the Voice alter!!! EPIC <3
  18. Bioforge is very nice didn't like the new one nothing special there!
  19. Try to repair client else close LoL replay its a well known bug.
  20. Not all greeks suck you just play with the 12-15 years olds... get to diamond and you will see that most of the diamonds up there are greeks!
  21. Jarvan Beast DPS tank!!
  22. very squishy champ dies easy but deals shit lots of dmg... but with a team full of CC easy countered... Btw there is a bug currently never pick jax against him after the 3rd hit even if you have ur stun up you will still take dmg from his passive!
  23. There used to Be RP Injection a program that injected RP into your account but riot found out but they couldn't take the RP back because too many people have done it so they let it go !
  24. Ocelote brings lots of fun and i like to see him lose xD, and Voyboy Plays very good top lane learned a lot from him!
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