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Everything posted by Feelmyspells

  1. When I change the colours in env,example Enchant04,then in game I don't see any colour. I think that I don't have any mistake,because the codes with colours were taken from another env which was working.I don't did copy paste,I had the colours written in a file and I was just replacing in env.. Now,where the problem is ???
  2. Beautiful bow.Keep up the good work CriticalError ;)
  3. Or maybe your system isn't patched well.I had that problem once and when I put system patcher it was solved.
  4. It is a guide,if you want to set up your own webpage,without ready php files.
  5. This is a tool for creating a multishop,in l2j. .::FEATURES::. Open multiple shops at a time. Quick open(.xml file listing of a directory where you can click on to open) In game icons for shop entries. Loads shop entry comments. .::LIMITATIONS::. Only one production per shop entry. Only normal shops(no extra options like "Apply Taxes"). Not able to reorganize shops. Download Link--> http://rapidshare.com/files/111558875/Umeko_L2j_Multishop.rar.html CREDITS TO FBI AGENT
  6. As title says,I want to know the name,or id of the messenger of Schuttgart castle.I can't remember it >:(,and in the last rev of l2j there isn't the npc there outside of the castle :-\ PROBLEM SOLVED.A moderator should pls lock the topic.
  7. My problem solved.A moderator pls lock the topic.
  8. Unfortunately,L2 the last 2 years are making useless updates.(C6 had nothing special and Hellbound,was the worst update in my opinion.)Let's hope that the Gracia will be better.
  9. Hi guys,I've just created a Hellbound server from l2j. Messengers for the sieges are missing from all castles? Maybe I forgot to execute some table,if yes which is for messengers of sieges?
  10. CREDITS GO TO MANIAKOS AND INSOMNIA.GR The guide is divided in 4 categories: 1)Apache 2.2.x HTTP Server Installation & Configuration 2)PHP 5.x Installation & Configuration 3)MySQL Installation & Configuration 4)phpMyAdmin – Α web based MySQL Administration Tool Download Apache 2.2.x HTTP Server.--> http://httpd.apache.org/download.cgi (In this webpage you'll latest apache but older,choose what you want) !BE SURE TO CHOOSE 2.2x AND NOT 2.0.59,CAUSE IT WILL PLAY ROLE TO THE INSTALLATION GUIDE! WHAT YOU 'LL NEED HAS THE NAME "Win32 Binary (MSI Installer)" Install Apache 2.2.x HTTP Server (After the download,start the installation,then click next.) The fields that you see are putted by the guide creator.It doesn't matter what you 'll put there,but you need to put something in order to Continue the installation.(If you want to be sure use those from the picture). For the installation choose Typical type and let it install. In your directory that you installed,you 'll find Document Root (htdocs),which give you the right to see through your Browser. Running Apache HTTP Server After the installation finished,you 'll find this in your bar. From there you can operate your server and see his status.Make right click on him and press -> Open Apache Monitor. There you must see Apache 2.2.x.If it has the green light as in the foto it means that it is started.If it isn't just press Start. If everything i right,your server will start with no problems. Testing if this thing works! If the Status is now Started,open up your favorite browser(Explorer,Firefox) and press http://localhost(If it opens up it means that it worked) 2. PHP 5.x Installation & Configuration !The steps are for PHP version 5.x,not for others.But it works also with others,only you have to make some changes! Creating the right folders Create a folder,but do not disturb it with php files,that you 'll install.Choose this directory if you want C:\dev That means that you have to remember this root directory for the future php configuration files. Download της PHP 5.x http://www.php.net/downloads.php#v5 YOU'LL DOWNLOAD THE ZIP PACKAGE(NOT THE INSTALLER) from the Windows Binaries. Extract the contents of zip After you downloaded it.extract it to C:\dev. The extraction will create a folder with name php-5.x.x-Win32,so you rename it to php.The final path will be C:\dev\php Choise php.ini Going in the folder of php,you'll find an archive with name php-ini-recommend Rename it to php.ini Then open notepad and find the line extension_dir = “./” and change it to extension_dir = “./ext” This folder,is the folder that has all the extensions,the different modules that each make it work.--> C:\dev\php\ext Now we have to say the PHP which to load in order to use them.In order to use a module,you must search in the php.ini and find the line ; Windows Extensions Under this you'll find a list ;extension=php_msql.dll ;extension=php_mysql.dll ;extension=php_mysqli.dl The Greek question ";" means that the module won't load.Just delete the ";" in the modules you want to use. EXAMPLE extension=php_msql.dll extension=php_mysql.dll extension=php_mysqli.dl Adding PHP path to Windows Enviroment Variables With this step we tell the system to find the dll and the Apache in order to load the PHP.If you want from command prompt you can use the php in order to execute a script writting C:\php Now right click to my computer ->Properties-> and choose the Block Advanced. Click the Enviroment Variables and you will have this: In list name System Variables scroll down until you see the Variable with the name Path. After you find it,choose Edit and you 'll see this: In the field that says Variable Value,add in the end this ;C:\dev\php\ Press OK and you're ready. Configuration of Apache HTTP Server for loading the PHP Stop the Apache.You can do it from the monitor.Now we have to add something in the httpd.conf which is the configuration file of Apache.Open it up from the start menu: Start -> Programs -> Apache HTTP Server 2.x.x -> Configure Apache Server -> Edit the Apache httpd.conf Configuration File You 'll see from the configuration file a simple text file,which IN THE END YOU 'LL ADD: LoadModule php5_module c:/dev/php/php5apache2_2.dll PHPIniDir "c:/dev/php/" AddType application/x-httpd-php .php (Those 3 lines tell the Apache to load the PHP using core dll and the base of php.ini) If you want to tell the Apache to load from default the index.php,as does for index.html,you'll have to find the line DirectoryIndex index.html in the httpd.conf and change it to DirectoryIndex index.html index.php !Be careful the php5apache2_2.dll.The DLL IS ONLY 2.2.x version of Apache.If someone has the 2.0.59,installed,should have to load php5apache2.dll Testing if this thing works Open up the Monitor and Start the Server.If everything has gone wright you should see this picture: Runing a phpinfo() If Apache load normally the PHP,we should see if make wright execute our php scripts.The classic way is to right a script that calls the phpinfo fuction which shows the whole configuration of php. WITH YOUR NOTEPAD REMOVE ALL UNDERSCORES! <?p_h_p phpinfo_()_; _?> Save it as info.php ,and put it in the installation path of apache inside the htdocs folder.In my case C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs Open your browser and write: http://localhost/info.php Congratulations!The PHP Installation finished. 3. MySQL Installation & Configuration The installation is pretty easy. http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/5.0.html#win32 <--Download Link| We need Windows Essentials (x86). Follow the pictures: !Do not forget to put tick Include Bin Directory in Windows Path,it is important! 4. phpMyAdmin – Α web based MySQL Administration Tool Download Link: http://www.phpmyadmin.net/home_page/index.php Extract phpMyAdmin Extract the contents of the zip in htdocs which is located in the installation path of Apache.My path C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs After the extract to phpMyAdmin you 'll see a folder like this--> phpMyAdmin- Rename it to something easy like pma or phpMyAdmin. Ths change means that this will be the full path C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\phpMyAdmin. !BE SURE that to this folder that there are all the files of phpMyAdmin and not from someone else folder Configuring phpMyAdmin Inside phpMyAdmin there's a file named config.sample.inc.php Rename it to config.inc.php Then open it with your notepad. Find these lines: /* * First server */ $i++; /* Authentication type */ $cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'cookie'; and change them to /* * First server */ $i++; /* Authentication type */ $cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'http'; Save and close the file. An authorization prompt will appear and there you will put the same password and username as in the installation of MySQL. If you're daredevil and you want to set up a webpage with php technology follow this guide :P
  11. Nice share vent00za,the wings are cool.. ;)
  12. I can't execute the most files in MySQL..I use l2j Server Version= 2049 Datapack Version= 4552...(Hellbound). I think that I'm not doing any wrong,but the revision files is broken. The error I get:[Err] 1005 - Can't create table '.\l2jdb\account_data.frm' (errno: 121) [Msg] Finished - Unsuccessfully Anyway if you can help pls help me to find the solution. :-X
  13. Ty for this incredible share Unstopable.It rocks and in my opinion,this should go Sticky..
  14. Amazing shares Hackz0r.Ty for the incredibles shares.. :)
  15. The server is really good.It worths the visit. 8)
  16. Really nice accessory.Good share vent00za :).
  17. Kinda funny,but I like it.Nice share Critical. :)
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