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Everything posted by Devlin

  1. It's already done, my love. BETA is tomorrow! So, Tuesday 27th of August 2013 - 11:00 to 18:00 GMT+2.
  2. Hey. - Updated features. http://l2elcardia.us/forum/index.php?topic=4.0 - Some IG Commands. http://l2elcardia.us/forum/index.php?topic=11.0 - Brand new Event Engine. http://l2elcardia.us/forum/index.php?topic=9.0 Register in our forums, to get the latest news.
  3. You closed the item? (</item>) or the list? (</list>).
  4. In few days is the BETA opening. Thank you btw. Amnesty, thank you too. Also, check our new event engine. http://l2elcardia.us/forum/index.php?topic=9.0 Some IG Commands. http://l2elcardia.us/forum/index.php?topic=11.0
  5. For clan leaders. http://l2elcardia.us/forum/index.php?topic=6.0 Brand new event engine, is out. http://l2elcardia.us/forum/index.php?topic=9.0
  6. If you can't find alone a solution for such thing, close it.
  7. We are working on server's setup & optimizing. Beta is coming closer & closer. By the way, forum is better than ever. Feel free to join.
  8. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=258010.0 Why this topic is locked?
  9. I am thinking for a major update of the rb zone. Also, about the assist thingy is interesting but we will see.
  10. Solo Instanced Event. - Everyone can enter this event the same time but they will play in different worlds. - There is a Solo-Event Teleportation Cube in order to join the event. This cube, can be found in custom shop. - You will be teleported in a zone and you have to wait 10 seconds till the monsters get spawned. - Then, you have 3 minutes to kill as many monsters as you can. - More monsters = Bigger rewards (lifestones). By the way, this event is the only way to get lifestones.
  11. Not yet, we are working on last things (server).
  12. L2Elcardia community forum, is online!! http://l2elcardia.us/forum/index.php
  13. Thanks for this post dude. Let me answer, 1) I decided to do open beta finally. 2) Thanks, I will. 3) I know the situation. 4) We are 2 developers (I am and Admin-Owner) but I will search for a GM. 5) Dedicated machine is already optimized for 500 players.
  14. I know. I am not sure about closed beta. I have to think it.
  15. Website is online! http://l2elcardia.us/ Forum will be online tomorrow!
  16. Good morning guys! We got the dedicated machine, and tomorrow we will announce the date of the Beta opening. Also, today we will try to open our website & forum.
  17. It's not sure about closed beta yet.
  18. Sorry for double post. IMPORTANT! - Website & forum will be online tomorrow. - Beta opening will take place in few days. For Beta keys (if you want to join beta), pm me.
  19. This guy is trustful & helpful. I got this dedicated. Thank you!
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