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Everything posted by Devlin

  1. Good morning guys! Server is going well, we faced some little problems but everything now is fixed. New features added. The only thing is skill balance and the last things like items, rewards and such. Thanks for your attention. Be ready for a new unique experience!!
  2. Added grand boss zone: - There is a grand boss inside (Scarlet Van Halisha) which respawns 12 hours after its death. The droplist: - Blue Eva (farm items) : 500 to 1000 (100%) - RRB : 1 to 3 (100%) - Crystal Scrolls : 1 to 5 (100%) - Clan Reputation Item : 5 to 15 (100%)
  3. Dunno yet. It's not ready yet.
  4. I don't think so. 1,199 USD = 896 Euro.
  5. BETA Phase is coming soon. Stay tuned!
  6. Nicolás™,InTheEndॐ δεν είναι καν developers.
  7. Thank you. I am trying to make possible anything to get the server online for tests at the following days.
  8. Pack is based on aCis. We don't know absolutely nothing about opening date. We have to make sure that the server is ready. Thanks for your post tho.
  9. Not really. I guess only by Clan Events. Huh, thank you :)
  10. It gives only 25% speed, attack speed & casting speed. There are no worries about.
  11. Unique Buffer System (AIO like): - Custom Title - Custom Name Color - Custom Title Color - Nobless Status - Equipped Dual Weapons - Many Skills (+ Super Haste LvL 1) Restrictions: - Can't use /escape command. - Can't use gatekeepers, teleporters. - Can't use class master. - Can't register in olympiad. - Can't go outside of Giran. - Can't register in events.
  12. For now, I don't have other ways in my mind. Maybe from GM events, or Top PvP player of the month, or the first who will reach level 80? We will see.
  13. VIP System is out! Thanks for your kind words. You are a really good person and skilled player. We are working on more features, to make the game more enjoyable. Soon, many things will be added - changed. Thanks once again.
  14. Unique VIP System in under developing. Detailed description of the feature, soon. Features of this system: - Custom Title Color (in the game, there is no way to get colored title except this). - Announce when login. - Announce on become. - Instant level 80 (nobless status, ultimate skill). - If the vip is clan leader, the clan rep item will give 1500 points to the clan instead of 1000 (normal). - Custom Chat Mode is unlocked for VIPs. These for now. VIP will be the only feature I guess which will be added in the list of donations.
  15. We reached 1000 topic views, thanks people.
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