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Everything posted by Devlin

  1. It's not available yet. I3ase, thanks bro :)
  2. Για πες περίπου τι δουλειά έχεις κάνει.
  3. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/170398-l2jl2league/ This is the first server. With the meaning "The Second Episode" we mean the second server :D
  4. Custom currency concept. There is a coin called League Medal and it can be obtained by many ways like Raidbosses, Vote Reward, Event Reward, GM Reward, Champion Monsters & such. By farming you obtain retail materials & adenas. These League Medals can be exchanged with Lifestones, BOG, Crystal Scrolls, Raid Jewels and such items. About the Gambling NPC, you can bet adenas & League Medals.
  5. I just did 2 previews but never worked on them. Both junked the next day. This is my 2nd server and it will open.
  6. I have opened only one server. Where are the multiple times?
  7. That's the main plan in my mind.
  8. Since exp isn't ready (instant 80 level) you have to farm some exp. Also, the main currency will be Adena (I guess) and it will be pretty easy. About augmentation system, I am thinking to add L2League's system. Zones not decided yet. We are still working on.
  9. Any suggestion/critism/discussion is acceptable.
  10. I know well this guy. He owns a store and he is busy the most time. Just wait for him.
  11. Lineage II League - - Welcome to L2League, a brand new server with customized && retail gameplay to make it more interesting. Let me introduce the server to you. - - Rates - Experience Points: x1000 - Skill Points: x1000 - Adena Drop: x1000 - Normal Scroll Rate: 70% - Blessed Scroll Rate: 85% - Crystal Scroll Rate: 100% - Safe Enchant: +3 - Max Enchant for Weapon: +12 - Max Enchant for Armor: +16 - High Grade Lifestone Chance: 15% (working Glows) - Top Grade Lifestone Chance: 25% (working Glows) Features - Clan Penalty Disabled - Retail Olympiad - Wedding System - Image Preview - Champion Monsters - Image Preview - Class Master - Announcement of Mannon's Spawn - Clan && Alliance Crests on NPCs - Raid Curse Disabled - 15 Seconds Spawn & Teleport Protection - Delevel Disabled - Death Penalty Disabled - Crafting Disabled - Subclass Quest Disabled - Buff Slots: 32 (+4 Divine Inspiration) - Jail PvP Mode - Auto Loot Enabled - Discard Item Disabled - Community Board (ALT+Β) - L2Walker Protection - Tutorial Disabled Custom Features - Gatekeeper (NOTE: we don't have pvp zone, every zone can be a pvp zone, farm zones as well.) - Image Preview - Exchange System (double click on adena = gb, double click on gb = adena) - Pvp Protection Engine (detailed information soon) - Castle Siege Reward (if your clan win a castle siege, all online clan members will receive a reward) - Image Preview - Killing Spree System (each 5 pvp kills, your name is getting announced. when you reach 50 pvp kills without to die, you will recieve a really big reward for your effort. do not try to cheat, we are protected {see Pvp Protection Engine}) - Image Preview - Merchant Shop (classic gm shop with additional section for custom exchanges and such) - Image Preview - - Many features will be added soon. Kind regards, Lineage II League Staff.
  12. My skype is harris.devlin , add me and tell me what do you need.
  13. Το skype μου είναι harris.devlin
  14. Check this. http://pastebin.com/X50RHX7G You need only the sql part. I guess it's good.
  15. player.getPet().setCurrentHp(player.getPet().getMaxHp()); ?
  16. OMG. kanto L2JFrozenSettings to J elipe.
  17. Hello people. I have these lines: String message = ""; message = Config.PVP_REWARD_MESSAGE.replaceAll("%itemName%", PvpItemName); message = Config.PVP_REWARD_MESSAGE.replaceAll("%itemCount%", PvpItemCount); player.sendMessage(message); The 3rd line: message = Config.PVP_REWARD_MESSAGE.replaceAll("%itemCount%", PvpItemCount); It's Integer but replaceAll is String, String. I was away from developing for a while and I can't remember how to fix it. Any idea? Thanks in advance.
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