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Everything posted by Devlin

  1. Formulas.java Search for calcMpRegen method. For my project, exist a config for mana regeneration multiplier but the method is mpRegenMultiplier.
  2. Μάλιστα δάσκαλε, δεν θα ξαναγίνει.
  3. απλά βάλε την μεταβλητή if (activeChar.getPvpKills() =< 50) τα αρχεία για τα chat είναι στο package handlers.chathandlers 1) ChatTrade.java 2) ChatShout.java
  4. There are 2 topics about this server. One here (previews) & one at Private Servers section. Tell me, which one should be locked? Because you start tomorrow, you can keep that one at Private Servers section.
  5. Server already posted, topic locked.
  6. Δεν είναι καλό να χρησιμοποιείς ακόμα τέτοια npc. Δοκίμασε κάτι στην java, είναι αρκετά καλύτερο.
  7. Hey people. With few words, I can code almost anything you want. Custom features, events and so on. Skype ID : harris.devlin
  8. Locked, if you need anything else just pm me to unlock it.
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