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Everything posted by ADAL13

  1. Good idea! I'm working for it start...
  2. Old trick. It worked on retail too xDD
  3. To make work on official servers do all the process exept the part of the "30 second fix" if you get disconnected on 30 seconds just donwload the echo patch of fyyre and unzip it on System folder but then go to echo.ini and in version change the "1" for a "3" then log with l2walker it should work.
  4. I'm agree with you in all, also, each new chronicle brings a "new" RB monsters but to get to him you must pass a lot of fucking quests minium level required have "X" equipment etc etc etc. And also each chronicle brings new skills that you have to learn etc, etc When we saw a Bishop killing people? Omg...
  5. Hellow, okey, I'm gonna explain you my tip or enchanting. I say at first IT IS NOT AN EXPLOIT/BUG/PROGRAM it is just a tip, let's begin: First Step: Buy some weapons (let's take Icarus Disperer in example) ok buy 2 or 3 and buy like 1k of EWS. Second Step: Enchant the weapons until you get one of them at +10. Third Step: Enchant other weapon until the safe enchant [+5 in example] Fourth Step: Equip your +10 Icarus Disperer and go to farm some money. Fiveth Step: Enchant you +5 Icarus Disperer one by one while you are killing mobs (enchant +1 each 1m more or less) Sixth Step: When you get the other Icarus +10 too, enchant both +1 and +1 until one of them break. Then when one break just buy a new one and make them the + of the other is, do all the steps until you get the +++ that you want. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It can sound very difficult and bored but believe me, it works! In half hour I got yesterday 2 +15 Icarus Disperer, [both broke when trying +16 :P] ---------- Good luck! Regardings; P.D: Don't flame.
  6. Haha you should trust more in people like me ;)
  7. Good share, it sounds good.
  8. edited first posts, fixed some errors.
  9. If you follow all the steps that I put here is for L2J, in order to make it work to retail (www.lineage2.com) just do all the steps, and when you finish only edit the echo.ini file, when it says Version=1 just change the "1" for a "3" and it will work in retail.
  10. I'm placed that it works for the people.
  11. Make sure, u have applied "echo patch" and make sure u had deleted Gameguard completly from your computer, for more info about that read: http://mfyyre.narod.ru/txt/minifaq.txt
  12. If you server hasn't a specially loader or something like that be sure that u won't have problems with Bake-Ice and things like that. Btw post limit changed to 10. ;)
  13. Win32.Malware.gen Thats because the crack, that need to generate a random key. P.D: Post limit changed to 10 to avoid spam in my PM's
  14. see my thread: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=40989.0
  15. The IGWalker is from mandachumbo, and my ESET NOD32 dont detect it...
  16. in this version it doesn't work with the "End" key of keyboard, u must go to other control and press Start combat and start autofun. Also, check if there are mobs in range, etc...
  17. You don't have to run l2endec, just in open the Start menu on windows, then press "Execute" and write cmd, a MSDOS console will appear... then follow the rest of the steps.
  18. Edited 1st post, added direct link to l2endec
  19. 1. Step, donwload L2W from here: http://www.4shared.com/file/72755482/f459647/IG_Walker.html © Mandachunbo 2. Step, donwload no-gg patch from here: http://mfyyre.narod.ru/ct2pt2_nogg.rar'>http://mfyyre.narod.ru/ct2pt2_nogg.rar © Fyyre 3. Step, download last version of l2endec from here: http://www.l2wh.com/dstuff/public/common/l2encdec_292.zip, unzip it into system folder and then go to start, execute and write cmd a MSDOS window will appear, enter in MSDOS window cd path where u have your system folder. for instance: cd C:\Program Files\Lineage II\system then press enter, and then write patcher.exe -f Wait until process is finished. 4. Step, download this l2.exe and unzip it on your system folder: http://mfyyre.narod.ru/l2disablenc_ct2pt2.rar'>http://mfyyre.narod.ru/l2disablenc_ct2pt2.rar credits to Fyyre again (this is a clean l2.exe, without Themida protection and free of threats and viruses) 5. Step, donwload this: http://mfyyre.narod.ru/projects/echo.rar'>http://mfyyre.narod.ru/projects/echo.rar and unzip it into your system folder, so it will fix the 30 seconds disconnection 6. Step, execute l2walker.exe and run it, log in, and press home in your keyboard go to other settings first option u will se verify ok. Voila! You have system patched with no gameguard and also ur system folder now can accept files as colors messages or npc level/agro. ----- Visit http://mfyyre.narod.ru/ for his shares. Credits to: mandachumbo [l2walker] Fyyre [no-gg+30seconds fix+l2.exe without viruses theats] DStuff [l2endec] Me for the guide. Hope it will stickied. ---------------- Edit: Added direct link to l2endec.
  20. but can u learn skills from master in towns?
  21. Does it works on L2J servers? Must I use a No-GG patch or it will kick me or something like that?
  22. it works lol but I never was able to make it run :S but for the moment I don't need it, I prefer L2W
  23. wellcome to maxcheaters! nice to have you here ;)
  24. up, the things haven't to be the same, for instance, I give Draco for Dragon Slayer or things like that...
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