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Everything posted by DirtySexMusicX

  1. clasic would be something nice and new.. i hope that peoples will welcome this new concept.. i got tired of minister and karasu same features same shitty instances bla bla same ranking system.. i definely want something new <3 good luck with you project.. i will pray that everyone will welcome this new concept
  2. lmao the bot army event incomming.. brace yourselves
  3. he gave +30 items to ppl with +12 aperance.. just if he would stop from doing this kind of stuffs.. he would have the best server around
  4. my dreams are ruined.. forced to play here again :( such a cruel world
  5. NEW L2TALES x15 10k+ ON 26/4 OPENED! NEW SOVEREIGN x15 HIGH FIVE, 2HOUR BUFFS, ANTIBOT , 10.000 ONLINE 26 April OPENED! L2Holiday 50x HighFive midrate NEW x50 H5,WEEKLY HEROES, WEEKLY SIEGES/TW, 2HOUR BUFFS, ANTIBOT , 10.000 ONLINE 31 July OPENED! ofc not same serbidor...
  6. oh mega much pvp me gusta
  7. oh cumming on the server... home to meet some old flammerinos :happyforever:
  8. they are l2tales team... ><
  9. since i am probably behinde.. i can be driver for any of your characters.. but idk if i'm going to start a new one ><
  10. as title says: WTS Archmage with the items: +6 NOBLES ROBE SET FULL ELEMENT+ FOUND +7 Rising Star no SA yet.. WTS Vesper Caster +7 full element + WTS olf shirt +3 WTS vorpal jewel set +6 piece by piece or all set.. OR i sell the whole char also skills echanted +15-30 Pm on private or on skype: eustafieivi.bogdan
  11. u spammed 3 times allready this topic on this focus.. aren't you kinda disperated?
  12. last time i had my CP with me farming your clan.. i guess this time i have to do it alone :) :dat: :-beep- yeah:
  13. yea that one yea XD
  14. minister need money again? how abt i send you some euros and never open you fail servers again.. without accept from votezones XD
  15. not really.. if the peoples have brain and teamspirit and some skills :> you can organize easily :D
  16. aw that hurts XD
  17. sounds interesting :>
  18. Hello Knipex ,cant get approve on hopzone/topzone ? so now Make all for free, get some donations to save the investment then close the server ,ALL HAPPY! GG Knipex aka Evade/Sonic/Dodge/Noble offtopic: at least forsaken had pvp :okey: :poker face:
  19. you dont have to ask me twice :))))
  20. nice videos we are waiting you on l2world l2off XD
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