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About Evencelance

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  1. Use client Lineage 1 to connect this server.
  2. how to compile this ? 1.7 not supported in build
  3. 1) it's not source (compile) 2) hf 3) compile with binded ip
  4. it's not support 28 protocol
  5. Он не всё открывает скажем та же самая конструкция Itemname уже давно изменилась так что обычный IO FE не сработает тут. Нужно подыскать подходящие ddf. (Rus) He did not say everything opens the same design Itemname has long been changed so that the normal IO FE does not work here. It is necessary to find suitable ddf. (Eng)
  6. Tell yourself the price, it's just a html design without scripts
  7. it's only design , who needs one himself under her remake
  8. Hello MaxCheaters Users Today i would like to show you Custom html Design Community Board for High Five Preview : http://imgur.com/a/VDi6z Contact info : ICQ => 678072475
  9. I mean what is essentially two different chronicle is not it? It turns into a single server will support two at the same time chronicles?
  10. Please explain why you support 19 protocol, your development will be able to support 2 option as a server Ertheia and Classic ?
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