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About fernandoz

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  1. same here. Just searched through the entire post and nothing
  2. Hi everyone, after spending the whole day looking for information and trying to add more icons for macros in L2 H5, I've failed big time. First I've tried downloading some files already edited with a lot of icons but when I replace in my files they don't appear In game. I know they are edited coz I've look for info in the forum and found a lot of guides with different apps (l2tool, l2editor, mxencdec, unrealengine) and I opened the l2ui.utx with l2editor and in macrownd appear different icons. I've tried using the programs but didn't know how, all the encrypting, decrypting, saving as, etc, was too much info and couldn't make it work. Also looked in google and youtube for videos explaining but they r russian and hard to understand. Besides some guides are really old and with links broken and hard to obtain some softwares. So what I need is some help to add more icons for macro editing. Or maybe the entire l2ui.utx file for H5 already edited so I may try to replace in this server I'm playing. Thanks in advance and if I missed some guide for newbies, I'm sorry. I searched a lot in this forum and couldn't make it work for myself. Later last night I was trying replacing with the l2ui.utx from Deadz Interface and I manage to get some colored macro icons. But not all the available ones. I want to add some with skills icons and stuff like that.
  3. U know that I've the same problem and can't find solution yet. I've been replacing all the other files except from interface.u and work fine, but when I try to replace that file, get a critical error.
  4. nobody else has this problem??
  5. And all the post I'm reading/looking when I try to open the links in the post im getting error..Its only me? Also the search function is not working properly. But at least the links inside maxcheater I need them to work so I can follow some instructions. Thks
  6. Looking for a walker, l2net or whatever that works on l2null. IP: I've tried all and I can't bypass their security
  7. Have u find any?
  8. why only 64bit? Isn't there one for 32bit?
  9. Y works for God... though I haven't tried ur server! And Yes, u can open more than one.
  10. Oh f*ck that sh*t!! jajaj well thats too bad! thks anyway. Keep up the good work
  11. hey man, I'm not able to make it work... Do u think it could be the server has protection against l2net? is l2null server. I know the l2null official server has protection but they opened a beta server and it's not working there either.. If u can try to see if u can manage to make it work I'll appreciate it. Server name: l2null.com server ip: U just have to download the new patch and give it a try..accounts are auto-creatted(coz its a beta)
  12. Y man sorry! I was going to edit it again coz I just saw it! I'm Really sorry! Well now I have to say it ! Perfect guide :D ajjaja thanks man
  13. One of the best guides I've saw around, because of the step by step and the pictures helps a lot. Gratz dude and thks a lot for the help
  14. me too! I'm still looking for a solution but I can't find it :S
  15. I need some help with www.l2null.com I was able to use l2net a couple of months ago, but they released a new patch and now I can't log in. The server ip is When I try to connect with l2net OOG it gives me an error that says "index was outside the bounds of the array" I try differents way to solve it but I still can't do it.
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