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Everything posted by godz

  1. I wtb any unique items that it needs an archer. Post here the offers...
  2. i give u 100 euro
  3. Piracy don't kill music
  4. godz


  5. nice
  6. hmmm,u said that it will be up at 20th december,but i can't connect.Maybe is down...
  7. i am gonna get it :P
  8. lol. The English word good,u say it gud?And then u say me "noob".Obviously you are the n00b here...
  9. My nick-name is "godz" not "gud"......
  10. -===== Blue Dragon PvP Server Info =====-- (*) @ The 1st Lineage II Server special created for PvP Combat Mode with No Rulles and special features (*) @ Server Rates: 3000x Xp 3000x Sp 3000x Adena (*) @ Enchant Rate: 75% with +10 safe for all, max +30 on weps and +35 on armors and jwls ------------------------------------------------ [*] @ Working Subclass ------------------------------------------------ [*] @ Working Hero Class ------------------------------------------------ [*] @ Working Nobles Class ------------------------------------------------ [*] @ Working Clan Halls ------------------------------------------------ [*] @ C1/C2/C3/C4/C5/Interlude/Kamael ------------------------------------------------ [*] @ C1/C2/C3/C4/C5/Interlude/Kamael areas [*] @ C1/C2/C3/C4/C5/Interlude/Kamael mobs [*] @ C1/C2/C3/C4/C5/Interlude skills ------------------------------------------------ [*] @ Custom GM Shop [*] @ Custom GateKeeper [*] @ Custom NPC Buffer [*] @ Custom NPC BUffer for Castles [*] @ Custom Weapons ------------------------------------------------ [*] @ Wedding [*] @ Olympiad (hero weapon enchant system) [*] @ Stable Build ------------------------------------------------ [*] @ Epic Weapons and Armors ------------------------------------------------ [*] @ Kamael Armors [*] @ Kamael Weapons [*] @ Kamael Accesories ------------------------------------------------ [*] @ Ancient Adena Zone: Antharas Nest, Field of Silence [*] @ Adena Zones: Dragon Valley Cave and TOI 9 [*] @ Custom Raid Boss for Top Grade Life Stones, Big Drop Adena and AA - Baium\'s Lair ------------------------------------------------ [*] @ Auto TVT and CTF ! ----------------------------------------------- [*] @ New system for PvP Combat (delay 0) (reuse 1) for all skills! [*] @ Mages need just one seed (4 times) to use Nobless SKills, Elementals,Symphonys [*] @ Archers have higher atack speed ! (1 skill/sec) ------------------------------------------------ [*] @ Regeneration 100% (mana,cp,hp) ! ------------------------------------------------ [*] @ Subclass system : 5 non-stackable subclasses on a single char available ------------------------------------------------ Our private server is fresh, new, and unplayed. This server will bring a true revolution in lineage 2 gaming, with on of the best dedicated teams available running it for you. (((SERVER INFORMATION))) Proc: Quad Core 3.0 Ghz Ram: 4 x 1GB Kingston DDR2 HDD: 1 x 500GB WD 1000 RPM 16 MB BUFFER ============================================================================ Site URL => http://www.bluedragon.ro/index.php?id=start ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Forum URL => http://forum.bluedragon.ro/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Download the server system =>http://rapidshare.com/files/69411525/BlueDragon_patch_v.13-11.2007.rar.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Accounts Are Auto-Create~ ~bY gOdz
  11. Well I am not newbie but it will help me :D
  12. rietvield: ok i give u the money to powerlvl my char.oK?
  13. godz

    interlude L][2 OwNaGe

    what u think so? ???
  15. x0ax0a0x0a0.Nazghool you make me laught. 1)Yes,i did wrong for the url and yes i change it! 2)ok u think that u can find the forum that i found it,So i am waiting you to prove it!
  16. Well,obviously again you misunderstooD!(omfg) 1)You must use the dbg OR the editor,not both of them! 2)Nazghool if u don't feel it,i don't care of.I found the crack!! 3) IT's not c/p!!!
  17. 25 weapon - psofos oloi!
  18. godz

    Count till...

  19. 1) the ID not any nick-name! 2) Man YOU DO something WRONG!Just go to the editor!and put the fu**ing ID then go to the game and press it again the LOG IN!omg... >:( 3) only the ID 5n4k3
  20. i am intersted.check your messages!
  21. i fix the url and i think that i did it more understandable.
  22. well guyz, 1st the program isn't fake!!! 2nd it really anderstandable the movements that i had written! 3rd tell me what u DON' UNDERSTAND? :S PS what the f**k is the c/p ????
  23. GUyZ tn poulo sto baoulo oloi sas egw eimai Teh Pr0 the b3sT(ma ti lew o an8rwpos?)
  24. Ok gUyZ, this how u can crack the Lineage2 and then u can LOG WITH ANY ACC.tHE only thing u have to know is the ID and to use the following programs. ~The first program that we have to use is a desassembler.The program u can get it from here ===> http://www.mpcforum.com/showthread.php?t=211411 OR ~The second program is an editor.the program u can download free from this link ===> www.tinyurl.com/2xyz84. Ok,now u run one of the programs and then u go to 1) File -> Open -> then we open the file with the name "l2.exe" 2) Edit -> Find (here u press on the character section) Well guyz it is easy open l2 put the ID then go to the editor and put it again there on the "Edit" -> "find" then,after u had pressed the ID,u press "Find".After this u have to go on the lineage 2 and u have to press "Log In" with the cursor!Now u logged at the account without using psw. I have tested,so i am sure that is works! ~gOdz
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