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Everything posted by godz

  1. godz

    interlude L][2 OwNaGe

    who have clan on the l2-Ownage?
  2. mine is g00pymart@hotmail.com
  3. godz


    x0a0x0a0xa0x0a0x0a0x0ax0a0x0ax0a0x0ax0a0x0ax0a0x0a0xa0x0ax0a0x0ax0a0x0a0xa0x0a0xa0x0a0x0a0a0x0ax00ax0a0x0ax0a Haxor rulz m@n ruLz! anyway.Pernei tn doniti kai tis tn xwni sto m**ni.ekeinh thn stigmh kanei h geitonissa "Poios mlk mu tn xwnei?" apntaei o batsos "egw" tote pianei to midralio h geitonissa kai arxizei na tu gemizei molivi .Tot3 .....
  4. OMG guyz speak english! Read the rulz!!!- btw in my opinion this post is for lock.
  5. not only 1-78 and 3 rebirths
  6. godz


    Meta ths leei: mwri ksekoliara ti 8es edw?Apo ta polla tsiboukia exeis bgalei spirakia!,Ekeinh thn stigmh boukarei enas astinomikos kai leei :.....
  7. hey guyz,but my first aim is the powerlvling.Can somebody do? i give 20 euro
  8. how much?
  9. 1185
  10. godz


    0xa0x0a0xa0 -- Meta pianei o fanis to troboni kai arxizei na paizei to "For Elyse" ekeinh omws thn stigmh...
  11. Well,the server rulz.I have played on the server! Guyz come to increase the community
  12. Well,obviously it was my misunderstood-Sorry.Btw on what server u play nowadays? :P
  13. l2mafia rulz.It is the best l2gve style server
  14. GuyZ,Triple sonic slash rulz! It has the best over-hit! believe me...
  15. nazghoul i don't have paypal acc.So i can't donate.COulD u help m3?
  16. godz


    nai 8elw as to kan00me stis paparounes tote lei o fanis "goustarw tis kinky katastaseis" kai meta...
  17. what u want to say with this?
  18. godz


    na kanei prws8etikh sth8ous omws o fanis i8ele kai na megalwsei kai ta xeilh tu gi'auto tu ipe...
  19. OK man so for 20 euro can u do me power lvling? Or can u find ppl that can do it?
  20. WhaT? U think is not much? oMg! how much u want? 250.000 euro maybe? man,they are too much for lvl up on a x45 server ok?
  21. godz


  22. i offer 200 euro
  23. godz


    tin petaei dexia tin petaei aristera alla tpt.Se mia stigmh katalavainei oti...
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