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About valkata

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    Stara Zagora
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    Lineage 2, Programming, Creating websites.

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  1. Hello, I tried all of suggestions even the newest build files but I have some problems with protocol version. I do not know what is the reason even when I added all protocols but I still have the problem " Your protocol version is different ". This make me confused... My game is on Ertheia everything is on it but why the hell it gave me this error ? Any ideas ?
  2. First of your posts that include only client side .... Shieeeet... Why didn't you add and server side ??? Tooo lazy ???? Omg ... I do not like to create every file of server side... Well if I had to make files by my own I will make them all not only server side files.
  3. Where is your sql file ? When you are giving custom items like this one you should share client side and server files. Not to share only one of them... Learn how to share items or just learn how to make them work proper......... Because on this way how you shared them are for garbage can! I mean your weapon files because armor link is invalid !
  4. Leave it... They are not adapted for H5. This files can be used only in Freya and IL ....
  5. I think you are joking.... You gave only client side... Where is the server side files ???? Alright... You gave client side but you missed server side and database files... Well this files are for garbage can!!!!
  6. Well... This doesn't work proper. You have to work harder on this project. I found a lot of problems and mistakes...
  7. Also I've tried with all chonicles and all other version instead of 413 but it still can not be opened.... I really don't know what to do. I have no idea
  8. Well... I changed it to chronicle High Five. I changed armorgrp, skillname etc but ItemName-e.dat can't be opened only....
  9. Dear maxcheaters and lineage 2 players, Who can help me? I wanted to add new items in my own server but I need to modify 4 files in my system: - Armorgt.dat - ItemName-e.dat - Skillname.dat - Skillgrp.dat I'm using File Edit for High Five because my version of the server is H5 but ItemName-e.dat is the problem file. I've tried it many times but File Edit can not open it... What I must do to open it and add the names of my items that I made? They work in the server but they don't have names? With respect, Valkata
  10. 007florin you must be an idiot.... Your versions are fully bugged and unstable. How you dare to say "STABLE" on some version that even doesn't work ????? You even didn't compile whole files idiot!!!!
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