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About ontheotherhand

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. JUst play Wow or L2. I find L2 still kick ass!!!
  2. for me Guardian if you want PvP like me :D
  3. gyftorequest leei aaaaaaaaaaaaaxaxax pe8enw
  4. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaxaxax gamaei :P
  5. oh great songs!
  6. simenei oti i etaiaria pou eixe to tragoudi sto katevase. distixws ayto ginete sinexeia sto youtube
  7. ontws kai egw dn vlepw fws. kalitera enas texnikos 8a sou pei ti na kaneis
  8. i think its overpriced but gratz :D
  9. yes can we have the psd files again?
  10. great stuff really! Hope we see you more like this
  11. you mean the BETA server stage. Now its oficialy live and stable. Hope we see you in game :)
  12. great Game. His moves are awsome and cool!
  13. paidia akomi dn exei vgei swsto crack gia to manager. opote kalitera na perimenoume mexri na vgei kati kalo
  14. great screen!!! i made my account just to tell you that!
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