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MlDNlGHT last won the day on July 27 2015

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About MlDNlGHT

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    A.k.a. Phear.3d

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  1. I just have to chime in on this and lol! I sure hope you got A LOT better than that first c# program you made, I sure wish I still had a screenshot of its cartoonish, childish user interface, it was purely lol! I find it funny that 2 years ago you could barely design and code a decent c# prog, yet today "my career is c# based". Hope you took some classes. I do believe, however, the people saying you will abandon this project are correct. You will get bored with it and move on to your next fail project. best of luck to you though! Your good friend, Phear3d :-*
  2. (Tested on Hi5, may or may not work on other chronicles) Packets are different on GF and before. Thanks, but irrelevant now, just as L2. :)
  3. You're welcome, Thanks. Hope you find someplace to use it, and enjoy.
  4. Move the entire L2NETHI5 folder off your desktop, to a different location like c: root and try. Also check my first post to make sure you have the correct L2NET settings, set. Run L2NET.exe as Administrator. Finally check that the FLAG_CHAR.L2C file is actually inside the folder \SCRIPTS\AXELSOLOZONE\ and named properly. This script no longer works, but could be pretty easily made to work again. Since Axel Solo Zone does not allow mages inside anymore.
  5. Fix for L2 Axel target/stand near a GM SHOP NPC and run it Put this in your Scripts/SuperAugment folder. Lol at the gemstone 5000 limit? Really? That's your fix? LOL I like the "fix" for the solo zone also, don't allow any mages now, roflmfao!!!!! Pro dude, just pro. Your move. SuperAugment_Axel.zip
  6. I feel like you're a moron monkey, who can't read/write or even distinguish code. (copy/paste from LUA to L2NET, ROFL) ( sorry but the buttons I chose to use are going to look similar, because they are HARDCODED in to the client, dumbfu<k.) Using your MONKEY logic, I guess PVPSUITE copy pasted his LUA code from geddy's (l2tower). C++ copy pasted to LUA, LUA copy/pasted to JingJing. Lmfao. Fu<king imbecile. And YES I did choose a similiar GUI design to L2TOWER, because of it's simplistic nature, and ease of use, just for imbeciles like yourself. You see, even a moron like you couldn't possibly NOT figure out how to use it. EVEN WITHOUT detailed instructions. If this monkey EVEN bothered to check, you can clearly see I copy/pasted pvpsuite's code from LUA to JingJing. /end sarcasm (You must be an asslicker of pvpsuite eh?) PvPSuite LUA function SubMenu(param) local html = THtmlGenerator("PvP Suite > "..param); html:AddHtml('<center><img src="L2UI_CH3.herotower_deco" width=256 height=32 align=left>'); if (param == "Protections") then local Condition = false; if ((PvPSuite[33])) then Condition = true; end; html:AddHtml("</br ></br >"); html:AddHtml('<table bgcolor=303030 cellspacing=4 cellpadding=2 width=221><tr><td align=left valign=top width=236>'); html:AddButton(THtmlAction("/doaction"):AddParam("Anti Deadly"),THtmlButtonStyle.BUTTON_EXTRA, "Anti Deadly",Condition,"","",120,25); html:AddHtml('</td><td align=right valign=top width=236><img src="'..GetSkillIcon(263)..'" height=32 width=32></br ></td></tr></table>'); if (PvPSuite[17]) then html:AddHtml("<table bgcolor=303030 cellspacing=4 cellpadding=2 width=244><tr><td align=left valign=top width=236>"); html:AddHtml("Your character will turn its face on Deadly Blow."); html:AddHtml("</td></tr></table>"); end; Condition = false; if ((PvPSuite[1])) then Condition = true; end; html:AddHtml("</br ></br >"); html:AddHtml('<table bgcolor=303030 cellspacing=4 cellpadding=2 width=221><tr><td align=left valign=top width=236>'); html:AddButton(THtmlAction("/doaction"):AddParam("Anti Backstab"),THtmlButtonStyle.BUTTON_EXTRA, "Anti Backstab",Condition,"","",120,25); html:AddHtml('</td><td align=right valign=top width=236><img src="'..GetSkillIcon(30)..'" height=32 width=32></br ></td></tr></table>'); if (PvPSuite[17]) then html:AddHtml("<table bgcolor=303030 cellspacing=4 cellpadding=2 width=245><tr><td align=left valign=top width=236>"); html:AddHtml("Your character will turn its face on Backstab."); html:AddHtml("</td></tr></table>"); end; Condition = false; if ((PvPSuite[2])) then Condition = true; end; html:AddHtml("</br ></br >"); html:AddHtml('<table bgcolor=303030 cellspacing=4 cellpadding=2 width=236><tr><td align=left valign=top width=236>'); html:AddButton(THtmlAction("/doaction"):AddParam("Anti Lethal"),THtmlButtonStyle.BUTTON_EXTRA, "Anti Lethal",Condition,"","",120,25); html:AddHtml('</td><td align=right valign=top width=200><img src="'..GetSkillIcon(344)..'" height=32 width=32></br ></td></tr></table>'); if (PvPSuite[17]) then html:AddHtml("<table bgcolor=303030 cellspacing=4 cellpadding=2 width=244><tr><td align=left valign=top width=236>"); html:AddHtml("Your character will turn its face on Lethal Blow."); html:AddHtml("</td></tr></table>"); end; Condition = false; if ((PvPSuite[3])) then Condition = true; end; html:AddHtml("</br ></br >"); html:AddHtml('<table bgcolor=303030 cellspacing=4 cellpadding=2 width=236><tr><td align=left valign=top width=236>'); html:AddButton(THtmlAction("/doaction"):AddParam("Anti Dual Blow"),THtmlButtonStyle.BUTTON_EXTRA, "Anti Dual Blow",Condition,"","",120,25); html:AddHtml('</td><td align=right valign=top width=200><img src="'..GetSkillIcon(928)..'" height=32 width=32></br ></td></tr></table>'); if (PvPSuite[17]) then html:AddHtml("<table bgcolor=303030 cellspacing=4 cellpadding=2 width=245><tr><td align=left valign=top width=236>"); html:AddHtml("Your character will turn its face on Dual Blow."); html:AddHtml("</td></tr></table>"); end; Condition = false; if ((PvPSuite[4])) then Condition = true; end; html:AddHtml("</br ></br >"); html:AddHtml('<table bgcolor=303030 cellspacing=4 cellpadding=2 width=236><tr><td align=left valign=top width=236>'); html:AddButton(THtmlAction("/doaction"):AddParam("Anti Disarm"),THtmlButtonStyle.BUTTON_EXTRA, "Anti Disarm",Condition,"","",120,25); html:AddHtml('</td><td align=right valign=top width=200><img src="'..GetSkillIcon(485)..'" height=32 width=32></br ></td></tr></table>'); if (PvPSuite[17]) then html:AddHtml("<table bgcolor=303030 cellspacing=4 cellpadding=2 width=240><tr><td align=left valign=top width=236>"); html:AddHtml("Your character will re-equip your latest weapon once the disarm goes off."); html:AddHtml("</td></tr></table>"); end; Condition = false; if ((PvPSuite[34])) then Condition = true; end; html:AddHtml("</br ></br >"); html:AddHtml('<table bgcolor=303030 cellspacing=4 cellpadding=2 width=221><tr><td align=left valign=top width=236>'); html:AddButton(THtmlAction("/doaction"):AddParam("Anti Target Loss"),THtmlButtonStyle.BUTTON_EXTRA, "Anti Target Loss",Condition,"","",120,25); html:AddHtml('</td><td align=right valign=top width=236><img src="'..GetSkillIcon(11)..'" height=32 width=32></br ></td></tr></table>'); if (PvPSuite[17]) then html:AddHtml("<table bgcolor=303030 cellspacing=4 cellpadding=2 width=237><tr><td align=left valign=top width=236>"); html:AddHtml("Your character will fast retarget after switch/mirage/trick etc.. Please be careful since its very fast it may bug! Enable it only while PvPing!"); html:AddHtml("</td></tr></table>"); end; elseif (param == "Enhances") then Condition = false; if ((PvPSuite[61])) then Condition = true; end; html:AddHtml("</br ></br >"); html:AddHtml('<table bgcolor=303030 cellspacing=4 cellpadding=2 width=236><tr><td align=left valign=top width=236>'); html:AddButton(THtmlAction("/doaction"):AddParam("Auto SS(S-Grade)"),THtmlButtonStyle.BUTTON_EXTRA, "Auto SS(S-Grade)",Condition,"","",150,25); html:AddHtml('</td><td align=right valign=top width=200><img src="'..GetItemIcon(1467)..'" height=32 width=32></br ></td></tr></table>'); if (PvPSuite[17]) then html:AddHtml("<table bgcolor=303030 cellspacing=4 cellpadding=2 width=271><tr><td align=left valign=top width=236>"); html:AddHtml("Automatically enables S-Grade soulshots and spiritshots!"); html:AddHtml("</td></tr></table>"); end; Condition = false; if ((PvPSuite[5])) then Condition = true; end; html:AddHtml("</br ></br >"); html:AddHtml('<table bgcolor=303030 cellspacing=4 cellpadding=2 width=236><tr><td align=left valign=top width=236>'); html:AddButton(THtmlAction("/doaction"):AddParam("Barrier Fix"),THtmlButtonStyle.BUTTON_EXTRA, "Barrier Fix",Condition,"","",150,25); html:AddHtml('</td><td align=right valign=top width=200><img src="'..GetSkillIcon(1418)..'" height=32 width=32></br ></td></tr></table>'); if (PvPSuite[17]) then html:AddHtml("<table bgcolor=303030 cellspacing=4 cellpadding=2 width=267><tr><td align=left valign=top width=236>"); html:AddHtml("Tower will be paused while you're on barrier skills and resumed while barrier goes off, to avoid cancelling barrier."); html:AddHtml("</td></tr></table>"); end; Condition = false; if ((PvPSuite[6])) then Condition = true; end; html:AddHtml("</br ></br >"); html:AddHtml('<table bgcolor=303030 cellspacing=4 cellpadding=2 width=236><tr><td align=left valign=top width=236>'); html:AddButton(THtmlAction("/doaction"):AddParam("Don't Run(Fear Skills)"),THtmlButtonStyle.BUTTON_EXTRA, "Don't Run From Fear",Condition,"","",150,25); html:AddHtml('</td><td align=right valign=top width=200><img src="'..GetSkillIcon(1169)..'" height=32 width=32></br ></td></tr></table>'); if (PvPSuite[17]) then html:AddHtml("<table bgcolor=303030 cellspacing=4 cellpadding=2 width=270><tr><td align=left valign=top width=236>"); html:AddHtml("Your character won't run while on fear skills, using /unstuck method."); html:AddHtml("</td></tr></table>"); end; Condition = false; if ((PvPSuite[16]) and (iHaveAoE())) then Condition = true; end; html:AddHtml("</br ></br >"); Style = THtmlButtonStyle.BUTTON_NO_CLICK; local AoEID = 922; if (iHaveAoE()) then Style = THtmlButtonStyle.BUTTON_EXTRA; AoEID = getAoE(); end; html:AddHtml('<table bgcolor=303030 cellspacing=4 cellpadding=2 width=236><tr><td align=left valign=top width=236>'); html:AddButton(THtmlAction("/doaction"):AddParam("Auto Detection(AoE)"),Style, "Auto Detection(AoE)",Condition,"","",150,25); html:AddHtml('</td><td align=right valign=top width=200><img src="'..GetSkillIcon(AoEID)..'" height=32 width=32></br ></td></tr></table>'); if (PvPSuite[17]) then html:AddHtml("<table bgcolor=303030 cellspacing=4 cellpadding=2 width=264><tr><td align=left valign=top width=236>"); html:AddHtml("If you enable this and a character within 600 range cast hide, you'll cast automatically an AoE skill to reveal hide. Its really fast, so be aware of getting reported! Icon represents your AoE skill(if there is one)"); html:AddHtml("</td></tr></table>"); end; SuperAugment.l2s //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION window_ig //CALL RequestItemList DEFINE BYTEBUFFER window 50000 DEFINE STRING html_string "" // body - text DEFINE STRING title_text "SuperAugment" DEFINE STRING center "<center>" DEFINE STRING /center "</center>" DEFINE STRING br "<br>" DEFINE STRING _author "<font color=333333>SuperAugment<br1>By Phear3d</font>" DEFINE STRING table "<table border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"4\">" DEFINE STRING table2 "<table border=\"0\" bgcolor=\"111111\" cellpadding=\"4\">" Define string table3 "<table width=280 border=0 bgcolor=\"111111\">" DEFINE STRING /table "</table>" DEFINE STRING tr "<tr>" DEFINE STRING /tr "</tr>" DEFINE STRING td2 "<td width=\"16\">" DEFINE STRING td "<td>" DEFINE STRING /td "</td>" DEFINE STRING inp1 "<td><edit var=\"" //variable DEFINE STRING inp2 "\" width=40></td>" DEFINE STRING inp3 "$input_txt" //16 chars max DEFINE STRING bu1 "<td><button value=\"" // the word here DEFINE STRING bu2 "\" action=\"" //bypass DEFINE STRING bu3 "\" width=40 height=22 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\"></td>" DEFINE STRING byp_gem_amount "bypass -h l2net_bypass_input " DEFINE STRING byp_auginfo_on "bypass -h l2net_auginfo_on" DEFINE STRING byp_auginfo_off "bypass -h l2net_auginfo_off" DEFINE STRING on_t "ON" DEFINE STRING off_t "OFF" DEFINE STRING icon_string "" DEFINE STRING dark "L2UI_CT1.Button_DF.Gauge_DF_Attribute_Dark" DEFINE STRING dark_bg "L2UI_CT1.Button_DF.Gauge_DF_Attribute_Dark_bg" DEFINE STRING earth "L2UI_CT1.Button_DF.Gauge_DF_Attribute_Earth" DEFINE STRING earth_bg "L2UI_CT1.Button_DF.Gauge_DF_Attribute_Earth_bg" DEFINE STRING fire "L2UI_CT1.Button_DF.Gauge_DF_Attribute_Fire" DEFINE STRING fire_bg "L2UI_CT1.Button_DF.Gauge_DF_Attribute_Fire_bg" DEFINE STRING water "L2UI_CT1.Button_DF.Gauge_DF_Attribute_Water" DEFINE STRING water_bg "L2UI_CT1.Button_DF.Gauge_DF_Attribute_Water_bg" DEFINE STRING turn_on_str "<td><button value=\"+1 STR\" action=\"bypass -h l2net_str_button_on\" width=\"50\" height=\"24\" back=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF.Gauge_DF_Attribute_Earth\" fore=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF.Gauge_DF_Attribute_Earth_bg\"></td>" DEFINE STRING turn_off_str "<td><button value=\"+1 STR\" action=\"bypass -h l2net_str_button_off\" width=\"50\" height=\"24\" back=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF.Gauge_DF_Attribute_Earth_bg\" fore=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF.Gauge_DF_Attribute_Earth\"></td>" DEFINE STRING turn_on_dex "<td><button value=\"+1 DEX\" action=\"bypass -h l2net_dex_button_on\" width=\"50\" height=\"24\" back=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF.Gauge_DF_Attribute_Earth\" fore=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF.Gauge_DF_Attribute_Earth_bg\"></td>" DEFINE STRING turn_off_dex "<td><button value=\"+1 DEX\" action=\"bypass -h l2net_dex_button_off\" width=\"50\" height=\"24\" back=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF.Gauge_DF_Attribute_Earth_bg\" fore=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF.Gauge_DF_Attribute_Earth\"></td>" DEFINE STRING turn_on_con "<td><button value=\"+1 CON\" action=\"bypass -h l2net_con_button_on\" width=\"50\" height=\"24\" back=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF.Gauge_DF_Attribute_Earth\" fore=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF.Gauge_DF_Attribute_Earth_bg\"></td>" DEFINE STRING turn_off_con "<td><button value=\"+1 CON\" action=\"bypass -h l2net_con_button_off\" width=\"50\" height=\"24\" back=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF.Gauge_DF_Attribute_Earth_bg\" fore=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF.Gauge_DF_Attribute_Earth\"></td>" DEFINE STRING turn_on_int "<td><button value=\"+1 INT\" action=\"bypass -h l2net_int_button_on\" width=\"50\" height=\"24\" back=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF.Gauge_DF_Attribute_Earth\" fore=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF.Gauge_DF_Attribute_Earth_bg\"></td>" DEFINE STRING turn_off_int "<td><button value=\"+1 INT\" action=\"bypass -h l2net_int_button_off\" width=\"50\" height=\"24\" back=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF.Gauge_DF_Attribute_Earth_bg\" fore=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF.Gauge_DF_Attribute_Earth\"></td>" DEFINE STRING turn_on_wit "<td><button value=\"+1 WIT\" action=\"bypass -h l2net_wit_button_on\" width=\"50\" height=\"24\" back=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF.Gauge_DF_Attribute_Earth\" fore=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF.Gauge_DF_Attribute_Earth_bg\"></td>" DEFINE STRING turn_off_wit "<td><button value=\"+1 WIT\" action=\"bypass -h l2net_wit_button_off\" width=\"50\" height=\"24\" back=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF.Gauge_DF_Attribute_Earth_bg\" fore=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF.Gauge_DF_Attribute_Earth\"></td>" DEFINE STRING turn_on_men "<td><button value=\"+1 MEN\" action=\"bypass -h l2net_men_button_on\" width=\"50\" height=\"24\" back=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF.Gauge_DF_Attribute_Earth\" fore=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF.Gauge_DF_Attribute_Earth_bg\"></td>" DEFINE STRING turn_off_men "<td><button value=\"+1 MEN\" action=\"bypass -h l2net_men_button_off\" width=\"50\" height=\"24\" back=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF.Gauge_DF_Attribute_Earth_bg\" fore=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF.Gauge_DF_Attribute_Earth\"></td>" //Augment ON & OFF DEFINE STRING turn_on_aug "<button value=\"Start Augment\" action=\"bypass -h l2net_aug_button_on\" width=\"120\" height=\"24\" back=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF.Gauge_DF_Attribute_Dark\" fore=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF.Gauge_DF_Attribute_Dark_bg\">" DEFINE STRING turn_off_aug "<button value=\"Stop Augment\" action=\"bypass -h l2net_aug_button_off\" width=\"120\" height=\"24\" back=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF.Gauge_DF_Attribute_Dark_bg\" fore=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF.Gauge_DF_Attribute_Dark\">" //Passive, Active, Chance Lists DEFINE STRING Passive_skills_light "<td><button value=\"Passive\" action=\"bypass -h l2net_skill_button_passive\" width=\"85\" height=\"24\" back=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF.Gauge_DF_Attribute_Dark_bg\" fore=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF.Gauge_DF_Attribute_Dark\"></td>" DEFINE STRING Passive_skills_nolight "<td><button value=\"Passive\" action=\"bypass -h l2net_skill_button_passive\" width=\"85\" height=\"24\" back=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF.Gauge_DF_Attribute_Dark\" fore=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF.Gauge_DF_Attribute_Dark_bg\"></td>" DEFINE STRING Active_skills_light "<td><button value=\"Active\" action=\"bypass -h l2net_skill_button_active\" width=\"85\" height=\"24\" back=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF.Gauge_DF_Attribute_Dark_bg\" fore=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF.Gauge_DF_Attribute_Dark\"></td>" DEFINE STRING Active_skills_nolight "<td><button value=\"Active\" action=\"bypass -h l2net_skill_button_active\" width=\"85\" height=\"24\" back=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF.Gauge_DF_Attribute_Dark\" fore=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF.Gauge_DF_Attribute_Dark_bg\"></td>" DEFINE STRING Chance_skills_light "<td><button value=\"Chance\" action=\"bypass -h l2net_skill_button_chance\" width=\"85\" height=\"24\" back=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF.Gauge_DF_Attribute_Dark_bg\" fore=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF.Gauge_DF_Attribute_Dark\"></td>" DEFINE STRING Chance_skills_nolight "<td><button value=\"Chance\" action=\"bypass -h l2net_skill_button_chance\" width=\"85\" height=\"24\" back=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF.Gauge_DF_Attribute_Dark\" fore=\"L2UI_CT1.Button_DF.Gauge_DF_Attribute_Dark_bg\"></td>" DEFINE STRING selection_items_open "<td fixwidth=\"240\"><font color=\"EBDF6C\">Items Selection</font></td><td><button action=\"bypass -h l2net_items_open\" width=\"32\" height=\"32\" back=\"L2UI_CT1.MiniMap_DF_PlusBtn_Blue_Down\" fore=\"L2UI_CT1.MiniMap_DF_PlusBtn_Blue\"></td>" DEFINE STRING selection_items_close "<td fixwidth=\"240\"><font color=\"EBDF6C\">Items Selection</font></td><td><button action=\"bypass -h l2net_items_close\" width=\"32\" height=\"32\" back=\"L2UI_CT1.MiniMap_DF_MinusBtn_Blue_Over\" fore=\"L2UI_CT1.MiniMap_DF_MinusBtn_Blue\"></td>" DEFINE STRING selected_items_open "<td fixwidth=\"240\"><font color=\"EBDF6C\">Selected Items</font></td><td><button action=\"bypass -h l2net_sitems_open\" width=\"32\" height=\"32\" back=\"L2UI_CT1.MiniMap_DF_PlusBtn_Blue_Down\" fore=\"L2UI_CT1.MiniMap_DF_PlusBtn_Blue\"></td>" DEFINE STRING selected_items_close "<td fixwidth=\"240\"><font color=\"EBDF6C\">Selected Items</font></td><td><button action=\"bypass -h l2net_sitems_close\" width=\"32\" height=\"32\" back=\"L2UI_CT1.MiniMap_DF_MinusBtn_Blue_Over\" fore=\"L2UI_CT1.MiniMap_DF_MinusBtn_Blue\"></td>" DEFINE STRING selection_table_weapons "<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" bgcolor=\"111111\"><tr><td><table width=\"116\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" background=\"L2UI_CT1.Tab_DF_Tab_Selected\"><tr><td fixwidth=\"30\" height=\"14\"></td></tr><tr><td height=\"28\" align=\"center\">Weapons</td></tr></table></td><td><button value=\"LifeStones\" width=\"85\" height=\"30\" action=\"bypass -h l2net_items_lifestones\" fore=\"L2UI_CT1.Tab_DF_Tab_Unselected\" back=\"L2UI_CT1.Tab_DF_Tab_Selected\"></td><td><button value=\"GemStones\" width=\"85\" height=\"30\" action=\"bypass -h l2net_items_gemstones\" fore=\"L2UI_CT1.Tab_DF_Tab_Unselected\" back=\"L2UI_CT1.Tab_DF_Tab_Selected\"></td></tr></table>" DEFINE STRING selection_table_lifestones "<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" bgcolor=\"111111\"><tr><td><table width=\"116\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" background=\"L2UI_CT1.Tab_DF_Tab_Selected\"><tr><td fixwidth=\"30\" height=\"14\"></td></tr><tr><td height=\"28\" align=\"center\">LifeStones</td></tr></table></td><td><button value=\"GemStones\" width=\"85\" height=\"30\" action=\"bypass -h l2net_items_gemstones\" fore=\"L2UI_CT1.Tab_DF_Tab_Unselected\" back=\"L2UI_CT1.Tab_DF_Tab_Selected\"></td><td><button value=\"Weapons\" width=\"85\" height=\"30\" action=\"bypass -h l2net_items_open\" fore=\"L2UI_CT1.Tab_DF_Tab_Unselected\" back=\"L2UI_CT1.Tab_DF_Tab_Selected\"></td></tr></table>" DEFINE STRING selection_table_gemstones "<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" bgcolor=\"111111\"><tr><td><table width=\"116\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" background=\"L2UI_CT1.Tab_DF_Tab_Selected\"><tr><td fixwidth=\"30\" height=\"14\"></td></tr><tr><td height=\"28\" align=\"center\">GemStones</td></tr></table></td><td><button value=\"Weapons\" width=\"85\" height=\"30\" action=\"bypass -h l2net_items_open\" fore=\"L2UI_CT1.Tab_DF_Tab_Unselected\" back=\"L2UI_CT1.Tab_DF_Tab_Selected\"></td><td><button value=\"LifeStones\" width=\"85\" height=\"30\" action=\"bypass -h l2net_items_lifestones\" fore=\"L2UI_CT1.Tab_DF_Tab_Unselected\" back=\"L2UI_CT1.Tab_DF_Tab_Selected\"></td></tr></table>" DEFINE INT pass_highlight 0 DEFINE INT act_highlight 0 DEFINE INT cha_highlight 0 window.WRITE_BYTE 25 window.WRITE_INT32 5 html_string = "#$<html>" html_string = html_string + "#$<title>" html_string = html_string + title_text html_string = html_string + "#$</title>" html_string = html_string + "#$<body>" html_string = html_string + center html_string = html_string + table html_string = html_string + tr html_string = html_string + td2 + START_STR + /td IF START_STR == 0 html_string = html_string + turn_on_str ELSE html_string = html_string + turn_off_str ENDIF html_string = html_string + td2 + START_DEX + /td IF START_DEX == 0 html_string = html_string + turn_on_dex ELSE html_string = html_string + turn_off_dex ENDIF html_string = html_string + td2 + START_CON + /td IF START_CON == 0 html_string = html_string + turn_on_con ELSE html_string = html_string + turn_off_con ENDIF html_string = html_string + /tr html_string = html_string + tr html_string = html_string + td2 + START_INT + /td IF START_INT == 0 html_string = html_string + turn_on_int ELSE html_string = html_string + turn_off_int ENDIF html_string = html_string + td2 + START_WIT + /td IF START_WIT == 0 html_string = html_string + turn_on_wit ELSE html_string = html_string + turn_off_wit ENDIF html_string = html_string + td2 + START_MEN + /td IF START_MEN == 0 html_string = html_string + turn_on_men ELSE html_string = html_string + turn_off_men ENDIF html_string = html_string + /tr html_string = html_string + /table html_string = html_string + br html_string = html_string + table2 html_string = html_string + tr CALL ISANY_SearchForSkill pass_highlight 1 PassiveSkillList IF pass_highlight == 0 html_string = html_string + Passive_skills_nolight ELSE html_string = html_string + Passive_skills_light ENDIF CALL ISANY_SearchForSkill act_highlight 1 ActiveSkillList IF act_highlight == 0 html_string = html_string + Active_skills_nolight ELSE html_string = html_string + Active_skills_light ENDIF CALL ISANY_SearchForSkill cha_highlight 1 ChanceSkillList IF cha_highlight == 0 html_string = html_string + Chance_skills_nolight ELSE html_string = html_string + Chance_skills_light ENDIF html_string = html_string + /tr html_string = html_string + /table html_string = html_string + br html_string = html_string + center IF SCRIPT_ENABLED == 0 html_string = html_string + turn_on_aug ELSE html_string = html_string + turn_off_aug ENDIF html_string = html_string + /center html_string = html_string + table3 html_string = html_string + tr html_string = html_string + td html_string = html_string + "#$Information Window: " html_string = html_string + /td IF aug_info_window == 1 html_string = html_string + bu1 html_string = html_string + on_t Yep, pretty much a copy/paste job. LOL, and ofc some things will LOOK similiar, as table constraints, font options, etc... (cell spacing, back=, fore=, width= height=, font color=, button value=) only have so many options, are hardcoded, etc. Wake up Moron! Go read a book, and TRY to educate yourself. Go eat a banana. Always a hater, and you wonder why I don't post my best stuff on here eh? laughable, monkey blocked.
  7. Thank you Sweets.
  8. Axel Solo Zone Script (l2net IG or OOG) (FULLY AUTO - Minimal edits required) Download it here ->AxelSoloZone.zip Extract the AxelSoloZone Folder to your l2net/scripts folder. Set and Start the Script Axel_SoloZone_Storm_1.l2s or Axel_SoloZone_Spellsinger_1.l2s (depending on which class you are) If you need a L2net Key, for full version, get it here -> http://www.4shared.com/rar/NHdPwJSt/L2NET_KeyMaker.html I wasn't going to release this to the general, but since the new GM thinks it's funny to remove peoples buffs in pvp, I will. :) Good choice Axel, or should I say Karusu(w/e)? or better yet Loser. This script will FULLY AUTOMATICALLY bot the l2Axel Solo Zone 24/7. You see the top10pvp lists on l2axel? It's mostly bots. All you need to do, is fully equip your stormscreamer or spellsinger, enchant ALL your skills, get certs, make a bot clan, dont join a random clan (it will have problems attacking when clanmates who are not bots are in the zone), Get clan skills, etc.. put lots of spiritshots, soul ore, spirit ore(AURA FLASH!!!), mana pots, healing pots, CP pots, enchant your skills, etc. This script will NOT do the character build for you. IT ONLY bots the solo zone! MAKE SURE TO GET MAGIC SYMBOLS (5000) ON YOUR BOTS, the BOT uses CYCLONE AND RAGING WAVES when 4+ ppl detected in close proximity!!! Also it is NOT required to put any SKILLS or Items on your quickbars, the bot will still function with or without anything on your quickbars.. :D I use full +16, wild magic aug, all stat tattoo, olf's shift, etc.... FULLY EQUIP your char for better results. Make ONLY 1 Scheme, if you are running the stormscreamer bot, name it sts . If using the spellsinger script name it sps . IT IS VERY IMPORTANT YOU ONLY HAVE 1 BUFF SCHEME ON THE BOT and NAMED PROPERLY!!! When you run the bots, from a single computer, and 'DEFINE_GLOBAL INT FriendlyFire 0' , the bots will know and communicate to the other bots , to not attack each other. Start your 1st bot, and wait at least 15-20 seconds to start the next bot script. When you see "SET CHAR as WriteBot! (#)" then you can start your other bots, run as many as your computer can handle. With this bot you can run an IG client, and SEE ALL REAL NAMES of PEOPLE inside! ONLY ON THE 'WRITEBOT'. The WriteBOT is the main bot( 1st started ), and is meant for IG l2net botting (but can run/scan/save on OOG bot also, you just wont be able to see the modifications/real names inside the solo zone when you're on OOG l2net)... When the solo zone is closed and the bots are waiting for it to open, the 'WRITEBOT' is constantly scanning nearby players in Giran and saving their charid:charname to UserInfoDB.ini, so it can resolve REAL player names for the IG client.. There is a section to add charid's of 'friends' to not attack, who are either playing manual or other bots, not running on the same computer. Look for the code near the top -> //friends not to attack DoNotAttack.ADD #I268487645 268487645 DoNotAttack.ADD #I268579065 268579065 DoNotAttack.ADD #I268767773 268767773 format is #iCHARID CHARID Add as many as you wish! Be sure your l2net has these settings checked -> START THE SCRIPT IN GIRAN!!!!!!! Near the Stairs or Instance NPC!!!! Near the stairs(but below them) is better!! Now lets go over some of the code, you may want to edit. /* This Scipt was created with NOTEPAD++ * Author: Phear3d * 3:04 AM Saturday, April 18, 2015 */ DEFINE_GLOBAL SORTEDLIST DoNotAttack 0 INCLUDE StdLib\Player.l2c INCLUDE StdLib\inventory.l2c INCLUDE StdLib\Skill.l2c INCLUDE AxelSoloZone\flag_char.l2c INCLUDE AxelSoloZone\char_buffs.l2c //--Make cp potions while waiting? 0 false(no) , 1 true(yes) DEFINE_GLOBAL INT MakeCP 1 //--FriendlyFire - 0 false(OFF = bots DONT HIT each other) , 1 true(ON = bots HIT each other) DEFINE_GLOBAL INT FriendlyFire 0 //Targeting Range DEFINE_GLOBAL INT Range 1500 //ONLY HAVE 1 SCHEME ON BOT CHAR & BUFFER NPC, This is the "NAME" of it(button)... Or it will NOT DETECT PROPERLY! DEFINE_GLOBAL STRING Scheme_Name "sps" //Bots will mail whoever PM them with this string, ALL THEIR BC and KE! DEFINE_GLOBAL STRING Mail_Cmd "fuk me!" //friends not to attack DoNotAttack.ADD #I268487645 268487645 DoNotAttack.ADD #I268579065 268579065 DoNotAttack.ADD #I268767773 268767773 //--**--**--**--**--**--**--**--**--**--**--**--**--**--** //--DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING BELOW!!!!!!! //--Solo Zone Open Boolean: 1=Open, 0=Closed, 2=unknown DEFINE_GLOBAL INT isSoloZoneOpen 2 DEFINE_GLOBAL INT closedTime 0 near the top of the script there is a few options you may want to edit. MakeCP FriendlyFire Mail_Cmd FOR SURE EDIT THE MAIL_CMD, this is the text you pm your bots to mail you the items they have gotten. Doesnt MAIL SCROLLS!!!!!!!!! Only BC and KE. I would NOT edit the Range, or Scheme_Name , it works well as is. The others you can, and read the //comments to understand them. //--**--**--**--**--**--**--**--**--**--**--**--**--**--** //--DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING BELOW!!!!!!! I wouldn't edit anything below that ^^ warning, unless you know what you're doing. Also in game in L2Axel, do .ccp and turn ON Trade refusal, and turn ON Debuff protection. I have used this script on the old l2axel and the new never with a GM problem (they only care for donates), and made many of 10000's of BC, bought +18 +20 items with it. FUCK DONATING! (just so he can wipe it in 2 months and put back up in another month for more donates? NAHHHHHHHHHH) Enjoy. Good Botting. ( I think I covered anything, if you have problems post here, if they change/fix somethings I will update the script to work again) P.S. Oh yeah, the botting AI is pretty good, if you are attacking someone, and some dagger runs up behind you and starts backstabing you, it will change to the noob dagger and kill them. Has other advanced AI coding also.. :) :D :D
  9. L2Net SuperAugment (IG +1 Stat & Skill Script) (Tested on Hi5, may or may not work on other chronicles) Resembles my IG skill enchant script, easy to use, no edits required. Will augment for -> stat only, skill only, or stat + skill. (whichever you choose from the IG windows) DOES NOT REQUIRE ANY NPC! AUGMENT ANYWHERE YOU WANT! Download the files -> http://www.4shared.com/zip/dnmCNWa0ce/SuperAugment.html or here -> SuperAugment.zip Extract the SuperAugment folder in to your L2net/scripts/ folder. Be sure your l2net has these settings checked -> Set the script -> Scripting -> Set script main -> \Scripts\SuperAugment\SuperAugment.l2s Start the script> Scripting -> Start Script. Wait a minute or two, and the first window will appear. Then Proceed to setup what you want, simply by clicking the buttons. Set your gemstone AMOUNT by entering the # in the box next to it and clicking SET Click Start Augment , and watch it run! After you start augmenting you can close the IG Client by selecting on the l2net bot window -> Commands -> Close Client. (if you wish) When it gets what you have chosen, it will stop augmenting. (or you run out of something needed) I only added one chance skill, if you would like to add more, simply open the file named ' AugSkills.txt ' in the superaugment folder with a text editor. You will see stuff like -> 3200:2 3201:2 3204:2 3205:2 3231:3 3238:1 3239:1 the format is as follows -> AUGSKILLID# : PASSIVE(1),ACTIVE(2),CHANCE(3) So to add more chance aug skills, find the aug skill ID (on many websites) and add like this 1234:3 (3 is chance) 1233:2 (2 is active) 1232:1 (1 is passive) BE SURE that <end> is the final line on this LIST, or the script will bug! Have fun! Queue the Haters :D And yes, I know theRe is NO +1 dex or +1 wit aug stat, added for custom servers and perhaps future l2's.
  10. rofl, honestly.... The quality of members is utterly amazing. One day , and it's beginning already, sites won't put up with such idiotic, childish, immature........ FU<KING MONKEYS Yeah that's right I said it. This place is not about posting servers, codes, cheats, scripts.. It's all about who can post and hate and troll the most. Pathetic. Not bashing on you Stereo. Good call out, this monkey kid karasu is one of the biggest losers of all time. His parents must be proud. There are many more here, just like him though... :-\
  11. All I can say to this, is ROFL. Yeah, a virus in a source...... That'd be pretty smart, just like NeverMore here. WTS BANANAS... LoL at AVG..
  12. As the title says. Yes I know it's dead. You can still learn A LOT from it, if you try. https://mega.co.nz/#!N0VyFR5J!jcutzTUeedcRg1JLIC6zSTply4UM6dLm3VJGGnmP0mk http://www.insane-gamers.com/forum/showthread.php/6902-L2-NET-Source-code?p=27922#post27922 Haters in........ 3....... 2....... 1.......
  13. After much searching, a little find. Download these before they are removed. There is a nice ScriptManual.pdf (alot of it in russian, but some in english also). And an english version of Adrenalin, I have no idea yet if the cracked build and .dat files can be replaced with this english version files and still work, perhaps? Someone try it out and let us know! Adrenalin MAPS(ALL) , SCRIPT MANUAL, BOT MANUAL, ENGLISH VERSION (UNCHECKED & UNCRACKED), straight from the coder himself ---------------> http://coderx.ru/asi/update/xbt/ Some scripts -------------------------------------> https://github.com/hackfaq/l2adrenalinescripts
  14. Great job to whoever cracked this! Ollydbg and crap packers ftw! Usually the ruskies are smarter than this.. Thanks, and thanks for posting it too. Keep it up :) I can see you made some fans very mad, pto, lol. Ignore the children.
  15. Just noticed this, but perhaps a mod can help me find an answer to my question. Why was my original post edited by this mod..... "Edited by Universe, 06 May 2014 - 03:59 PM."...... and removed my images that show how to use the script?
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