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Everything posted by Zilex

  1. For me its important what the purpose is for opening a new server. Stalone opens servers and hes purpose is to make allot of money of players. It is normal to accept donations so the server keeps running, but i've played hes server and i saw what you could get from a donation and its pure money making. I still can't understand why people join hes server, donate allot, he opens new server, you join again and donate again. Open your eyes. Stalone would even close a good running server (populated) and re-open the same server (only different name) just to take more cash from players.
  2. It's normal that he is hating, because l2-dragon is a new competitor in the l2j scene and hes afraid of it because of the team l2-dragon has. Nothing more to say, i've been on the beta since start and i like it like many other people does.
  3. Ignore the guy, he is just a hater and jealous else he wouldn't be posting things like this.
  4. Well said :)
  5. 3 Days left until live :)
  6. Retarded music on the website, i just shit my pants and pissed at the same time! Delete that music! Music on website is what you do in the 90's !
  7. They dont fix bugs time to time, i know the developers team and they are busy for most of the day fixing bugs if there are any. These developers do care about the quality of there server. It's up to the community to make it happen. I will be playing this server, even tho i quited playing Lineage 2 for a while. I will give this one a last try. And i don't find it anything weird that Nik could have some attitude. Look at the gaming community we are in right now, everyone is trolling, everyone is hating, nobody seems to care. Where did this come from? Atleast im glad im not part of any troll gaming generation we have now. It's not only Lineage 2, its on every online game right now. I guess we have to deal with it. Don't let anyone else ruin the fun for you.
  8. I dont mind negative comments or feedback, but posts like what this guy does is just insane. He is just hating servers any other then that of stalone's. So he gets payed to do this.
  9. Top server files, i like how people cry about "omg re-open, russian files, omg shit files, omg this omg that". Get on with your life, these people are the only one's who actually improve there files instead of really re-opening like Stalone servers. In fact, it is the best files right now in this scene and there is no way people like AchYlek can trash talk it. You hate it because of the owners probly, but you never ever played on it and i think its good that they banned you forever ;) Stalone doggy
  10. You're absolutely right. If the majority of lineage 2 players start on dragon network, they won't have to be afraid of server wipes or whatsoever. They are reliable, trusted and the most stable servers besides official. There isn't any better one right now even tho its still in beta ;).
  11. I wish you guys the best of luck, i've spended allot of time playing here on Dragon Network (sinds few years after start, then a break, then again for few years, break again, then for 5 years, and now break forever :p). I hope it will be populated like the old days, because those where the best days. And i must admit, ALLOT of High five servers going arround... Opening/closing and then re-opening again. If that doesn't work, lets rename it. But anyway, Dragon - Network is different then all the others. I do suggest you guys to make good advertisement! Because these days, advertisment is all you need. Also these days, almost all of the community are just trolls so i wouldn't put all your money on just the community, but also on good advertisement and server maintenance. This is what i've learned for the last couple years doing the same stuff you guys do, i hope it will help you guys.
  12. i couldnt agree more. Played there for almost 5 years on nightmare+arena+dragon after merge. Sadly every server dies... but they dont deserve to die.
  13. wich server :troll:? i dont even bother to create one :D neither do i own one oh i mean, i like to see you "try"
  14. im not from bg :poker face: fail again...? why should i be scared of you? :you serious?:
  15. typical answers from a fatty nerd who sits behind pc :alone: with no social life :okey:
  16. jakk you must be some fat ass nerd who have sad life :alone: p.s: not my server, not playing this server just the fact you say "you made a new enemy, a enemy you should be scared of" made me laugh.
  17. Maybe www.l2avalon.net is something for you, currently over 100 players online (at peaks) and still growning by the day (not a lie). http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=252554.new#new
  18. [dutch]er zijn niet zoveel echte goeie servers met 30 buffs/20 songs/dances maar toch wil ik graag dat je www.l2avalon.net probeerd (http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=252554.new#new). Ik en 2 andere developers zijn bezig met dit server als hobby om een hele goeie server in elkaar te zetten. Voordeel van ons is dat wij een coder van l2jserver.com hebben die met ons werkt (bijna hele dagen) er komen ook telkens nieuwe features uit die wij zelf coderen (dus niks geript van maxcheaters of een ander source) 100% zelf gescript. Ik zou zeggen, probeer het uit we hebben nu rond de 100 spelers (echte spelers) online. Server is nog geen week oud.
  19. Last one is mine, thanks for sharing :) p.s: seems its little bugged tho, to bad my hard drive crashed and i couldn't backup it..
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