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Everything posted by canis

  1. anyone checked if its working on rpg-club.eu?
  2. rly? so maybe you could share it with us? >.>
  3. you cant use walker on dex dunno about others. l2-oracle should start in 1-2weeks gms said they have some anti-bot system so probably no bots there also.
  4. Muppets xD
  5. nice script, ty ill check it later on xD
  6. nice guide, i guess 60% of l2 community are noobs then :P
  7. lol great guide, i laught my tears ;D
  8. Active Skill : Silence
  9. well its nice 'trick' gives alot of casting xD
  10. on stack sub servers you usually can. in my opinion best for oly is wlk/bp for mass pvp - aw/sk & pr/bd
  11. New continent ftw xD There are some nice new skills like offensive spell for PS. Era of Phantom Summoner begins? :)
  12. Other - once armor(or jewelery) once weapon. with 1week break between enchants ;)
  13. Low rates (x5-x7), only l2off with 1000+ ppl ;)
  14. I never played on kamael servers ( is there any l2off kamael server yet? :) ) but I heard that kamaels are strong if well-played
  15. nice trick, I'll try it soon xD
  16. Lineage2 for now .... in 2011+ probbly Lineage3 ^^
  17. I'm waiting for l2-paradise The Exodus which will be best lineage2 server (if the project won't fail). Dragon-Network is one of the worst servers I ever played :P
  18. I voted for AW, only problem for him is tank or experienced summoner. However I heard in Hellbound TK have problems only vs ES, so he might be best oly char(besides this class is not popular so its easier to become hero)
  19. ty for reply, ill try it later :)
  20. thx, good job ;) i would like valakas for my mage .... or AQ+baium for my dagger (but those are only my dreams ;))xD
  21. thx for reply, i know about those recipes but im interested in getting Half Face Mask or Phantom Mask ;) but i dont know where to get them :(
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