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Everything posted by nasky

  1. http://www63.zippyshare.com/v/32558993/file.html
  2. Yeah Its nice you should eventually expand the pve zones, like add SODA or something else that is not plain open area
  3. whats wrong with you :D who plays java mid rates
  4. Yes son big problem I need someone to slay
  5. It sucks to have stacking augments and people being afk all day just to get augments, augments fuck up the real interlude olympiad, augments create whole new balance
  6. Are these top java clans going to play here? ATS? RAINBOWS?? And the other java heroes???
  7. bump this is going to be a good server
  8. bump
  9. I'm selling the following char with items : Overlord with spellsinger/th subs with good name The character is nobless Major arcana set Imperial crusader set Arcana mace acumen Angel slayer haste Draconic bow focus TT set +3 Tallum robe set DC Robe set +3 it has some stones/aa/adena in it not sure how much offers in private messages only
  10. skirmishpvp.com
  11. Awful features used 100 times before yes your fucking unique not
  12. Give us more detail information about what lineage is please
  13. Hello just wanted to tell you this shit aint unique actually maxcheaters are full of servers with this same features
  14. Was going to play but then gameguard error said NO
  15. I like it Issle go ahead
  16. mad item variety is cool high enchants are no cool when you have item variety 2012 devs still bad
  17. Everything is fine congratz for the effort but pi fucking sucks donkey balls I dont understand whats wrong with 2012 devs why not LOA ITS SO OLD SCHOLL RNT WE OLD SCHOOL???
  18. What is best? Kids are discouraged to wait another 2 weeks to try for hero and just go on the forums and blame it on everything in nerd rage and then quit / Less feeding I dont see what is not good in 1 week oly beside that the community is made out of pricks who are limited to 10 features they know and can't think out of the box
  19. 1 week oly yes?
  20. Anything new will be interesting and I think this over used zones are not You have Crypts of Disgrace, Archaic Laboratory, Pavel ruins, Cave of trials, Forgotten temple, School of dark arts big enough for like 500 players (not like your going to have more lets be real)
  21. Dont use mos it pi ketra varka ef loa
  22. what the point of such high enchants when you have enough item variety already
  23. Retail stats and features are for low rate servers (GAMEPLAY WISE), you can't have 3line buffed char in top gear with retai like skill bonuses/effects and game mechanics it just pointless I'm making a winning server concept to the bone on paper, yeah because I cannot launch a server myself but I got bilion of ideas and I will share it with everyone soon
  24. ill drop few things that dont lead to success PI, EF, LOA, MOS, KETRA, VARKA, Imperial Tomb as farm zones 1 hour buffs "2nd class npc buffers" fucking subclass or noble quest because one can do it blind nowdays no custom items slow ass real x50 exp retail stats retail epic respawn times Whoever wants to go against me can go back in time and remind us first what happend to past 10 server that had this same dumbass features and "our server veri speshal "
  25. I always wondered whats the point of having max enchant of 25 when you have 100% enchant scrolls that are obtained so easily
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