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Everything posted by nasky

  1. Is this freya or high five? I'm not using the link from your website therefor I need to know which one exactly to download
  2. tbh none will join a server thats already been up for this long , this community is so trash and manipulative you just have to wait for a good time to open and make the big talk on 10 forums about it :D I loved it when I played
  3. Tom you should wait for lineage2gaming to reach its end (which is soon) then start over and lure all this trash interlude community we got here, khaos is fucking great server and you happen to be a really good dev but kids will never get it. And whoever is wondering if they should join khaos or not , you go and join there immediately because its mad good
  4. Some stupid features on first sight make servers cool none likes star wars top gear full buff pvp servers with +30 skills :) events are too 2009
  5. *Gets 'A hacking tool has been discovered' and can't pass trough it* Tried patched systems, gg killers , nothing works. Help.
  6. nasky


    Exactly, getting disconnects like a boss
  7. nasky


    Russians happen to not be able to block incoming flood :D
  8. nasky


    updated first post
  9. nasky


    If you don't like freetail or you don't have enough time to play a x1 rates, l2.ws opens a x50 server with nice features. Be there on the start to figure out everything else Official High Five part 5 platform Special features for off-platform: autoloot, offline-trade, community board system with buffer/shop/services. 1. Changed rates of EXP, SP, Adena, Drop, Spoil, Boss Drop EXP x50 SP x50 Adena x50 (for bosses x20) Drop х20 Spoil х10 Boss Drop х5 Special Items Knight's Epaulette x5 , Attribute stones (0-150) х5 (quantity) Quest х5 (EXP/SP, Adena for all quests) х1-х10 For quest items (rates differ in each quest, they are listen in the bottom) 2. Limited chat: shout and trade are not available until 40 level. Characters under 40 level cannot use shout and trade chat. The rest of channels are free to use 3. Autoloot: There is some limits. Maximum autoloot distance - 1500. In party autoloot activates even if there is only 1 guy using it. Adena splits equally to all members of the party. Autoloot does NOT pick up herbs. Autoloot does NOT pick up cursed weapons. Autoloot does NOT pick up items that drop from a raid boss, they remain on ground. 6. Weight limit increased 3 times, inventory slots increase as you get more items. 7. Completely cut the sub class quest, service to add subclass available when you reach certain level. 8.Service for noblesse status will not ask for level sub class, you just have to have unlock sub class. Won't reward with noblesse tiara though. 9.Skills Auto-Learn. 10.Every character recieves pack with items for his occuption until S grade (Dynasty), weapon, armor, jewelery. Every item exists for 90 days. Quests with boosted rates are as following: International players and estimated online 4000-5000 English interface/dialogs and community systems www.l2.ws
  10. No time to play although the server is awesome therefore I want to sell my char that is the following Necromancer 85/ sub WC 75 (barrier) + noblesse Every skill +15 except 3rd class ones that are +12 Vesper caster acumen +3 300 dark Vesper noble robe set , 2 parts lvl 7 dark, wind, 4lvl water , 2 parts lvl 7 holy, earth and very poor on fire resists :| got like 60 only CP shirt, Zaken cloak, Holy spirit's cloak Olympic necklace and a proper name asking for really low price for that stuff so if you consider talking more into it add me on skype: atanasa_5 or MAIL me on nasky@windowslive.com
  11. Unfortunately I do know this guy Simmo is a dumbass
  12. u jelly? what stops you to make a server and get some money aswel ? :)
  13. l2hydra has players?
  14. attributes is the dumbest thing in l2 after skill enchanting
  15. It actually existed like few months ago and it had around 400 players daily, now its time for a fresh start
  16. http://l2fx.com/ - Experience : 1000x - Safe Enchanting : +6 - Max Enchanting : +12 - Enchant Rate : 70% - Blessed Enchant : 100% - Hellbound-like concept - Global Gatekeeper, GmShop, NpcBuffer - 24 Buffs + 12 Dances/Songs - Good Balancing between Classes - Skills Are Auto-Learn - Maximum level 80 (You get the 80-85 skills also) - Auto-Learn 81 level + Skills - Wedding System - No Clan Penalties - All Region Sieges - 3 Sub-Class - Noblesse Seller - Augmentation System - Geodata W/o Bugs - Gold Bar System - No Custom Items - PK killer - 2 Hours buffs - NO Attribute System - NO Subclass certifications - Karma Drop - Olympiad Games - Leveling Area - Farming Zones - TvT Event every 4 Hours Server will go LIVE Today 18/3/2011 at 18:00 GMT+2 (Look it up). How To Connect Instructions will be posted few minutes before the launch.
  17. http://l2fx.com/ - Experience : 1000x - Safe Enchanting : +6 - Max Enchanting : +12 - Enchant Rate : 70% - Blessed Enchant : 100% - Hellbound-like concept - Global Gatekeeper, GmShop, NpcBuffer - 24 Buffs + 12 Dances/Songs - Good Balancing between Classes - Skills Are Auto-Learn - Maximum level 80 (you get the 80-85 skills also) - Auto-Learn 81 level + Skills - Wedding System - No Clan Penalties - All Region Sieges - 3 Sub-Class - Noblesse Seller - Augmentation System - Geodata W/o Bugs - Gold Bar System - No Custom Items - PK killer - 2 Hours buffs - NO Attribute System - NO Subclass certifications - Karma Drop - Olympiad Games - Leveling Area - Farming Zones - TvT Event every 4 Hours Server will go LIVE Today 18/3/2011 at 18:00 GMT+2 (Look it up). How To Connect Instructions will be posted few minutes before the launch.
  18. Watch nova fraps then
  19. its an advanced java pack tho , might be succesfull but dont claim its rpg club files
  20. hey im gona tell you a secret way to win the players xD post screen of the l2server console running ))
  21. Sub without quest buffs and teleports in community board items treated as +6 in oly thats all l2j stuff
  22. yeah friend every server says that and it happens that they are the same bullshit
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