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Everything posted by Blane

  1. Glad to know it DreaM. Thanks all of you guys for your comments.More design and tutorials coming soon! Stay tuned! -Blane
  2. Cut it off guides.Everyone deserves to have an opinion.DreaM was right about his statement. -Blane
  3. Keep this post clean! Update: Signature: and avatar: For my friend legollas, -Blane PS1: Dream, I agree with you.It's the art section isn't it?You all are my closest e-Friends...so I post it here. PS2: There was no chance to edit the signature.I like it and that's it.But I would like to know your opinion so I get better day by day :) PS3: I will make a video for sure. PS4: I posted it here in order not to make a new thread.
  4. DreaM bro, being proud of something doesn't mean that you feel the same.I need to know, what's bad on it, and I wish to hear some good comments too, guides requests (btw I'm gonna make a Pen Tool Tutorial tomorrow). Sorry if it bothers you DreaM, but I would like to hear some words about it, -Blane
  5. It's pointless, either if someone smokes or not.You can't be health all the time.And believe it or not, in the next few years, we will laugh with the "Smoking" issue as if it's a regular illness. Always friendly, -Blane
  6. We can't catch the time believe me.The last time we had 6 replies in 20''.We can't handle it.I will talk to Maxtor for one more privilege [lock/unlock topics here]. -Blane
  7. I'm not busy any more.I just don't have the rights to lock/unlock topics, so I can't control my topic without SeeYa who's busy.For the rest of you: The girl is a random girl and the background is a stock.The rest of effects were created with Pen Tool and a soft brush. Thanks all for comments, -Blane PS: "DESINGER" was a miss-typing.I got used to fast writing so this was a lil' mistake XD.
  8. I would like to hear some words for the following signature.I spent like 1 hour to complete it and I'm proud of the final result. So here it is: PSD has been destroyed as I was scared to destroy the picture with more effects. XD Comment please, -Blane
  9. Tip: Move text in the dark section of the tag and lower down the font size a bit ;) It's excellent.Once again! -Blane
  10. Excellent GFX.Congratulations! -Blane
  11. Απλά να ξέρεις ότι δεν μπορείς να τα βάλεις εύκολα σε κανονικό PC, πολλοί (και 'γω)εχουν προσπαθήσει αλλά χωρίς αποτέλεσμα.Δεν ξέρω...αν βρεις κανα καλό tutorial... Καλή επιτυχία, -Blane
  12. Yep I noticed it right now.I will try to change it in the next hours if I'm not asleep.As far as the colours, I have chosen to have it Black & White. -Blane
  13. Yep, I expected to have some colours, but after some thought in PS, I ended up with Grey and Black :) -Blane
  14. Hello bros! I will to hear some comments for the following Avatar.It's created before a couple of minutes and from now on it's my avatar in MXC.The drawing of "N" it's the first letter of my real name so that's why it stands there.As for the animation, I hope it has gone out a bit slow, but I like it that way. Here it is in a bigger version: Comment please, -Blane
  15. It's what we call, "bad lighting".Good effort though ;) All of you guys are getting better and better ^^, while I forget to use PS XD! -Blane
  16. Nickname has to be something unique.That's why I vote for noble.But anyways Arthas is good and it depends more on your mind and not what we think ;) -Blane
  17. My poor effort for my friend, Best wishes bro, -Blane
  18. Well, I'm posting from crete right now.I'm in an internet cafe and just have to leave in about some minutes.I saw the posts where someone with strange name posted some bad words.Well I bet he can design the whole sites without having the time to think or to imagine the design.Let's say design the sites in 1-2 days huh? Maxtor, I could handle the design of the pages for free and I can do this offline in my Laptop.If you think you could find someone who can design the sites for free then I'll go back.Now if you let me try again I could do the whole design.Just tell kenji the colours you want and he would send me a message through mobile, so when I get back from crete I could give them to you.I will be offline for one week or more dunno, I'll contact you as soon as I reach a computer with MSN working. Best regards, -Blane
  19. Damn I know php, but I didn't get what you meant.The problem is not that I see the php in my pc.It's that I SEE IT IN THE WEBSERVER! EDIT: The webserver was crappy and didn't have php installed.Topic locked. -Blane
  20. So you say that if you press in mxc Ctrl+U you see php right? :S
  21. If I'm not wrong PHP is not viewable in View Page Source.... -.-' -Blane
  22. And how do you explain that in a webserver, the code is in pink? :S Btw thanks for responding... -Blane
  23. As you all know I'm preparing MGN sites.Everything is ready, dynamic sites, with good design for all of our games.I have a lil problem which is more an information, not a problem.I'm encountering a problem.Mozilla Firefox shows me the code of php.I've uploaded the site in a webserver but still the same.In the view page source of mozilla the code is with pink letters and I'm figuring out what the heck is going on.In lan it's the same but I know that from lan I need to open a port 80 to have my site on.But in webserver when I press Ctrl+U(View Page Source in Mozilla), the php code appears with pink letters... It's strange, does anyone knows what could cause this issue? -Blane
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