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L2 Rival

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Everything posted by L2 Rival

  1. Thanks everyone and thanks ToNoobForscool, made contact on skype :)
  2. Dear MXC users, Back in 2014 I wanted to upgrade the design of one of my non-profit pet-rescue website. When I was looking for designers, I decided to pick xDrac, which seemed to be promising due to his massive reputation, production and the fact that he said he also does projects not related to gaming, seemed promising at first glance. So I paid him 150 euros, kept waiting, let him have all the time in the world because of his trustful reputation, until one day he disappeared with the money, unbeliveable uh? For people wishing to read the full story, please visit my post on his topic: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/106835-professional-graphic-web-design-websites-banners-logos-forums-anything/page-20?do=findComment&comment=2447667 Now to the point, I cannot allow my self to lose more money from that non-profit organization, the loss of 150euro was really hard for us, because we got many better ways to spend the money on rather than attempting to find a design, and hope not to get scammed again. So if there's anyone of you willing to contribute, a logo, a cover photo for facebook, a new title or a whole web design PSD, we will be really happy to accept it (note we only interested in graphic designs, we do the coding ourselves). In exchange we will put credits back to you and your gallery on our website, aswell as we might make a deal about money - but we give money only after we receive the design. Our site main language is not english, but we got an english version which you can view: http://petpal.co.il/en/ Please contact me on skype: sahar.ati or email sahar.petpal@gmail.com Best Regards, Sahar, Pet Pal.
  3. Edimax , we sure understand the situation and we do our best to protect the server for the long term. we need the cummunity support at the moment our goal is 100 likes in our FB Page to upload the website.. then we start massive advertising
  4. Classic Server is under development and will be open for CBT soon for Europe in English ! The Website is currently under construction. This post is to get the community to support us with this Project. what do you need to do ? Simple ! Like and Share us on FB : https://www.facebook.com/L2RivalC we will update the FB Page from time to time with more info about the server Stay Tuned ! https://www.facebook.com/L2RivalC
  5. 100% trusted and helpful but rates are rather high compared to other traders I used.
  6. Scammer profile: http://www.maxcheaters.com/user/74165-xdrac/ Proofs: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/106835-professional-graphic-web-design-websites-banners-logos-forums-anything/page-20?do=findComment&comment=2447667
  7. And i'm still waiting for the "one moment" to pass...
  8. Do not purchase anything from this guy, he scammed me, simple as that, seems like when you gather too much reputation you start throw sh1t on your customers. I paid this guy 150e for a graphic design about 1.5 months ago, all the time he delayed me over and over with big variety of exceuses, but since he is trusted by the community I kept waiting, until I opened a dispute, he started convincing me that he wants to continue working on the project and that I should clsoe it, after I did, he continued to delay me over and over and now I cannot claim back the money, he ignores most of my messages and response to a few with a useless message, like he is doing me a favor that he even answers. I'm really ashamed of putting this here on behalf of xDrac, "a very expert graphic desginer", these are the drafts he sent me and thought I'd buy it, after 1.5 months of waiting, I must mention that logo and title were taken from my old site although we agreed that he'll create me a new one. Yes, this is a non-profit pet adtion site, can't actually belive he scammed such a project... Now I don't know where's the graphics here, and he said the second one was a mistake and that I should wait "one moment" so he will send me a new one, and here's delay over and over continues... Few bottom lines of our conversation in skype, just duplicate it for 1.5 months, its all the same... Just see how a conversation that should last 5 minutes lasts for 3 days at least... bottom line: if you're looking for a graphic designer, leave this topic, its not for you, if you don't belive all these proofs provided above, all i can do is wish you good luck. Funny how he put in his site 100% creativity, 99% availability / client support, 90% photoshop expertise, advise you to change it you f***king loser...
  9. Introduction: Emerald Network includes lineage 2 private servers. It is based on L2J and simulates official gameplay and formulas. L2 Order VS Chaos: Gameplay is based on PvP fights and Teamwork. In order to become top player you will need to co-oparate and win battles! If you like killing other players and become top PVP player this is the place for you! L2 Rival: Gameplay is based on hunting monsters, killing bosses and some PvP just like the old days. you can get gear by killing monsters and crafting, you can buy up to C-grade items at GM-shop, use the assistance of the NPC Buffer and use mana potions while farming. if you like the old days of lineage 2 this is defenitly the server for you! Website : http://emerald-network.net Forum : http://emerald-network.net/forum
  10. Have you played L2 Destiny long time ago and you miss these times when uncustomized server were fun to play? PvP was just awesome , Sieging has its adrenaline surge , and killing raid wasnt just a simple task? from the creators of L2 Order VS Chaos , we glad to announce the reborn of L2 Rival ! Note : We are still considering most of the features our server is going to have, so this topic will be updated often with new features or changes to existing ones, make sure to check it from time to time! G.O 25/10/14 * Exp: 15x * SP: 15x * Party exp: 1.5x * Party SP: 1x * Adena: 30x (changing based on player's level) * Drop: 10x * Spoil: 15x * Raid: 7x * Manor: 7x * Pet exp: 25x * Quest: 1x (handled manually for each quest) * Champion monsters enabled * Buff duration 80 minutes * Buff slots 20 + 4 * Retail noble quest * Free subclass * 10 seconds spawn protection * Increased private store slots * Increased inventory slots * Increased crafting slots * Weight limit x4 * Deep blue monsters rule disabled * Dropping items on ground disabled * Enchant rates 66% * Safe enchant +3 (+4 for full body armors) * Max enchant +16 * Augment skill chances decreased * Auto learn skills (excluding divine inspiration) * Auto loot (excluding raid bosses and herbs) * Only HP/MP herbs are enabled * Akumu commerical geodata * Offline shops * Mana potions (not useable during PvP) * New players start with top no-grade equipment * Unstuck 20seconds * PvP/PK announce with locations * 3 Castles active for more competition * Special cancel system (buffs return after 5 seconds) NPC: * AIO Scheme Buffer NPC (all buffs except cat/pony) * Augmenter * Skill enchanter * Deleveler * GM shop until C-Grade * Global Gatekeeper * Class changer (free 1st/2nd class change, 3rd cost 10kk) * Mammons in town Olympiad: * Daily cemption period is 4 hours * Cycle: 2 weeks * Rewards reduced by half * Class-based matches disabled * Minimum players needed to start a match: 5 * Time left announcement when player logs in Events: * TvT * VIP * CTF * DM * LMS * Zombies VS Humans * Mutants VS Humans * Treasure Hunt * Lucky Chests * Russian Roulette * Battlefield * Bomb Fight * Domination * Korean TvT * Raid in the middle * Simon Says * When a golem attacks * Global vote reward system * Personal vote reward system * Achievements http://l2rival.com http://l2rival.com/forum
  11. Tyvm :) Server is going to open tomorrow ! 500+ players expected no wipes and protected server No donations for items !
  12. unfortunatly you are wrong :) we have / had no custome items so you confusing us with other server. we hate starwars servers. as we said oldschool gameplay experience.
  13. L2 Rival Promotion Clip has been Revealed!
  14. Opening date will be during next month , the exact date will be announce soon.
  15. Update : * Lowered GM-Shop to Until C-Grade. * Lowered XP / SP rates to x15.
  16. Have you played L2 Destiny long time ago and you miss these times when uncustomized server were fun to play? PvP was just awesome , Sieging has its adrenaline surge , and killing raid wasnt just a simple task? from the creators of L2 Order VS Chaos , we glad to announce the reborn of L2 Rival ! Note : We are still considering most of the features our server is going to have, so this topic will be updated often with new features or changes to existing ones, make sure to check it from time to time! G.O 25/10/14 * Exp: 15x * SP: 15x * Party exp: 1.5x * Party SP: 1x * Adena: 30x (changing based on player's level) * Drop: 10x * Spoil: 15x * Raid: 7x * Manor: 7x * Pet exp: 25x * Quest: 1x (handled manually for each quest) * Champion monsters enabled * Buff duration 80 minutes * Buff slots 20 + 4 * Retail noble quest * Free subclass * 10 seconds spawn protection * Increased private store slots * Increased inventory slots * Increased crafting slots * Weight limit x4 * Deep blue monsters rule disabled * Dropping items on ground disabled * Enchant rates 66% * Safe enchant +3 (+4 for full body armors) * Max enchant +16 * Augment skill chances decreased * Auto learn skills (excluding divine inspiration) * Auto loot (excluding raid bosses and herbs) * Only HP/MP herbs are enabled * Akumu commerical geodata * Offline shops * Mana potions (not useable during PvP) * New players start with top no-grade equipment * Unstuck 20seconds * PvP/PK announce with locations * 3 Castles active for more competition * Special cancel system (buffs return after 5 seconds) NPC: * AIO Scheme Buffer NPC (all buffs except cat/pony) * Augmenter * Skill enchanter * Deleveler * GM shop until C-Grade * Global Gatekeeper * Class changer (free 1st/2nd class change, 3rd cost 10kk) * Mammons in town Olympiad: * Daily cemption period is 4 hours * Cycle: 2 weeks * Rewards reduced by half * Class-based matches disabled * Minimum players needed to start a match: 5 * Time left announcement when player logs in Events: * TvT * VIP * CTF * DM * LMS * Zombies VS Humans * Mutants VS Humans * Treasure Hunt * Lucky Chests * Russian Roulette * Battlefield * Bomb Fight * Domination * Korean TvT * Raid in the middle * Simon Says * When a golem attacks * Global vote reward system * Personal vote reward system * Achievements http://l2rival.com http://l2rival.com/forum
  17. we had a massive ddos attack from other faction server that i wont say his name here we are atm working with Hyperfilter to provide us a better protection atm server re-opening will schedule to 29/11 17:00 GMT +2 next weekend. More Advertisment and more events are awaits in our forums we aim for even more players count than we had! good luck to every one
  18. File Name: Trivia Engine File Submitter: L2 Rival File Submitted: 20 Sep 2013 File Category: Lineage II Files An advanced version of my trivia engine for sale, which works as follow: A question is being asked to all online players (no registration to event is needed) the first to PM with the correct answer to "trivia wins. Config preview: # Trivia event enabled?TriviaEnabled = True# Trivia automatic hours?TriviaAutomatic = True# If TriviaAutomatic is false, put here what hours you want the event to run onTriviaInterval = 18:00,19:00,20:00,21:00,22:00# Time allowed to answer a question in secondsTriviaAnswerTime = 60# Trivia reward item IDTriviaRewardId = 6392# Trivia reward item countTriviaRewardCount = 1 The new version includes: * New configs (see above) * More than 125 questions. * Players can try answering every 3 seconds (avoid spam answers with macros) * 0 bugs, completely stable, built for acis and frozen, can be easly adapted to anything else. Click here to download this file
  19. bump.
  20. there is no start date yet. at this moment we doing closed beta test and we will inform for any changes made. we will announce opening date when server is ready.
  21. thanks :) there are many more features to be implemented. a mass advertising aswell.
  22. Rates Exp/SP: 25x Party Exp/SP: 2x Adena: 25x Drop : 10x Spoil: 15x Raid/Manor: 7x Features Mana potions (not useable during PvP) Offline shops Buffer AIO 80min bufftime (24+4 Buff slots) GM shop until B-Grade Global Gatekeeper Unique global vote reward Special cancel system (Buffs return after 15seconds) Class changer (1st - free, 2nd - free, 3rd - 10kk) Free subclass Retail noble quest 3 Castles active for more competition Olympiad period 2 weeks Olympiad time left msg whenever player logged in PvP/PK announce with locations Delevel NPC Champions enabled Auto pickup / Auto learn skills (no divine inspiration) Enchant Rate: 66% Enchant Safe: +3 (+4 for full armor) Enchant Max: +16 New players start with top no-grade equipment Unstuck 20seconds Clan notice system Wedding enabled Augmenter NPC Skill enchanter NPC Events Event Engine: TvT | VIP | CTF | DM | LMS | much more When a golem attacks Automatic events are added/removed all the time to keep the server fun More handled by GMs http://l2rival.com
  23. then use the shared version and gtfo of my topic already.
  24. Traded 100Euro with this guy ! trusted , good service, kind , lovely ! i recommend him A+++++++++++++++
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