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Everything posted by •Shadow•

  1. You have problem in your head or WHAT???? First time with No-Ip my server get DDOS attack..DOWN... (ok with this i use the no-ip) The other 3 times? i use the real ip me and my users and the same!!! 3 TIMES DOWN FROM DDOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Hey you! . .. if you are professional whould give me my money back !! 1 day i use your "protection"
  3. report section is free for all.. ...... @Stewie he say need first the money...
  4. Yeah from here http://l2versuvio.com/donate1.php
  5. yeah is true i trust him and now i lose 70 euro .. no this guy delete me from skype and dotn answer me !
  6. [GR] entaksei san server 300 on eixame ta prwta 19 lepta prin pesi den htan asxima :) Meta arxisane DDOS kai PHX ti na peis ...
  7. if you have server with many ppl from first day and every time you get ddos and again and again i cant do anything .... And i trust him. :-\
  8. You want the true? : 1 time i use No-ip my server is down.... After i change with your ip and again down 3 times !!!!
  9. i speak him in skype and dont answer You can see from website system what ip use!!!!
  10. [8/5/2013 12:53:22 πμ] •Balrog•: ok [8/5/2013 12:53:26 πμ] •Balrog•: server is down (worry) [8/5/2013 12:53:30 πμ] •Balrog•: from udp [8/5/2013 12:53:33 πμ] •Balrog•: attack [8/5/2013 12:53:34 πμ] •Balrog•: lol [8/5/2013 12:53:41 πμ] KderD64: It's up mate [8/5/2013 12:53:47 πμ] •Balrog•: but lag [8/5/2013 12:53:48 πμ] •Balrog•: 10 sec [8/5/2013 12:53:50 πμ] •Balrog•: delay [8/5/2013 12:53:51 πμ] •Balrog•: (worry) [8/5/2013 12:53:52 πμ] KderD64: Because takes time [8/5/2013 12:53:54 πμ] KderD64: to filter the ips [8/5/2013 12:53:59 πμ] •Balrog•: how many? [8/5/2013 12:54:08 πμ] KderD64: A few minutes [8/5/2013 12:54:12 πμ] KderD64: to filter all ips [8/5/2013 12:54:14 πμ] •Balrog•: and then [8/5/2013 12:54:15 πμ] •Balrog•: ? [8/5/2013 12:54:19 πμ] KderD64: They are blocked [8/5/2013 12:54:26 πμ] KderD64: the ips [8/5/2013 12:54:38 πμ] •Balrog•: ..... [8/5/2013 12:54:41 πμ] •Balrog•: i hope to work [8/5/2013 12:54:42 πμ] •Balrog•: .. [8/5/2013 1:41:24 πμ] •Balrog•: OMGGGG WHY U LEAVE??? [8/5/2013 1:41:39 πμ] •Balrog•: dedi is down [8/5/2013 1:41:41 πμ] •Balrog•: OMg! [8/5/2013 1:41:43 πμ] •Balrog•: OMGGGGGGGGGGGGg [8/5/2013 1:41:49 πμ] •Balrog•: u destroy me.. [8/5/2013 11:27:00 πμ] •Balrog•: [Τρίτη, 7 Μαΐου 2013 11:58 μμ] •Balrog•: <<< 3bFHduz9 [8/5/2013 12:10:51 μμ] •Balrog•: hey [8/5/2013 1:35:55 μμ] KderD64: What the hell [8/5/2013 1:35:57 μμ] KderD64: you talking there [8/5/2013 1:36:00 μμ] KderD64: dedi is allways online [8/5/2013 1:36:08 μμ] •Balrog•: 3 times [8/5/2013 1:36:08 μμ] KderD64: It's your login/gameserver scripts [8/5/2013 1:36:10 μμ] KderD64: that sucks [8/5/2013 1:36:10 μμ] •Balrog•: mate is down [8/5/2013 1:36:12 μμ] •Balrog•: (worry) [8/5/2013 1:36:14 μμ] •Balrog•: lol [8/5/2013 1:36:18 μμ] KderD64: I saw your l2j pack [8/5/2013 1:36:19 μμ] •Balrog•: from old vps [8/5/2013 1:36:20 μμ] KderD64: when you close [8/5/2013 1:36:22 μμ] KderD64: the putty [8/5/2013 1:36:26 μμ] KderD64: it cancels [8/5/2013 1:36:28 μμ] KderD64: the script [8/5/2013 1:36:30 μμ] KderD64: wtf pack you got [8/5/2013 1:36:31 μμ] KderD64: ? [8/5/2013 1:36:33 μμ] •Balrog•: i know (worry) [8/5/2013 1:36:35 μμ] •Balrog•: i use [8/5/2013 1:36:35 μμ] •Balrog•: it [8/5/2013 1:36:38 μμ] •Balrog•: with Z [8/5/2013 1:36:40 μμ] •Balrog•: now [8/5/2013 1:36:42 μμ] •Balrog•: i run i [8/5/2013 1:36:43 μμ] •Balrog•: it [8/5/2013 1:36:44 μμ] •Balrog•: in bg [8/5/2013 1:36:47 μμ] KderD64: Z? [8/5/2013 1:36:51 μμ] KderD64: look dude [8/5/2013 1:36:52 μμ] •Balrog•: ctrl and Z [8/5/2013 1:36:53 μμ] KderD64: on my aCis [8/5/2013 1:36:55 μμ] KderD64: when I had my server [8/5/2013 1:36:59 μμ] KderD64: I put in a loop [8/5/2013 1:37:03 μμ] KderD64: so even if I closed the putty [8/5/2013 1:37:04 μμ] KderD64: and so on [8/5/2013 1:37:08 μμ] KderD64: the scripts is still going [8/5/2013 1:37:13 μμ] KderD64: that's how its supposed to be [8/5/2013 1:37:18 μμ] KderD64: I don't know what crap pack u got o.O [8/5/2013 1:37:24 μμ] KderD64: that it closes the script when u close the putty [8/5/2013 1:37:26 μμ] •Balrog•: is phoenix (worry) [8/5/2013 1:37:29 μμ] KderD64: look the [8/5/2013 1:37:30 μμ] KderD64: scripts [8/5/2013 1:37:34 μμ] KderD64: how it's supposed to work [8/5/2013 1:37:39 μμ] KderD64: I give you example of aCis [8/5/2013 1:37:41 μμ] KderD64: so you can adapt it [8/5/2013 1:37:43 μμ] KderD64: change 2 names in there [8/5/2013 1:37:44 μμ] KderD64: to fix it [8/5/2013 1:37:46 μμ] •Balrog•: let me use vnxviewer :) [8/5/2013 1:37:55 μμ] KderD64: It's for security reasons [8/5/2013 1:37:58 μμ] •Balrog•: ok [8/5/2013 1:37:58 μμ] KderD64: you can't use it [8/5/2013 1:37:59 μμ] •Balrog•: but [8/5/2013 1:38:01 μμ] •Balrog•: now [8/5/2013 1:38:03 μμ] •Balrog•: how it wokr [8/5/2013 1:38:05 μμ] •Balrog•: from bg? [8/5/2013 1:38:08 μμ] KderD64: bg? [8/5/2013 1:38:12 μμ] •Balrog•: background [8/5/2013 1:38:13 μμ] •Balrog•: i press [8/5/2013 1:38:18 μμ] •Balrog•: Ctrl z [8/5/2013 1:38:20 μμ] •Balrog•: look this [8/5/2013 1:38:21 μμ] •Balrog•: sec [8/5/2013 1:38:23 μμ] KderD64: dude [8/5/2013 1:38:24 μμ] KderD64: Ctrl + Z [8/5/2013 1:38:24 μμ] KderD64: Suspends [8/5/2013 1:38:27 μμ] KderD64: the process [8/5/2013 1:38:36 μμ] KderD64: and will suspend+pause it [8/5/2013 1:38:49 μμ] KderD64: so it won't work [8/5/2013 1:39:02 μμ] •Balrog•: i make this config [8/5/2013 1:39:04 μμ] •Balrog•: look [8/5/2013 1:39:25 μμ] •Balrog•: http://eldapo.lembobrothers.com/2010/11/19/keeping-putty-connections-alive/ [8/5/2013 1:39:29 μμ] •Balrog•: for this work [8/5/2013 1:39:35 μμ] •Balrog•: maybe [8/5/2013 1:39:38 μμ] •Balrog•: for this work now? [8/5/2013 1:39:41 μμ] •Balrog•: i have close it [8/5/2013 1:39:42 μμ] •Balrog•: and work [8/5/2013 1:39:44 μμ] •Balrog•: fine [8/5/2013 1:40:12 μμ] KderD64: dide [8/5/2013 1:40:13 μμ] KderD64: dude [8/5/2013 1:40:15 μμ] KderD64: it's about [8/5/2013 1:40:16 μμ] KderD64: the scripts! [8/5/2013 1:40:20 μμ] KderD64: so if you have problems [8/5/2013 1:40:23 μμ] KderD64: with you home internet [8/5/2013 1:40:26 μμ] KderD64: and restarts it [8/5/2013 1:40:29 μμ] KderD64: your script will fail too [8/5/2013 1:40:43 μμ] •Balrog•: now if i close my modem [8/5/2013 1:40:46 μμ] •Balrog•: the server [8/5/2013 1:40:49 μμ] •Balrog•: go down? [8/5/2013 1:40:56 μμ] KderD64: probably, no ideea [8/5/2013 1:41:03 μμ] KderD64: but your scripts for login/gameserver from your pack [8/5/2013 1:41:05 μμ] KderD64: sucks hard [8/5/2013 1:41:11 μμ] KderD64: pfff never seen such a fail startup of server [8/5/2013 1:41:12 μμ] •Balrog•: you can adapt [8/5/2013 1:41:14 μμ] •Balrog•: from acis? [8/5/2013 1:41:14 μμ] KderD64: Yes I can [8/5/2013 1:41:22 μμ] •Balrog•: can do it please? [8/5/2013 1:41:27 μμ] KderD64: Yes, wait. [8/5/2013 1:41:30 μμ] •Balrog•: Thank u [8/5/2013 1:41:53 μμ] •Balrog•: and tell me if need to make restart the server [8/5/2013 1:42:27 μμ] •Balrog•: because now i have open and player log . if i close it again we leave all (worry) [8/5/2013 1:42:41 μμ] •Balrog•: when we have ready the geodata i amke 1 restart for both [8/5/2013 1:43:03 μμ] KderD64: You won't be needing [8/5/2013 1:43:04 μμ] KderD64: 1 hour [8/5/2013 1:43:09 μμ] KderD64: You will need 2 min [8/5/2013 1:43:11 μμ] KderD64: or 1 min [8/5/2013 1:43:12 μμ] KderD64: Or less [8/5/2013 1:43:17 μμ] KderD64: But now let me work on it [8/5/2013 1:44:25 μμ] •Balrog•: ok :) [8/5/2013 2:04:19 μμ] KderD64: Tonight you will have it working, now I must go somewhere, I'll be back. [8/5/2013 2:04:56 μμ] •Balrog•: and geodata (worry) [8/5/2013 8:33:18 μμ] KderD64: I am back. [8/5/2013 8:33:19 μμ] KderD64: Give me links [8/5/2013 8:33:21 μμ] KderD64: from geodata [8/5/2013 8:33:22 μμ] KderD64: to download [8/5/2013 8:34:35 μμ] •Balrog•: hey man [8/5/2013 8:34:41 μμ] •Balrog•: i cant log in my database >.> [8/5/2013 8:35:02 μμ] KderD64: acc: lampp [8/5/2013 8:35:06 μμ] KderD64: pwd the one gave you [8/5/2013 8:35:10 μμ] KderD64: on ip/phpmyadmin [8/5/2013 8:35:19 μμ] •Balrog•: lol i try with root :x [8/5/2013 8:35:28 μμ] KderD64: and after u logged, go with user root [8/5/2013 8:35:38 μμ] •Balrog•: y i know ok [8/5/2013 8:37:59 μμ] •Balrog•: sec [8/5/2013 8:38:06 μμ] KderD64: Give me links from geodata [8/5/2013 8:38:15 μμ] •Balrog•: i do now sec [8/5/2013 8:39:01 μμ] •Balrog•: http://la2base.ru/java_server/2707-l2-scripts-geodata-high-five.html [8/5/2013 8:39:04 μμ] •Balrog•: is here [8/5/2013 8:41:22 μμ] KderD64: Give me directly [8/5/2013 8:41:24 μμ] KderD64: the download link [8/5/2013 8:41:45 μμ] KderD64: Oh [8/5/2013 8:41:47 μμ] KderD64: it's 119 [8/5/2013 8:41:48 μμ] KderD64: mb [8/5/2013 8:41:53 μμ] KderD64: 119.22 MB [8/5/2013 8:41:54 μμ] KderD64: right? [8/5/2013 8:41:56 μμ] •Balrog•: http://dfiles.eu/files/6untldsfm [8/5/2013 8:41:57 μμ] •Balrog•: yy [8/5/2013 8:42:34 μμ] •Balrog•: i give u customers :) [8/5/2013 8:42:40 μμ] •Balrog•: i friend [8/5/2013 8:42:42 μμ] •Balrog•: now inv u [8/5/2013 8:42:52 μμ] •Balrog•: to speak about protection [8/5/2013 8:43:26 μμ] KderD64: Ok I am downloading now the geodata [8/5/2013 8:43:31 μμ] KderD64: Where I put the geodata [8/5/2013 8:43:34 μμ] KderD64: in what folder? [8/5/2013 8:43:46 μμ] KderD64: dist/gameserver/geodata and pathnode [8/5/2013 8:43:48 μμ] KderD64: ? [8/5/2013 8:45:30 μμ] •Balrog•: yy [8/5/2013 8:45:36 μμ] •Balrog•: all in geodata [8/5/2013 8:45:39 μμ] •Balrog•: folder [8/5/2013 8:45:41 μμ] •Balrog•: then [8/5/2013 8:45:50 μμ] •Balrog•: i make alone the config for it [8/5/2013 8:45:51 μμ] •Balrog•: :) [8/5/2013 8:46:04 μμ] •Balrog•: just place to geodata floder [8/5/2013 8:46:06 μμ] •Balrog•: folder [8/5/2013 8:51:25 μμ] •Balrog•: hey my friend is ok? [8/5/2013 8:51:46 μμ] KderD64: Yes I am downloading it [8/5/2013 8:52:07 μμ] •Balrog•: good [8/5/2013 8:52:11 μμ] •Balrog•: about script [8/5/2013 8:52:16 μμ] •Balrog•: login,game [8/5/2013 8:52:20 μμ] •Balrog•: maybe u fix it? [8/5/2013 8:52:22 μμ] KderD64: Yes [8/5/2013 8:52:25 μμ] KderD64: After I put geodata [8/5/2013 8:52:50 μμ] •Balrog•: Thanks a lot [8/5/2013 9:03:40 μμ] KderD64: 24% uploading [8/5/2013 9:05:32 μμ] •Balrog•: good ;) [8/5/2013 9:06:03 μμ] •Balrog•: u server how much ppl have? [8/5/2013 9:07:19 μμ] KderD64: I closed my project. [8/5/2013 9:07:25 μμ] KderD64: I had 350 people w/o topzone and hopzone [8/5/2013 9:07:45 μμ] KderD64: 42% [8/5/2013 9:08:00 μμ] •Balrog•: why? :| [8/5/2013 9:08:18 μμ] KderD64: Got other problems irl. [8/5/2013 9:15:05 μμ] KderD64: 72% [8/5/2013 9:18:30 μμ] •Balrog•: :) [8/5/2013 9:21:41 μμ] KderD64: Ok finished go shutdown the server [8/5/2013 9:21:51 μμ] KderD64: so I can start testing the scripts [8/5/2013 9:23:16 μμ] •Balrog•: Ok [8/5/2013 9:23:18 μμ] •Balrog•: give me [8/5/2013 9:23:20 μμ] •Balrog•: some minutes [8/5/2013 9:23:20 μμ] •Balrog•: :) [8/5/2013 9:27:18 μμ] KderD64: Ok I made the scripts [8/5/2013 9:27:31 μμ] •Balrog•: good lets see if work [8/5/2013 9:27:40 μμ] •Balrog•: sec [8/5/2013 9:27:43 μμ] •Balrog•: i shutdown now [8/5/2013 9:27:59 μμ] KderD64: I also [8/5/2013 9:28:00 μμ] KderD64: enabled [8/5/2013 9:28:00 μμ] KderD64: geodata [8/5/2013 9:28:47 μμ] KderD64: Finished [8/5/2013 9:28:49 μμ] KderD64: shutdown [8/5/2013 9:28:50 μμ] KderD64: ? [8/5/2013 9:28:50 μμ] •Balrog•: thanks <3 [8/5/2013 9:28:53 μμ] •Balrog•: no [8/5/2013 9:28:56 μμ] •Balrog•: in 1 minute [8/5/2013 9:29:10 μμ] •Balrog•: players [8/5/2013 9:29:17 μμ] •Balrog•: kill raid boss [8/5/2013 9:29:18 μμ] •Balrog•: in 3 minute [8/5/2013 9:29:21 μμ] •Balrog•: i restart it :) [8/5/2013 9:31:34 μμ] •Balrog•: you can start it fast? [8/5/2013 9:31:41 μμ] •Balrog•: in 2 minute i shutdown [8/5/2013 9:31:43 μμ] •Balrog•: because [8/5/2013 9:31:51 μμ] •Balrog•: people he leave [8/5/2013 9:32:03 μμ] •Balrog•: if restart is more thank 3 minute [8/5/2013 9:32:04 μμ] •Balrog•: :| [8/5/2013 9:32:12 μμ] •Balrog•: hm? [8/5/2013 9:32:31 μμ] KderD64: done? [8/5/2013 9:32:38 μμ] KderD64: with the shutdown [8/5/2013 9:32:42 μμ] •Balrog•: 1 min [8/5/2013 9:32:58 μμ] •Balrog•: 30 sec [8/5/2013 9:33:32 μμ] •Balrog•: ready [8/5/2013 9:33:36 μμ] •Balrog•: wait e4 siec [8/5/2013 9:33:37 μμ] •Balrog•: mai [8/5/2013 9:33:46 μμ] KderD64: ? [8/5/2013 9:33:52 μμ] •Balrog•: ok [8/5/2013 9:33:55 μμ] KderD64: rdy? [8/5/2013 9:34:12 μμ] •Balrog•: yy [8/5/2013 9:34:15 μμ] •Balrog•: go [8/5/2013 9:34:17 μμ] •Balrog•: open it [8/5/2013 9:34:18 μμ] •Balrog•: :) [8/5/2013 9:34:22 μμ] KderD64: wait [8/5/2013 9:34:27 μμ] •Balrog•: ok [8/5/2013 9:35:54 μμ] KderD64: Voila! [8/5/2013 9:35:54 μμ] KderD64: [20:35:38] INFO Trying to register gameserver: 1 [] [20:35:38] INFO Gameserver registration successful. [8/5/2013 9:35:56 μμ] KderD64: Working :D [8/5/2013 9:36:05 μμ] KderD64: You can enjoy it now :P [8/5/2013 9:36:10 μμ] KderD64: Look [8/5/2013 9:36:15 μμ] KderD64: give me teamviewer so I can show you [8/5/2013 9:36:17 μμ] KderD64: how to check for errors [8/5/2013 9:36:20 μμ] KderD64: more eficiently [8/5/2013 9:36:22 μμ] KderD64: with the scripts I made [8/5/2013 9:36:26 μμ] KderD64: Give me tw id/pwd [8/5/2013 9:37:13 μμ] •Balrog•: oooo good [8/5/2013 9:37:15 μμ] •Balrog•: are u the best [8/5/2013 9:37:16 μμ] •Balrog•: :) [8/5/2013 9:37:17 μμ] •Balrog•: sec [8/5/2013 9:37:59 μμ] •Balrog•: gs ls too [8/5/2013 9:38:03 μμ] KderD64: yes [8/5/2013 9:38:05 μμ] •Balrog•: ooo good [8/5/2013 9:38:06 μμ] KderD64: I started it [8/5/2013 9:38:08 μμ] KderD64: in 10 sec [8/5/2013 9:38:10 μμ] KderD64: After u closed it [8/5/2013 9:38:19 μμ] KderD64: fast dedicated ) [8/5/2013 9:38:22 μμ] KderD64: Give me teamviewer [8/5/2013 9:38:27 μμ] •Balrog•: :D [8/5/2013 9:38:53 μμ] •Balrog•: 475 121 456 [8/5/2013 9:38:59 μμ] •Balrog•: 8250 [8/5/2013 9:46:16 μμ] KderD64: Enjoy the server ) [8/5/2013 9:46:51 μμ] •Balrog•: thanks for all ;) [8/5/2013 9:46:57 μμ] •Balrog•: i hope the ddos protection [8/5/2013 9:46:59 μμ] •Balrog•: to be good :D [8/5/2013 9:47:03 μμ] •Balrog•: because [8/5/2013 9:47:05 μμ] •Balrog•: if i attack [8/5/2013 9:47:07 μμ] •Balrog•: with udp [8/5/2013 9:47:17 μμ] •Balrog•: lag :| [8/5/2013 9:47:21 μμ] •Balrog•: 10 sec delay [8/5/2013 9:47:23 μμ] KderD64: I told you to don't use no-ip ) [8/5/2013 9:47:29 μμ] •Balrog•: i dont use [8/5/2013 9:47:32 μμ] KderD64: Your [8/5/2013 9:47:34 μμ] KderD64: players [8/5/2013 9:47:35 μμ] KderD64: use [8/5/2013 9:47:35 μμ] KderD64: ? [8/5/2013 9:47:41 μμ] •Balrog•: no! [8/5/2013 9:47:42 μμ] •Balrog•: :| [8/5/2013 9:47:47 μμ] KderD64: strange [8/5/2013 9:47:52 μμ] KderD64: I'll look into it. [8/5/2013 9:47:58 μμ] •Balrog•: ok [8/5/2013 9:48:04 μμ] KderD64: Anyway gl, I go out see you later. [8/5/2013 9:48:17 μμ] •Balrog•: ok mate [8/5/2013 9:48:17 μμ] •Balrog•: thanks [8/5/2013 9:48:20 μμ] •Balrog•: see u [8/5/2013 11:09:43 μμ] •Balrog•: mate [8/5/2013 11:09:44 μμ] •Balrog•: i can take [8/5/2013 11:09:52 μμ] •Balrog•: mysql [8/5/2013 11:09:54 μμ] •Balrog•: info? [8/5/2013 11:09:58 μμ] •Balrog•: for online offline [8/5/2013 11:10:01 μμ] •Balrog•: online players [8/5/2013 11:10:02 μμ] •Balrog•: etc./ [8/5/2013 11:10:03 μμ] •Balrog•: ? [9/5/2013 12:56:07 πμ] •Balrog•: hey mate [9/5/2013 12:56:10 πμ] •Balrog•: i have problem [9/5/2013 12:56:34 πμ] •Balrog•: maybe you know how to protect my server from phx? [9/5/2013 2:35:43 πμ] •Balrog•: OMG [9/5/2013 2:35:55 πμ] •Balrog•: DDOS.dedi problems [9/5/2013 2:36:05 πμ] •Balrog•: please give me my money back [9/5/2013 2:36:12 πμ] •Balrog•: and i delete all. [9/5/2013 2:36:15 πμ] •Balrog•: pls. [9/5/2013 2:36:16 πμ] •Balrog•: ! [9/5/2013 2:56:21 πμ] •Balrog•: i hope you are professional. [1:38:11 μμ] •Balrog•: hey [1:38:33 μμ] •Balrog•: i can have my money back? [1:38:40 μμ] •Balrog•: or 50-60 euro.. [1:38:49 μμ] •Balrog•: please? [1:39:00 μμ] •Balrog•: your ddos dont work 3 dc from your dedi [1:39:04 μμ] •Balrog•: my server closed. [1:39:55 μμ] *** Η κλήση προς τον χρήστη KderD64 δεν απαντήθηκε. *** [10:31:18 μμ] •Balrog•: Man. [10:31:21 μμ] •Balrog•: Come on.. [10:31:23 μμ] •Balrog•: dont write me! [10:32:45 μμ] *** Κλήση προς τον χρήστη KderD64, κατειλημμένο. *** [10:33:12 μμ] •Balrog•: OMG [10:33:14 μμ] •Balrog•: I REPROT U [10:33:39 μμ] •Balrog•: Can give me back my money??? !!! [10:33:40 μμ] •Balrog•: OMG [10:54:22 μμ] •Balrog•: i need my money back! [10:54:23 μμ] •Balrog•: OMG [10:54:28 μμ] •Balrog•: i work for this money [10:54:38 μμ] •Balrog•: .... PEOPLE TAKE THE TRUE!!!
  11. Omg are you serious?? go download from my page the system and see and in server too!! Give me back my money i work for this money and i take lend from 4 people , i close my server because in 1 day we have 3 times from 20-40 minute downtime YOU DESTROY ME!!!
  12. I dont use no-ip i use the real and is the same with 1 facking stresser 8$ can take down the server!!! And you dont answer to five me money back!!
  13. I pay this guy "KderD64" 70 euro for ddos protection and my server is down from stresser attacks 2gb-3gb he say can protect unlimited Gbps... http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=271357.0 I have many proofs for this guy now dont give my money back!!!
  14. Good luck with your server mate:)
  15. Very good files ! Trusted & Skilled !
  16. Omg ... please stfu kid just dont spam.
  17. where is the proofs >.>? COME ON IDIOT I KNOW YOU HATE ME BUT YOUR PROOF IS 0 !
  18. AGAIN : You are idiot , this is proof?
  19. hahahah omg are u idiot?? i think yes..
  20. hahaha xD that system is fail :X
  21. Hello guys i give discount from 1/5/2013 - 3/5/2013 everything design website etc -35%!!!!!!!!!! Skype : pilitsakos
  22. domain time to expire >.>
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