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Everything posted by •Shadow•

  1. well i leave. :troll: :troll: :troll: :troll: :troll: :troll: :troll: :troll: :troll: :troll: :troll: :troll: :troll: :troll: :troll: :troll: :troll: :troll: :troll: :troll:
  2. i dont have time for losers .... Just i give my account
  3. I give free my password.. IS SUMMER I DONT HAVE TIME FOR PC Pm me the first pm win my password!
  4. Yeah i dont have problem add me here : pilitsakos
  5. I have adapt from claw,acis,rusteam the base is l2j
  6. No i sell l2j files
  7. you win So and Romeo we must ban because he sell before some moths Heredur files..
  8. WTF kder still selling ?
  9. You are soooo egypt man realy ... i speak only with justice now i give the proofs here !
  10. After ddos. [8/5/2013 9:47:23 μμ] KderD64: I told you to don't use no-ip ) [8/5/2013 9:47:29 μμ] •Balrog•: i dont use [8/5/2013 9:47:32 μμ] KderD64: Your [8/5/2013 9:47:34 μμ] KderD64: players [8/5/2013 9:47:35 μμ] KderD64: use [8/5/2013 9:47:35 μμ] KderD64: ? [8/5/2013 9:47:41 μμ] •Balrog•: no! [8/5/2013 9:47:42 μμ] •Balrog•: :| [8/5/2013 9:47:47 μμ] KderD64: strange [8/5/2013 9:47:52 μμ] KderD64: I'll look into it. [8/5/2013 9:47:58 μμ] •Balrog•: ok [8/5/2013 9:48:04 μμ] KderD64: Anyway gl, I go out see you later.
  11. After ddos. [8/5/2013 9:47:23 μμ] KderD64: I told you to don't use no-ip ) [8/5/2013 9:47:29 μμ] •Balrog•: i dont use [8/5/2013 9:47:32 μμ] KderD64: Your [8/5/2013 9:47:34 μμ] KderD64: players [8/5/2013 9:47:35 μμ] KderD64: use [8/5/2013 9:47:35 μμ] KderD64: ? [8/5/2013 9:47:41 μμ] •Balrog•: no! [8/5/2013 9:47:42 μμ] •Balrog•: :| [8/5/2013 9:47:47 μμ] KderD64: strange [8/5/2013 9:47:52 μμ] KderD64: I'll look into it. [8/5/2013 9:47:58 μμ] •Balrog•: ok [8/5/2013 9:48:04 μμ] KderD64: Anyway gl, I go out see you later.
  12. www.l2styx.net check the ip from system
  13. OMGGG i told you 1000 times after no-ip i use the real IP 188.blabla and the same my server down 3 times..
  14. justice will tell him to give my money back if dont give it i hope justice to give ban
  15. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=272093.0 You can see here..
  16. Auto sou lew den ksereis tipota kai ton pisteueis !!!! Meta to ekana opws mou eipe kai pali to idio apotelesma eixa !!! Kai ti simenei auto na mou scammaroun kai emena 70?
  17. Auto den katalava egw pws se kapoion dinoun dikeo pou ftaiei kai eno dilonei oti epistrefei ta leuta pisw den peira dekara... xoria oti i prostasia den douleue
  18. Eisai asteios ... Fusika den peirane ta dika sou leuta !!!
  19. [GR] Den kserw pantws kati exei gia na pisteuei auton me tis mlkies pou leei .... As pei enas an exw pei psemata gia tetoia themata!
  20. [GR] Auto einai to dikeo e? den endiaferthikes kan na deis ti egine oute photo oute tpt kai pisteueis auton re kserw oti exeis kerdos apo auto den eksigite allios , exasa ta leuta mou epeidh oloi tin eidate ga*** BRAVO! http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=272093.0
  21. And who say dont allowed to speak other members here? Because all know the true!
  23. YOU DONT TELL ME NOTHING TERMS !!! speak and spea and speak you try to avoid to give me money back will move to ban!
  24. Yeah i understand.. :/ but if you server die from some kids you trust anyone
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