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Everything posted by •Shadow•

  1. True LOL hahahhaa * I speak with Head programer and you say LIE!!!!
  2. [L2Scripts] Yes sure >.>
  3. blablablabla tell me 1 server with this project to have low than 500ppl
  4. Just i grow the customers nothing more... TheDude@ Idiot kid sto to say b***s never to try ddos
  5. *All HTML files is english ! All welcome! Our project is profiled in the development of the Software and create A Turn-Key Projects for the Most Popular Online game LineAge 2. We Provide A full range of Services for the administrators of game Servers. Web-design, website development, Java builds la2, scripting and web studs, development builds Goddess of Destruction Harmony, Tauti, Glory Days, Interlude, High Five, any work related to the installation, configuration, optimization level programming languages ​​Java, python, Php, Mysql, HTML, any kind of job DataPack Also included in Our Competence. Also We work with large Data Centers in Europe and Provide Services for the rental and Setup of Server hardware for Servers and websites, the Provision of equipment for Servers Lineage 2. After working up an ideal of the Most Effective scheme to optimize the equipment to Withstand the required Level of Stress. Also, Our mission is Complete Protection of your Server on the packet Hacks and Protection from DDoS Attacks of any kind. Creating Unique quests and game systems on the basis of Jscript and Java. Automatic Organization Donate on your Server Via SMS, WebMoney, Yandex money Services. We Will All That do just enough for your Imagination. We can help make your project one of the Best on the Entire expanse of the Internet. Some server with L2 Scripts project : http://lineage.gg/ - http://mistworld.ru/ and others ... The team give full support any time if you want it ! Skype : pilitsakos (Add me to tell you about info , prices,how to buy it and others) You could compare with all!!!! THE BEST JAVA PROJECT IS HERE!!
  6. Hello people, We need staff for low rate server must have experience about it and need to know very good ENGLISH... If you want to know more info, skype : pilitsakos
  7. Image BACK TO WORK :D Price : 40 euro + Coding + Any change ------>
  8. Image BACK TO WORK :D Price : 40 euro + Coding + Any change ------>
  9. need proof!!!!!! u dont have !
  10. IS true :) and ?
  11. LOL ti einai auto to fail :S??? kai katarxin thelw H5 kati fili m eipan pws einai kalos o styx tha dokimaso telika kai tha doume
  12. Lew na arxiso se auton ton low rate ton kserei kaneis einai stable ? www.l2styx.net Kai an exei kaneis kamia clan i thelei na kanoume ;)
  13. I dont have time to make it better because i work :D but this is my try
  14. About colors? white,green?
  15. Hello the new website Version 4 is ready for sell. You can ask the price with pm or add me in skype : pilitsakos Preview -> Any fix & change for website is free*
  16. Hello the new website Version 4 is ready for sell. You can ask the price with pm or add me in skype : pilitsakos Preview -> Any fix & change for website is free*
  17. Hello the new website Version 4 is ready for sell. You can ask the price with pm or add me in skype : pilitsakos Preview -> Any change&fix is free*
  18. I need professional PHP developer to adapt from 1 website to another website the same code , i want to change template but i need the same code. I pay.
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