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Everything posted by K4rMa

  1. I cant see where is the funny thing! Btw : • You may not post or link to any sexually explicit, harmful, threatening, abusive, defamatory, obscene, hateful, racially or ethnically offensive. LoCkeD.
  2. Pes ta re alani... Apopse stn ammo 8a xtisw palatia :D K me tn erota s 8a ginw kommatia... - - -
  3. hahahah niCe u have humor.... Then why i am full +25 ?! And i am making everyday new armors +++ ? Anyway ;P Do them on your own ^^
  4. http://ftp.headoff.com/GameDemos/Lineage2-TheChaoticChronicle/LineageII_C5_Live_Client.zip
  5. -1 karma <<TopiC LoCkeD>>
  6. Epaiza egw file... c4 epoxEs... kalos itan an eksereseis tous friend tou gm in game... an eksaireseis tis bugies p upirxan kata ta alla eixe... ksulo k sta siege... k ta ola t... Alla apo tiN wra k stigmi pou egine c6 apo 500-700 ppl online epese sta 40-50 alla twra kserw ksanagemise... alla DEN :P Dn exw itemS.. Mpenw p k pou.. gia na dw ti kanoun oi old friendS :P
  7. K4rMa

    Mou leipsate!

    ;O Geia s blane ... Opws s eipa k sta pm... einai to teleutaio pragma p me noiazei tn galaxia :P Sinxisi ? Egw auto to lew HuMoR :P GL GL Kala na pernaS...! Btw.... +1 karma gia tin epistrofi sou sto forum meta apo 10 meres!
  8. Prwti proidopoisi prwtou -1 karma gia unding erotisi apo member <<TopiC LoCkeD>>
  9. Simfona apolita :) K egw paizw ekei k mono velakia xwnw... ante k kana stun opws eipeS>. Btw na kses milaw sto guide mono gia pvp serverS.. Rpg einai alliwS :p
  10. first post edited Next time dont forget to give this info... Btw next time you cant edit your post if you made a mistake is a modify button
  11. to topiC anoixtike on: December 28, 2006, 10:46:51 AM » Aporw pou to vrikeS............. 1rst warning meta -1 karma LoCkeD>
  12. DragonBall Z
  13. These are current newest versions: English (Version 3.18): http://rapidshare.com/files/63157610/l2phx-dist-beta.zip.html Greek (Version 3.18): http://rapidshare.com/files/78731202/l2phx-gr.rar.html Russian (Version 3.20): http://forum.coderx.ru/uploads/l2phx320.rar Why you never search the forum ?! It is so hard? <<TopiC LoCkeD>>
  14. Hmmm you saw it before 1 week and reply now ?! Little strange... Anyway....
  15. I am wondering how you like it ?! You cant see the image... pfff Post hunter ?!!?!? 1rst warning
  16. E mas perNas k liga xronia omwS ;P Btw k kiamo exw paei ^^
  17. Pes m pote na gelasw :P R mlk... otan itan o gonidis 8essaloniki ka8e mera pigena isws// :P K milas akoma ? ^_^ Pou allou 8es na s pw ? Xolidis , Karras ? ;P
  18. @pagiavri => Banned... @blackang3l21 => -1 karma <<TopiC LoCkeD>>
  19. @Deathsoldier PWNED THEM ALL... :P Re paidia re paidia ti leme twra ? TheMental gia auto pou eipes simfono 50 % Alla mono gia ta trance kai ta techno ta opoia einai MONO gia ta club... Ekei nai na ta akouw k na xoreuw kiolas k na ginw k ligo kagkouras... Ola stn wra tous.... Twra gia to metal ?! Ti na to akousw ? H rock ?! Uparxoun auta ? ANUPARKTA.... Ksanalew ellinika gia mia zwi :P se gamous , se vaftisia , se deksioseis pantou.... TECHNO , TRANCE MONO SE CLUB... parte to xampari :P Ola ta alla dn uparxoun... An dn pas mpouzoukia na eisai mes tn kurila ... dn leei... NA FORESEIS gravaties poukamisies ... sakakies ... skoularikies k fysaS :P Ksanalew.. an dn patiseis tn zempekia me to tsigaro anameno kefi dn ginete ;P GIA AUTOUS POU KSEROUN
  20. Here is the 1-70 leveling guide of Zygor. -Alliance Guide (in game) -Horde Guide (in game) -Talent build: all classes (screenschot) -Cartographer -... Instructions: 1.Unrar 2.put it in ?:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns 3.Say thxn 4.Start wow 5.Enable Out of date AddOns 6.in 2 weeks you will we LVL 70 Smile Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/132847964/Zygor_s_Leveling_Guide.rar
  21. Well , this contest faileD :P There arent any pivot , animation fans... Only three members ?! Hmm that's not a contest... <<TopiC Unstickied and loCkeD due to inactivity!>>
  22. Tha deis se 4-5 xronia ;D ^^
  23. Ok :P Mono auto pou me eipes ftanei ;P *End Of conversation*
  24. Hahaha ti leei re paidia ? xD Trava mia volta sta mpouzoukia k stoixima o mesos oros ilikias tha einai 16-25 k pano +++ Ntax einai analoga k pou meNeis an meNeis se kana nhsi logiko eiNai ;p KALA Se eipa apo tn arxi :P 10 xronia pisw... www. youtube.com/watch?v=Dr9tEyCJKRU <== Gia autous pou KSEROUN!
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