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Everything posted by K4rMa

  1. Usefull info: Unlocking Legendary Dark Knight and Son of Sparda To unlock these two difficulites you must beat the game on Devil Hunter. Unlocking Dante must Die and Heaven or Hell mode Complete Son of Sparda mode. Full Ending During the credits where, if you protect Kyrie from getting hit for more than 90 seconds then you will be able to see the secret part of the ending. Full Ending: Protect Kyrie from being hit for more than 90 seconds. Super Costumes Super Costumes gives the player unlimited Devil Trigger. Super Dante: Beat Dante Must Die mode Super Nero: Beat Dante Must Die mode Unlock Bloody Palace Bloody Palace is a survival mode that pits you against 100 floors worth of enemies. Unlock Bloody Palace: Beat Devil Hunter Mode Unlock Artwork Demon Invasion: Beat Dante Must Die mode. Light from the Demon Blade: Beat Hell or Hell mode. The Cast: Beat Devil Hunter mode. The Demons, 12 publicity pictures: Beat Son of Sparda mode. The Ladies of Devil May Cry: Beat Heaven or Hell mode. The Secret Festival of the Sword: Beat Legendary Dark Knight mode. The Two Heroes, 29 character images: Beat Human or Devil Hunter mod Devil mat cry 4 MEGA TRAINER (DX9): Super Jump, Always Allow Devil Trigger (even in missions where not allowed), Instant Devil Trigger, Enhanced Punches/Gun/Stars, Unlock Dante's Dark Slayer Mode (hidden ability), Slow Motion Enemies, Auto-Open Portals (on Sudden Death stages), Super Speed, Unlimited Health, 99999 Red Orbs, 99 Gold Orbs, 99 Holy Water, 99 Vital Stars, 99999 Skill Points (works with Nero and Dante), Kill Timer, Massive Devil Trigger, Unlock All Levels, Unlock All Game Modes, Enemy Confusion, One Hit Kills. Made exclusively for Cheat Happens. WRITTEN FOR THE ORIGINAL (DX9) RETAIL VERSION OF THE GAME. May not work with all versions. Read the included readme file with Notepad for important instructions on using the trainer. This trainer features customizable hotkeys. more information / instructions: A trainer is a program written to intercept and alter the memory addresses of a game. Trainers usually have to be running in memory the entire time the game is loaded. Since trainers address specific memory locations, they usually only support a specific version of a game. This file is not supported in multiplayer or online games. http://www.cheathappens.com/~izip4u/thisbedmc4baby-ch.zip Anti-Trainer (DX9) Freeze Lives of Player and Enemies, Enemies Take No Damage, Bloody Palace Lock Mission, Bloody Palace Save Mission, Infinite Respawns for Hell and Hell Mode. This anti-trainer is useful for practicing and training your moves and combos. Works with original DX9 version. http://www.cheathappens.com/download_file.asp?id=24320 Savegame 100% complete plus all upgrades. This cheat contains a saved game or configuration file that may overwrite your existing saves or configuration. Always make a backup of files before overwriting as this cheat may not work with your particular version of the game. http://www.cheathappens.com/download_file.asp?id=24256 ================ NEXT TIME GOOGLE IT ================ PS: topic tittle edited ^^
  2. Tha simfonisw me tn blane dn kserw kt parapanw.. s0z alla an t psakseis sto site tous 8a vreis apantisi ;P
  3. done thnx
  4. First of all everyone who doesnt have this GUI should deffinately get it, ive had it since it came out and it just makes everything so much smoother and gets rid of the useless things you dont need, along with fixing your rates and much more. Download: White Black This is an awesome bunnyhop script, it's really good there are no lag-jumps or half-jumps. Great script 10/10 I'd recommend it for anyone. Comes with easy to follow instructions as well. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXFCWpdkUKI&feature=channel_page Script: bind "alt" "+bhop" alias +bhop "alias _special @bhop;@bhop" alias -bhop "alias _special" alias @bhop "special;wait;+jump;wait;-jump" //Edit: + Links added + Script added
  5. The link is still th3re :P http://rapidshare.com/files/181516691/ultimate_cs.16hack.rar
  6. Counter Strike Hacks Works on client base File Name :: Cs Hacks By Mahaj Author :: VAC Status :: VAC2 Proof Compatibility :: CS1.6 Description :: A VAC2 PROOF Cs1.6 multi-hack Features: This is my latest client based hook for Counter-Strike 1.6. At first time I tought of hold it completely private. One reason is that many people from the cheat community are unappreciative *******s as you see them in the cs community (you know that the cs community is completely retarted). But on the other side I am not a gamer so it doesn't matter if I release this hack to the public community. So, for the smart and nice community members: I wish you much fun using this cheat and **** the cs gamers. And for the suckers: **** off and crash your computer you ****ed faggots. * - Aimbot * - - Aimkey * - - Aimmode * - - Aimteam * - - Aimwall * - - Aimrange * - - AimXpos * - - AimYpos * - - Aimdraw * - - Autoaim * - - Aimheight * - - Autoshoot * - - Norecoil * - - Norecoilvalue * - ESP * - - NameESP * - - DistanceESP * - - VisibleESP * - - WeaponESP * - Visual * - - Wallhack * - - NoFlash * - - WeaponGlow * - - TransLambert * - - HudColor * - - Crosshair * - - Thirdperson * - - InfoBox * - Speedhack * - - SpeedhackKey * - - SpeedhackValue * - Other * - - Changeable Offsets via .ini * - - Changeable Colours via .ini Installation and Use: * - Extract all files to the same folder * - Run ApocHook.exe * - Start CS1.6 and join a server Troubleshooting: * - The game keeps crashing when I inject the hack! Make sure all files are in the same folder and your video renderer is set to OpenGL. * - I can't download the hack! Try using another download link. Credits: - DeepBlueSea (He created the Delphi HL SDK and helped with engfuncs) - seren1ty (Learned flash per percent from his tutorial) - takedown (He told me how a pixelaimbot works) - bi0s (He designed the image of the loader) Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/189840389/CS_HACK_Mahaj.rar (I didnt test th3m!)
  7. yy kala leei :P Pane private servers sectIOn k anoikse ekei topiC an 8es na diafimiseis h na mas protineis na mpoume... alla prwta diavase sectioN rules.. ' thnx lockeD.
  8. Q card s lew!
  9. Ta xalasmena mazeuouN tile8easi OmwS :P Paei o pappous kanei zapping... paei stoN antenna vlepei tn mlk tn tragikO na milaei gia oiKonomika provlimata >>> paei sto star vlepei tn petrouLa me tis vyZareS apeksw... s Pio kanali les 8a katsei ^,^ O kosmos exei vare8ei pLeoN.... ta ka8imerina provlimata :P St star pLeOn vazoun poiotikes eidiseis :P Exoun poikilia st 8emata... === 1. Η τζουλια αλεξαντρακου αλλαξε κραγιοΝ. 2. Ο σακης ρουβας προτιμαει πατατες τηγανητες παρα στον φουρνο. 3. Ο Ψηνακης εκανε πλαστικη επεμβαση στα φρυδια του για 16 φορα ! κλπ κλπ === ^^
  10. -1 karma for 3rd warning. topiC l0cked.
  11. 2nd warniNg... topic locked.
  12. Uparxei k to undig prosexe to ! 1rst warning.
  13. Dn paizei na mazepsei :S Egw toulaxiston dn 8a empena an k omologw pws dn exw paiksei pote c1 xD fantazomai omws.. xalia grafika , apaisio gameplay ^^ Pleon oi paixtes exoun treles apaitiseis ;P
  14. Auto itan to asteio :P Dn s arese ^^ ?!
  15. rs mirror added! by xXSkillerXx
  16. New link by xXSkillerXx so topic remains unlocked!
  17. First post is now updated with the working link!
  18. -Gamecam and -hypercam2 as @Mafia_007 said!
  19. Na diavasw olo auto k na sto eksigisw ? Dn paizei ;P www.google.com/translate Prospa8ise na kaneis kt monos s... :-\ (An iksera 8a s elega)
  20. 700 ? Ligous eipes.... Opws eipes k o filos m o noble pio panw... AN ennoeis emena gia to activity... imoun egw k o xxrxx.... l2 moderators prin 2-3-4 meres... alla twra giname global mods.. apo prasinoi ~~> mple... An mpeneis r psile 6wra to prwi... dn 8a eimai mesa s0z... dn zoume edw mesa ;P mpenoume 2-3 wres mporei k perrisoterO alla ws ekei.. ti team exoume ? na to allaksoume ? na kanoume eseNa ? 1 post ? gelaei kosm0s... (Mallon efages ban me allo account k ir8es me parapoNa etoimos gia flame wars.. oreksatos :P ) ^^ huhu tCp... an dn s aresoume oi portes einai anoixtes k ta skulia demena... o_O re-locked.
  21. lalala... 1. kane edit to topic tittle s [GR] 2. G00gle <3 http://docs.simplemachines.org/index.php?topic=402
  22. To make sure that all of them are free read the site tittle ;P Free software download and reviews - Download.com All free trial or free from their official sites! ;P
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