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Everything posted by K4rMa

  1. thnx for report the dead link.. Here u are a new one.. ************************************************ I hope it's the same with the previous ;/
  2. Also he have almost 40.000 members and few of them read the ruLes... ;P ^^ But we are here to catch these spammers 8)
  3. It seems like u bumped a years old topiC :-/ 1rst warning :-/ locked :-/
  4. Dead pics :@ topic locked.
  5. Welcome
  6. It's clean & secure expect if u download porno with 450 kb and songs.. all of these small rar and not files are viruseS ;) If you know what to download then u are safe!
  7. Kalosir8es st forum ;D To deutero legete hlapex k oxi helpex hah ^^ S auto to section pane mono shares... To topic 8a metakini8ei exploits help... oso gia ta links psakse to foruM... xrisimopoiontas to search button! ============================================ An kai na kses.. pleon einai sxedoN nekra , argises ligo :P ============================================
  8. Already done by other mod.. thNX fOr report!
  9. We dont lock shares. Just report the spammers.
  10. pfff all done guyz thnx for your reports... @CN Stop beg me for +1 karMa LoLeN.. This is the only reasoN that u report these topics ? :@ Anyway now your "karma points" is higher by ^1^ Happy now ? ;P
  11. ... 1rst la80s sect1oN. 2nd... link nekRo o_O locked.
  12. Already posted. <<TopiC LoCkeD>>
  13. :=@ Link is dead.. topiC lockeD.
  14. yy tottaly free... btw thnx for ur g00d coMMenT ^^
  15. K dn einai o monos pistepse me... tCp dn mas endiaferei pleoN gt dn einai enas k 2... Dn prokeite na gemisouN.... Parolauata ... an 8umi8eis to link pes m to s pm... Btw an milousate msn mporeis na deis to istoriko ti legate prin ^^.... thnx.. locked.
  16. Link is dead. If u re-upload tell me tO unlock. <<TopiC LoCk3d>>
  17. removed! ty
  18. Script0r v1 by busti a programm that lets you make easy, fast and good scripts. got a netsettingsmaker, commandmenumaker, and much more. Download: Old New
  19. Text : K4rMa SubText : WaReZ MaNiaC ty PS: Nice sigs.. :o
  20. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=13767.0 Locked. ;)
  21. 1rst wrong sectiOn. 2nd u made ?! http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=24066.0 -1 karma. <<TopiC LoCkeD>>
  22. http://www.nokiasoftware.nl/ http://www.mobi11.com/ http://www.freenokiasoftware.com/ http://www.bestmobileworld.com/ http://www.nokia.aydinz.com/ http://www.fsmobilez.com/ http://www.nokiagamez.net/ http://www.downloadchill.com/ http://www.free-stuff.me.uk/ http://www.zedge.net/ http://www.koolcorner.com/ http://www.mrfreefree.com/ http://www.freenokiasoft.com/
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