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Everything posted by LightFusion

  1. stolen ? I have worked with Respect,Moveton(InterfaceAI Authors) back in 2014, so he be able to make first simple version
  2. scam who ? your mom Hotaka you 0 skilled noob , mess of this community , go to maxi
  3. xahahahahahh hahahah hahaha
  4. good protection ....
  5. hahah Again :D ? P.S. AccessDenied are you not banned yet ?
  6. if you want something qualified pay for it, otherwise forget, if you have 0 knowledge in what you doing, don't obey someone else to do that for you
  7. Huh yeah sure gl on that !
  8. xxdem why you not from main acc =D ? selling shared shitcode & pretending its your's very productive, not to mention genius idea of cleaning obfuscation.... go away kiddo, you seems smoked out your brains...
  9. Hello tuco, you are rly retarded =)
  10. What do you mean by limit ? How its affected ingame ?
  11. You cant !
  12. ResizeFrame Handle Icon, can't be removed or changed via .xdat editor, the simpliest way for you is to look in ct3Ui.utx for that icon, and change it to transparent, but it would be "removed" on every Window Frame, other way are with native not an option for you.
  13. That's Russian/Ukraine retard what else you can expect ? P.S. Those features that you have on presentation, most part of them you didn't get from public shares(like on this forum), but you took exactly from other server patch, that is most like stealing. You didn't even change anything in them so they look different, so it's very simple to understand the accusations of Topic Starter . If the most part of this features, are being taken from l2sublimity, you man deserve a real punishment !
  14. Here you go - download Just a shitty smartcrypt...
  15. Chronicles ? Payment ?
  16. price is about 600$ maybe less or more, depends on quality and if you want that to be exclusive for your server .
  17. no just missing param . P.S. If you know how the engine rly works, it's rly not hard to understand what caused the issue, but most people here are not "client developers", they are content makers, they have no idea how engine works and they never would be, to say honest it takes a lot of time and energy to study all that things, and just to help on comments on forums =D huh, its easier to ask original koreans for same help.
  18. Well idk, its rly easy issue, 5 min fix
  19. по части реализации Lucera2 > lostworld и l2gw ?
  20. Нечего что ты там модератором был. Человек тебе из PTS пример привел, т.е разобрав оригинальный код в декомпиле это чего то да и стоит - нежели разводить на пустом месте не пойми что !
  21. Это дуялити, великий разраб.
  22. huh so much comments and all of them wrong =D, funny i writed fix in pm.
  23. Is anyone here interested in CP/HP Bar from goddess + chronicles ported to HighFive ?
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