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Everything posted by Vision

  1. Έλα σε παρακαλώ αν δώσω σημασία στον BonJovi είναι σαν να μιλάω στον σκύλο μου και να μου απαντάει. Συνεχίζει να πιστεύει αυτό οτι δεν είμαι ικανός. Ε οκ κουραστήκα ας παραμιλάει στον ύπνο + οτι με βρίσε και όλας χωρίς λόγο σε άλλο τόπικ.
  2. 'Εχω να πω ότι δεν δίνεις έμφαση στο θέμα αλλά σε μένα φτάνει πια. -1 και να με θυμάσαι. Και αμα θες κάνε και report. Που θα με πεις και βλάκα.
  3. Δεν ήταν στημένο αλλά φαινόταν σαν στημένο. Δηλαδή γιατί όλοι το υποστηρίζατε το "negative attitude"? Και τότε γιατί τόσος ντόρος? 8 σελίδες έπρεπε να γίνουν για να κλείσει το θέμα? Please.
  4. User warned thank you.
  5. Γιατί τι άλλο ήθελες να πεις ότι είμαι Bad mod? Ξέρεις τι λέει μια παροιμία? "Όποιος έχει τη μύγα μυγιάζεται" έτσι και σεις δεν είχατε με ποιον να ασχοληθείτε σήμερα είπατε να δημιουργήσετε drama να περάσει η μέρα ευχάριστα. Μπράβο η προσπάθεια όμως απέτυχε next try when?
  6. Interpid, let me explain you. In this part you are totally wrong I know how to handle everything here. If you just stay active and not doing anything you are not a mod you are a vip. All of you, you have this only "Negative" opinion about me. I cannot change this but I can't do my job as best as I can. In my opinion, On the other hand, you judge me very strictly and for what reason? My english level? Okey I'm in progress at this. Next, at my moderation? As you heard I'm kinda good at this if you have doubts I don't care. Oh, and I don't want power. I just want this. For me its socialization. The problem its not me but all of you. The only thing that you do its the judge who are you Maxtor or something? lol'd. In overall, I don't think that I did so much damage to MxC to have this behaviour from all of you.
  7. Also, Wake up Interpid. Where is the spam? Because I'm doing something here? Who no one does? Please. This is not called spam but moderation. When a user is getting off I warn him is that a spam? I don't need excuses. My profile is free to watch it. I don't see any spam I just today I overused it just this. Anyway, I respect all of you and your opinions. I dont have something more to say.
  8. If I'am fitting in this position or not leave it to G.mods. You have opened a useless topic why are you continue it? To pretent who? You have no right to judge about staff issues and who is capable and bla bla. You get it?
  9. Locked temporary. Waiting zake or justice to reply at this.
  10. It's already reported as Trance said. Topic Locked.
  11. are you serius now? 1st my english level its not so bad and what are you trying to do? To give a message to staff for my demotion? lol. 2st I'm not spamming I'm just "active". If it means something to you. 3st Why I'm bad image for the MxC? Can you explain me some reasons? I'm not moderating well or something? What all of these are "aerologics". 4st I respect your opinion but you are not fair in this. I'm facking active and I'm trying to do my best. Is that spam? When you have responsibilites you are not a sigle user who posts 1 post every month.
  12. Just the first one. Ocelote da best.
  13. Voqus nice one like all your tags. I didn't understand clearly what you tought when you designing it. I mean the right corner. But in overall, is good. Kiu.
  14. Hey Unsponsored, Actually, is good dude. As FinalGod mentioned nice flow + nice bg. GJ, keep practcing for more.
  15. Well the text is terrible. You render its wrong placed and wrong resized. You didn't work at all with your backround not even effects. Practice more dude.
  16. So the case is closed? you sold?
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