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Everything posted by NotAbastard

  1. It receives , modifies, and sends packets to client/server. You can modify some of them for your own profit (you could make yourself a gm with the right combination of packets for example) it doesnt work now, 99% of the servers have an improved protection...
  2. I am not sure...but from personal experience, with my last pc, I had 512 mb ram, and l2 was a nightmare to open, and play. I put 1 gb ram to improve it (1.5 gb in total ) and I didn't see any improvement. With my new pc, with a better processor, it runs great, with the same ram... You decide :)
  3. are you kidding me? go study www.lineage2.com to make these you need only one program called :SEARCH
  4. Kamael Berserkers have Shoulder Charge= Like Charge in Wow, but with longer stun and land rate, and delay is 5 seconds. Contagion and Crushing pain do 1500 damage on tanks, 2500 on mystics and archers... If you know how to play, you can kill anyone... (if the stun does not land , 70% of times you die xD)
  5. eleos :P Mono ta logia na xe den 8a me phraze xD (Αrtec - Τρόμπας)
  6. Hiya fellas! Welcome... And... just do what hax0r told you, and we will be gratefull ;)
  7. nothing more than an ugly modded imperial :P but at least you didn't hide this one Good Job ;)
  8. Vrhka auton http://l2.hopzone.net/lineage2/moreinfo/L2CR/66725.html den 3erw an ennoei auton, pantws einai o monos americanikos ~x35 pou legete l2cr
  9. Hlapex(once) did this job. It is now dead. Even if it worked in some servers, I am 100% sure that the server you are playing is l2off and has a fully updated AmpeD protection... =No way (I am off for today ;D )
  10. I did, but it was 100 posts, which was extreme. 50 posts is ...acceptable /ontopic Very nice accessory, are there any others like this one?
  11. This server owns!!!!!! I am so burned, almost 80 in 6 hours :P A bit extreme dynasty armor price (750kk for full set) but that's ok :) but , noble, please check the berserker skills, since 90% are passive... It is almost useless without some of them ;)
  12. It doesn't exist, and all the programs called "Stat changers" are pure keyloggers. Nothing that is client side works sept cheatengine
  13. Last warning , do not hide that kind of posts with such a high postcount!!! You leeched it, it is not a secret to be hidden!! The maximum I would put for this is 25 posts !!
  14. Hah hah!! Egw den exw kanei pote donate, oxi mono gt einai panakriva (LOL 155 eurw gia ena weapon sto gold, se 1 wra to ftiaxnw se diko mou server kai to xw) alla kai gia tous logous pou anefere o filos mou xxrxx apo panw. Kalytera na kaneis sto WoW ... px , se server pou paizw twra, me 35 eurw perneis .recall/appear command gia na phgaineis opou 8es syn ena oplo tis epiloghs sou. Akou 155 eurw... kalytera na parw kinhto :P
  15. That's what it looks like. Nothing more than an edited dynasty bow :P
  16. exei valei swsta kai ta client kai ta server files? Isws exei kanei kati la8os ekei
  17. wallhack= Na vlepeis mesa apo toixous xD Auto pou les einai to hLaPex, to opoio sou epetrepe na to kaneis auto, alla twra pia den doulevei
  18. Ki an akoma den sou doulepsei me tis symboules tou filou mas Calibrator, tote dokimase na vreis ena tropo na kaneis ByPass ton gameguard.
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