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Everything posted by NotAbastard

  1. Diaita dn mporoume na sou protinoume giati ka8e organismos exei kai tis dikes tou anages kai mporei na pa8eis kati poly xeirotero apo to na peinaseis an sou dwsw as poume thn dikia mou diaita O Metavolismos dn allazei/ allazei para poly ligo ki auto poly arga. Mhn paizeis me ton organismo sou giati mono kalo dn 8a sou kanei. Apla prospa8hse na trws logika, kai sthn xeiroterh periptwsh ypologize na pairneis px 1000 8ermides thn mera kai 8a xaneis arketa ka8e evdomada Ki oti evkairia sou dinetai gia gymnastikh ki etc, mhn phgainei xamenh ;)
  2. Auto to topic mou eftia3e thn nyxta ;D
  3. Why didn't you put it in spam topic? You also included no links, no source, nothing. Maybe ...it's an attempt to get 15 pots >> Done!?
  4. Yeh you could smudge a bit around the render and also add a better font, but overall it's an amazing sig keep up the good work :)
  5. I like cheeese breh you put it in sandwich
  6. Eimai koritsi, eimai gnwsth h8opoios. Apodei3h?
  7. Nice guides mate ,thanks. Btw since you have all those guides, why aren't you pro ? :p
  8. Never mind, Vazelos made a mistake the topic wasn't that old. I fixed your karma for you
  9. Lol self pwnt o author
  10. Kai h Makedonia einai Ellinikh ara o M.Ale3andros htan apo thn Ellada.. Auto lene tosh wra..
  11. Don't give superpowers to people without a brain :)
  12. You've tested it? Does it work in 3.1.3?
  13. This, and Fade to black = <3 I know how to play both on guitar, I also know nothing else matters, tryin to learn full master of puppets now
  14. [GR] Ma einai ligo aneu8hnos o allos , anti na frontisei na mporoume na mpoume oloi ka8etai kai paizei. Enta3ei an 3anampw egw se tournament toso anorganwto na me fthsete.
  15. I can't log in... Older protocol than my client.. Can somebody else host?
  16. An ginotan auto, stis mazikes dolofonies twn eurewn sthn katoxh 8a eprepe na ginetai olokaftwma kai gamw ta montaz pantws
  17. It just won't have a name. It's not an exploit it's just a hint. Anyway good trick ^^
  18. Just some quick stuff, There are lvl 70 heroics too, not only 80, also there are 10-man instances too :) When I manage to read the whole topic i'll tell you more ;) Another thing, Retribution full pvp char? No! Retri's dps is magnificent in instances, also keep in mind that a prot paladin is amazing in pvp too. Avenger's shield ( silence , slow, aoe) Hammer of RIghteous (amazing damage aoe) Holy shield (heal on block , combo with Redoubt)
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