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Everything posted by NotAbastard

  1. This community isn't mature enough for such things. Most participants acted like 6-year-olds last time and I don't think it's going to be any different at this state.
  2. the render seems that it has ... a bad shape, you feel me? I think you should've made it a bit higher
  3. GR : A re grammatikhhhhh , My Avatar to grafoune. EN : It's a nice avatar, but I don't understand what it wants to say
  4. I just do it when I feel that the sig is empty in 6 sigs of the main post I dont have the effect I like it tho :)
  5. their opacity is 60%, and I didn't smudge at all o_O About the render... jee what more should I add? 3 gradient maps and blending options...
  6. egw dn poll esy dn poll autos dn poll emeis dn poll eseis dn poll autoi dn poll PS. Nod.
  7. yeah everyone tells me that but i dunno what they mean could you link some useful posts, videos etc? (not forcing, just askin :) )
  8. BUMP Updated 15/10/09 didn't wanna make a new thread check this one please :P Also dont forget to rate my current one
  9. whoever did this had a lot of free time :P
  10. I'd find another theme if I were you, making the forum a flower garden with gray soil won't make it look better imo :)
  11. [GR] Palia me to EmuHacker mporouses na kaneis oti 8es file alla pleon ta exoun fixarei. Opws 3ereis, oi admin doulevoun synexeia gia na fixaroun bugs kai na kleisoun trypes, opote an dn prokypsei kati entelws kainourgio, dn nomizw na mporeseis na kaneis auta pou zhtas. Mporei to paidi pou sto kane na eixe filo gm kai na tou pe na se kanei, h ontws na ekane donate gia sena ( mou to xoun kaanei ouk oliges fores, einai merikoi pou dn tous noiazoun ta xrhmata h einai arketa hli8ioi gia na ta 3odevoun xwris na 3eroun thn a3ia tous.
  12. Stop it please. Cyber, you can't deny that this sig is amazing, and you haven't showed enough skill to be able to judge it so harsh maniak, i voted 4 because i dont like the brush, a nice render would've made it perfect, amazing try though plz dont flame
  13. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_dog_breeds kalo psa3imo :)
  14. Internet is the reflection, not L2 and it's just a REFLECTION , if you avoid real life because you think it's the same with internet, ... poor you ;p
  15. btw I make countless of sigs for free per day, for another site. People request stuff, and I make them. But the reason i created the sig for coyote can be explained of you read maniak's posts
  16. maybe you should escape your rabbithole and go out in the real world. In the real world, nobody does anything without a reward-price. If you want a service , you must pay, it's not charity. Internet is a reflection of the real thing, so yeah, if he offers me something, i'll offer him something. Why would i spend 30 minutes for my life for just a "ty"? It's not that im greedy, but that's how it is.
  17. what's the point of having four if you can even use one?
  18. some people have a natural talent, they know which colors match and they can create beautiful stuff without much knowledge. I'm sorry but your signatures are not good in my opinion. You needa read more. READ the guides don't just watch the photos. The slighest detail can make the difference.
  19. rofl mate i didnt even try hard :) You can easily make one as good as this, or even better I just love V for Vendetta and couldnt just sit and watch this post, I needed to make one sig myself! ;p
  20. well i'd add a small video from the movie, some more brushes and better lighting effects but spending 3 hours for 1 karma ain't worth it, you feel me? :P
  21. here's a simple one, it's not too flashy, I just wanted to imitate the dark style of the movie
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