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Everything posted by NotAbastard

  1. Thanks Bloody for your help , sorry for the dead link but my premium account expired a month ago lol
  2. I did suggest something but it seems my name is written on the bottom of your old shoes
  3. add some text effects like a text background, some pen tooling, the 3 pixel-below-text effects etc, and it'll be perfect :)
  4. geo13, Darklord and Darkslayer done MD, can you please choose another theme? I don't wanna sound stupid, but i can't create a sig with GD cause... I hate their singer... Seriously I can't even look at this guy, I loose all my creativity cause I wanna brush away his face...
  5. GrisoM's and ConArtist's completed (a bit rushed, if you dont like em i can remake them) Pending : MD's, geo13, and darkslayer geo13 and darky, give me more details, thankie :)
  6. Updated 8/3/10 You can now request MUSIC sigs It's not that I can't create other types, but I prefer these. DO NOT spam this topic. I'll have 3 pending requests MAX. If you post a 4th request , it'll be ignored and deleted.
  7. Every render of mine has its smudge here and there, do they look that bad?
  8. You are wrong! If the render has nothign to do with the background then there's no depth
  9. @Gozilla, No point in making this topic mate, you could pm it to Ventic or post it in his thread(if it isn't lock, dunno lol) @Godess, mate I like you but stop flaming already, it's getting tiring (no offence)
  10. Mou 8ymizete prof. sinners, alla pio gamatoi ;P Poly kalh douleia
  11. dunno... alla gyrw stis 95 kinhseis se ka8e pista
  12. Imo remove the stroke from your text... everything else is pretty nice
  13. Πρακτικά είναι αδύνατο να προβλέψουμε τι θα γίνει σε τέτοιες θερμοκρασίες, αφού ούτε να πλησιάσουμε δεν τολμάμε :p Το μόνο σίγουρο είναι ότι θα βγεις καλοψημένος
  14. nta3 dn einai to imba score alla o skopos agiazei ta mesa
  15. Auto me ton cobra to da kai gw. Vrizontousan kai oi dyo kai o autos tou xwse -1 , kai to idio phge na kanei kai se enan platinum pou tou to pe. Sorry , den exw kanena problhma me ta 2 member alla pistevw pws h 8a prepei na parei pisw to karma tou o xountikos h na faei ki o allos -1.
  16. Άστο φίλε δεν το 'χεις... Οι στοίχοι δεν θέλουνε κουμπιά , θέλουνε φαντασία. Αλλιώς γράφεις παπαριές και χάνεις την ουσία
  17. mallon aderfe epese ki allo flame egw pistevw vevaia pws einai ligo lame
  18. Πήγε το γκομενάκι ,μου είπε για νερό Και τώρα την ψάχνω μα να την βρώ δεν μπόρω.
  19. 1) Whats your sex? A. Male 2) Whats your age? A. 12-18 3) Do you have any personal computers in your home? How many? A. C. 2 4) How many hours you stay on your personal computer? B. 3-4 Hours 5) How many years do you use a personal computer? D. 7+ 6) What you mostly do on your personal computer? C. Surfing 7) Do you want to be a professional? B. No 8 ) Do you have internet at your home? How many mbps? B. 2mbps 9) What you like most? B. Walking with a friend 10) Did you buy your personal computer or you did build him by yourself? B. I built it by myself 11) What operation system do you use? A. Windows 12) What main processor do you use? A. Intel 13) What Graphic card do you use? A. NVidia 14) How many inches is your desktop? C. 21-25 15) Do you use Chat machines, such as facebook, skype, msn? A. Yes
  20. Παντού υπάρχει πετρέλαιο. Αλλά τα εκμεταλλεύσιμα κοιτάσματα είναι αυτά που βρίσκονται κοντά στην επιφάνεια της θάλασσας. Αν το πετρέλαιο είναι πολύ μέσα στο έδαφος, το κόστος για την απόκτηση του είναι μεγαλύτερο απο το κέρδος πώλησης , οπότε δεν συμφέρει τις πολυεθνικές.
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