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Everything posted by Dante44®

  1. On that u say on 3 its like they are like High Grade Top Grade and Mid Grade i think in the High Grade Stage the Glow is that u look on video and that weapons on official canot be enchanted so u must make them Un enchantable to dont loose the glow cause if they will enchanted u will see the glow from + and the Glow of the weapon and it will look like terrible~!!
  2. O teleutaios "ellinas" pou dilwse pos lefta uparxoun den mas vgike kai polli se kalo opote ksereis :D
  3. As the title says i want to know if u will find one good GOD Server full PvP Without Tones of Hour Farming Just PvP u will Play on that Server??
  4. Agorase ena Domain apo kapia etairia kai xriazese kai enan server host prosekse omos o server p tha pareis na exei Unlimited Traffic kai episis na s dinei kai DB se periptwsei p theleis an fortoseis mesa ekei kai to forum vevaia times iparxoune polles!!!
  5. O pnigmenos apo ta malia tou pianete Lol xD
  6. Apo osa grafoune omos se diafora forums an deis lene pos auto ine to megallitero BanWave pou egine pote.Kai den exoune stamatisei akoma....
  7. Edo kaneis lathos ton teleutaio 1 1/2 mina exoune gamisei sta ban tous Pantes den ksero ti ginete me tou High level Hero pou exoun scripts klp oi oipolipoi boters exoune xasei apo toulaxiston 15 accounts o kathenas To teleutaio 1 1/2 mina i NC exei provei se ban se toulaxiston 5000 chars....Kai auto ine i alitheia pleon o kosmos den botari opos pallia alla tora isos ine ligo arga otan exei afisei to olo thema anepafo gia xronia katalavaineis gia ti items kai gia ti noumero Adenas mporei na exei kapios pou botare tosa xronia Isos oli auti i kinisi ti NC soft pou arxizei na banarei averta kosmo akoma kai new accounts pou exoune ginei apo Mark IP/HWID ine mia kinisi apelpisias kathos vlepei ta noumera apo ta Donation tis na peftoune kai thelontas na traviksei legit players ksana sto L2 Exei arxisei ta ban...Isos omos ine kai i katastrofi tou L2 Official Ego prosopika exasa ena PT olokliro me 93 lvl chars mesa den m polli enoiakse gia ta chars ban para mono oti exasa ola ta items kai ta Adena pou mazeua :D Ksana eftiaksa PT olokliro kai Enan Main pou mou afisan xwris ban apo prin alla oso na nai pleon Skeftome paaaaraaa polli na ksanavalo kapio programma gia na botaro On quote I Nc Soft exei arxisei na endiaferete apla opos s ipa isos ine pleon ligo arga.... P.S Kai kati akoma vlepo polla ban aplly se Normall Boters Den exo dei omos Ban Stous Top Players Pou xrisimopioune Bot kai kamia fora Prostateuoune kai to area sto opio Farmarei to Bot Pt Tous...Tora pes mou esi....
  8. Of curse u are a bot user player....How u sell Adenas and chars if u dont bot??Come on dude...U sell Crap Accounts With Events Items Who They Cannot Trade the items and etc u dont even tell the truth....The accounts worth 5e each...
  9. nice nice...U need Host and Domain to make Online ur downloaded website...To edit it just open it with Notepad++ and to view it use ur browser
  10. All the NC Bots are marked and soon or later Banhammer will apply Dont recomended to Buy a char who Lvl Up with Bot.NC Marked all bots and u will looose ur money
  11. All the NC Bots are marked and soon or later Banhammer will apply Dont recomended to Buy a char who Lvl Up with Bot.NC Marked all bots and u will looose ur money
  12. All the NC Bots are marked and soon or later Banhammer will apply Dont recomended to Buy a char who Lvl Up with Bot.NC Marked all bots and u will looose ur money
  13. All the NC Bots are marked and soon or later Banhammer will apply Dont recomended to Buy a char who Lvl Up with Bot.NC Marked all bots and u will looose ur money
  14. The account worth 5e Event Items and the Beast Soulshots its Character Skill Also the Wynn Summoner With Bow its Bad Idea Better Light With 2hand Staff
  15. Kala se auto exeis ena dikio
  16. Den kserw ti na sou po ton sigekrimeno anthrwpo den ton kserw prosopika to mono p kserw ine oti apla den exei dwsei dikaiwma pote kai den pisteuo kapios na ekane kati tetio gia 65e koitakste na ta vreite metaksi sas kallitera apla na ksereis i Ipomoni ine megali areti :)
  17. Esi gia pion logo ekanes dispute???Den mporouses apla na perimeneis na teliwsei o anthrwpos tin douleia??? Apo oti fenete file mou edo esi piges na tou fas lefta kai oxi autos kai se emena na to ekanes lipame pou to leo alla an pigenes na mou tin foreseis etsi tha stin forousa me ton idio akrivos tropo!!!
  18. Really nice Features i think i will stop the L2off to Test the server i will Try it For Sure...Lets w8 for the GO :)
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