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Everything posted by blubb

  1. Sagittarius/Phoenix Knight/Titan/Arcana Lord (cat buffer) 1th buff urself with the Cat Queen buff (crit rate, crit dmg, p.atk and acuraccy) 2th Ultimate Defense 3th when ur at 30% hp, use frenzy Zealot and Battle Roar 4th ur on godmode =D
  2. do u need to use some programms or a programm to find this numbers out? and if yes, can u tell us, wich programm you used to get this numbers/information
  3. i like to play dmg dealers like TH or HE ^^ btw, i voted for the TH cuz im playing this char a long time (c1 - c6) ^^
  4. thank you for ur work and ty again. i tryed 2 of them out and it works perfectly ^^
  5. so u wont get kicked .... like when it says "ur kicked for a illegal action" ?
  6. yeah this only works on servers without geodata (servers where u can wallshot)
  7. notice. there is no and will be not a enchanting hack
  8. idk how to code hlapex, thats why i ask u guys ^^
  9. thats like. u have the skills from ur subclasses and mainclass in 1 (mhh like multiclassing 4 chars) ^^
  10. there was a guy who played on the same server like me. he was with hlapex ig and multiclasses / got the items (boss juwels) from the gm shop. i tryed it out but nothink worked for me ... and i got kicked like 10 times lol, anyways ..... i logged again ig and asked the guy how he do that and told him, I get a kick when i send a packet. he sad to me, if u know how hlapex rly works and if u can code it, u can use hlapex on every server .... I was like WHAT THE HELL :O! he dont told me how to code it ^^ so i wanna ask u guys, if u know how to code it =D PS: GodOfAden i downloaded much programms from u and enjoy them all. i tryed to speak with u but never saw u online. if u have time it will be nice when u inv me to ur msn (lineage2_law@hotmail.de)
  11. it works. now when u try to do it on the server wich i play, u get a kick for a illegal action xD my acc with my archer got banned rofl. i had double shot +136 Power ^^
  12. anywhen everybody got luck with anythink ^^ i'll check the server up. hope we see us ig
  13. u need to have it in ur blood ^^ 2 ways. 1th ur a good pvper or 2th u suxx at pvp =D
  14. Lineage 2 C3 :D this was the best periode for me
  15. the name i can send u but if i writte it here the admin will see it (he is on this forum too) xD its a l2j c5 ^^
  16. lol im stuck at the login screen "server - good" but when i look on hlapex he is in game "active , aktive" >.> they patched it good damn ^^
  17. i have a question. if i do this what u wrotte, and i want to use hlapex on a server i need first to open the startapache.bat , second "Hlapex" and last the l2 client?
  18. im useing this program first time, and i tried to use it on so many servers, on some servers it worked with the gm shop (rb jewels, dagger) but it never work with the super haste buff, zero buff. i saw a guy on the server where i tried this program (for me it doesnt worked) but he used it perfect. i tould him if he is useing hlapex and he sad yes. lol my question is how can u (ppls) use hlapex on servers with a patch vs this programm? o.O
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