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Everything posted by blubb

  1. AM = Arcana Mace (as i remember) or is it a costum stuff. cuz on a am there isnt a SA with empower o.O
  2. Hi, i dont know what the name is from that programm but i will explain you a bit and hope you know it. Last time i was talking with a friend in Giran castle town "german". But when i was writting german and clicked Enter, there was somethink like Spanish .... i was like what the fuk xD there was a guy near us who laughed at us. name was Espaniol. i asked him what he did, he sad using a exploit programm lol. if u know the name from the programm and can give a download link, i would be happy ;D
  3. read the titel. [TOOL] Enchant Software ------> (not safe but helpfull) <------
  4. i played l2 extreme (wich was closed from the fbi) on c2 - c3 and i never saw that guys "wich played" there on "old extreme" lol
  5. i played there and it is a good balanced pvp server. the only one think what made me crazy is , they dont got Geodata.... every n00b trys to wallkill you if they know u pwn them. admin or gms are never online, so pointless to report it. PS: broke my drac bow focus +23 to +24 today xD
  6. i just wonder "why" he got jailed for 9 years lol... did he killed the other clan leader irl?! :o
  7. some admins are just to lazy to search for bugs. damn cant download the updater from l2terror ffs >,<
  8. tried it out but to the wrong time. the gm was stalking me (he was invis.) LOL got a ban xD
  9. works fine for me. (tried it on 4 hellbound servers)
  10. there wasnt any lag when i played there for a hour but maybe of the low population of players. 7 ppls :-\
  11. lol that list is rly big and helps alot. shmeq was right, when he sad "sticky it"
  12. did u changed the exp rate from 5000x to 8x ? ...
  13. is that the 5000x server homepage? ou it is. nvm ^^ server seems to be down >.<
  14. pvps are so unbalanced. warlods owns all lol
  15. there isnt a enchant bug/exploit. if u want to enchant high, then u need just much "LUCK" lol
  16. just works on a few l2j servers. if u can find a l2 off server with that bug u must be very lucky lol
  17. i think they need still a few days. server is still down >.<
  18. gona try it out ^^ ... u cant get robe armors ffs. just some parts but u cant get the full set, pvps are unbalanced like hell. much work is waiting for you lol ... anyways. im not gona login there more.
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