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Everything posted by blubb

  1. close this topic pls, and use the search button if ur looking for somethink -.-
  2. its fixed on the most servers. "u are kicked from a gm bla bla bla"
  3. there is never a gm online to jail/ban wallshooters/botters/spawn atkers -.-'
  4. the most servers doesnt has a future BUT i will give you my word!!! this server just pwns and has a very loooooong and good future. keep the good work Eko.
  5. im always alone fighting ^^ got a normal set (+15 armor , +29 bow) ^^ and kill the most with higher enchants in 1 vs 1
  6. join that great server and be a part of the great community ;)
  7. trust me, im playing there now for a few days. like 95% on kamael is fixed. everything is working fine. if u dont join it u need to be realy crazy lol....... we are waiting for you homies. best kamael server! gratz Eko
  8. with eko as admin u got 1 of the best admins ever. join it and check everything
  9. u need much more post's, like me lol
  10. lol... can u find the passwords of ppls with any of that programs?
  11. New Kain Server is playable now! Best Sever i have ever seen
  12. Holly Shit, ur videos still rocks like hell...... i will join ur server 100% ^^
  13. think so, because its like "glitching" or ghost mode xD
  14. just a question. if u can answear it, i will be happy ^^. What is a "Dupe" Exploit. copying something so often you want?
  15. np, we thank you for the work on the server ^^ <3
  16. Not a virus. I sad the server was Protected! learn to read and dont make the ppls scarry
  17. look around the forum and maybe you will find him
  18. that summons are rly strong .... and if u fullbuff him OMFG just RUNNNNN xD
  19. thx blackberry, thats helpfull on low rate servers ^^
  20. i dont understood it. what can you or what happens, if you are using that?
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