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Everything posted by AchYlek

  1. what mad? it cost 500kk ingame, 1dp = 10kk also u can buy it for vote/events anyway max 300 on, dead serbidor even mouse still got more
  2. its possible, since they so greedy with donate ;D
  3. Idk if u trolling or no but... https://i.imgur.com/cmDQMzx.jpg
  4. Sure legit bugs at betka, its time to use at live start
  5. 897 users = 100 real 100 bots and 100 phantoms , so? trust me u will die faster then before saga name = paid clans and 2 weeks and dead (last saga) now those clans wont join anymore since they was bored before i was scam all ppl and noone care
  6. im boting since when was first release of adrenaline, before i was farming 12h+ daily and get bored , so after 6y i will join only servers where are bots, since atleast there are ppl too ... servers w/o bots are dead right now
  7. it should be , since saga admin was banning first 3 days after u should bot everywhere ;D primeval still top for bot at saga
  8. still ppl better pay 20$ for adrenaline than any ingame bot :D 20$ is 1-2h in work, and u dont need waste your time for farm items
  9. even ncsoft get brain and made ingame bot , guess why? its 15y old game and ppl geting tired sitting near pc and play that game , l2 is only good bcs pvp system for me last lionnka was best, i was boting 1 week w/o geting ban and still there was ppl and was fun, since brazon get kicked from team and i didnt banned me every 1h but right now servers w/o bots are dead.. guess why? when u go to any location and see 0 ppl u will leave
  10. there no exist 100% bot and interface protection, so ya ppl will leave since there will be boters and they cant bot also 90% ppl want just bot and after only pvp , so no bot = no ppl = no fun , np i wanna see ppl in 2k20 who just click to mobs 8h daily to get equip,... :D
  11. sorry im player who never get dp or something and still i was over equiped than others , like now last lionka so ya maybe i flame that cps / clans geting 10k dp at mouse servers but i can make equip in 2 days https://clips.twitch.tv/HumbleSpicyWitchNomNom?fbclid=IwAR0Dc8HrI_jslR2TAQoz7NtfYgqtSXWa5s29Hhg5FBfUK3Oke5NB2Yw87c8 i tried 1 time saga, it died faster than any mouse servers ever, guess why? bcs ppl was crying about they geting 1 shot from all also my friend cps was get bored since they was full equiped with no farm
  12. about this, if i want join server first i look forum , if its dead ya i wont even download system , better 10000 fake topics than 30 posts after 1 month of adverting
  13. let me say this... why i should go to mid rate where i kill all rbs in 10sec? where is any drama of my pt or something? u get bored why i should get in pvp 50k? i will leave since mage wont hit 50k there is biggest fail, saga make everything "retail" thats problem, u get bored after 2 days since u geting everything fast... u can aoe full soa with titan after 2 days u report something and saga admin will say " its retail gtfo" ya sure for mid rate u cant have 100% retail all things
  14. it was sunshide at saga who was hiting 50k with paladin, if u want know dmg from titan @adidaskipowah he can confirm it, mouse server is totally trash balanced, he make balance for his friend cps, 1 time they want play archers, he boost archers, after they want play mages he boost mages etc, so this fraps is nothing
  15. me edited post , np, and yea it was paladin with blunt and double icons oh u posted averia , its java with 50k crit dmg max and he hiting 10k to party ud so? also we know that averia is based for low rate, not mid rate thats why mid rate died so fast...
  16. it was paladin who was hit 50k, i wont talk about titan we did 3kk dmg per hit to frintezza and aoe 10 rbs 7q , legit as fuck even at mouse server we can hit 20k++ if u know how, but hiting 50k ya sure , its best files u should get thing that , retail files are not for mid rates , u should do any balance to keep good game play
  17. just look your forum, 34 posts ? its dead totally https://imgur.com/myZEtS9 and main website videos where even my "cp" 3 guys who owned all cps almost , please u had 1 time paid clans and got good online, after 1 week all paid clans left your files was so good when we was hiting 50k to everyone lf "iOllie" to confirm it how good u have eu files its lagging since i was at dual box and bp was at bot forget decrease background performance also your afk spaming "wts something" to trade chat is so trash
  18. so? as i know u make adverting for l2saga maybe u are gm too, and saga is corrupted same lvl like sorin/mouse its can be happened, lets see ... but we know that tyga is not famous streamer, only rapper so idk how much he will get viewers
  19. actually brazon will have privi only for ban bots its not mouse server where even i had gm acc and should do everything so elixir was alive for 6 months, its good ... for 2k19 servers tell me any server when was 2 days alive and failed
  20. 4 months with 0 online lul, your server died after 1 week
  21. last time they said "we didnt pay clans" after first few hours all cps from clan had ica guns 300 and dyna sets xd
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