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  1. https://l2devsadmins.net/fissban/index.php?board=12.0
  2. [ES] En la vista de lo popular de Acis y de lo mucho que se complica la gente en adaptar y meter nuevos códigos me dispuse a hacer este engine. Este engine contará con un sistema de listeners y codigos que nos permitirá diseñar de forma sencilla todos nuestros mods prácticamente sin modificar el core de nuestro proyecto, esto hará más fácil actualizar nuestro pack y evitar errores de programación. [EN] In the view of popular Acis and how much people complicate in adapting and putting new codes I was prepared to do this engine. This engine will have a system of listeners and codes that will allow us to easily design all our mods practically without modifying the core of our project, this will make it easier to update our pack and avoid programming errors. REPOSITORIO/ REPOSITORY * https://svn.code.sf.net/p/l2j-engine-mods/code/L2J_EngineMods/ CAMBIOS / TIMELINE * https://sourceforge.net/p/l2j-engine-mods/code/commit_browser SUPPORT * https://l2devsadmins.net/fissban/index.php DESCARGAR E INSTALAR / DOWNLOAD AND INSTALL https://l2devsadmins.net/fissban/index.php?topic=23.0 [ES] Ire agregando mas mods a medida que me lo vayan pidiendo y vea que tenga tiempo en crearlos....el test queda por parte de ustedes ya que esto es para ustedes, or ahora solo cuenta con estos mods. [EN] I will add more mods as they ask me and see that I have time to create them .... the test remains on you as this is for you, for now you only have these mods.. -> MODS -> AnnounceKillBoss -> AntiBot -> ColorAccordingAmountPvPorPk -> EnchantAbnormalEffectArmor -> FakePlayer -> NewCharacterCreated -> OfflineShop -> PvpReward -> SellBuffs -> SpreeKills -> SubClassAcumulatives -> SystemAio -> SystemVip -> VoteReward -> EVENTS -> BonusWeekend -> Champions -> CityElpys -> RandomBossSpawn -> NPC -> NpcBufferScheme. -> NpcClassMaster. -> NpcRanking. -> NpcTeleporter. -> NpcVoteRewardHopzone. -> NpcVoteRewardNetwork. -> NpcVoteRewardTopzone.
  3. They are rushing on that issue, which now does not work under protections like lameguard does not mean that in the future it does not, I have planned in the future to make it jump as many securities as possible.
  4. Of course, this is something I do in my free time and maybe some day of its fruits but if it is in my plans to study the current security systems to see how to overcome them. thanks for your observations.
  5. It is true that I am not a professional programmer and never said such a thing but I do not understand your observation ... if you readme.txt make it clear to that topic. On the other hand a copy paste of l2j? I guess you mean that many of the structure is similar to l2j thing that is true and try to make it similar to something I already knew because in this area of programming I am new even so I do not see why you highlight it as if it was something bad but I assure you that all the code is mine except for the encryption systems of data traffic. Engrish? this last my translator did not know how to interpret it.
  6. Only in interlude and if the server does not have any protection. At the moment I want everything to work and then I worry because it exceeds all the securities
  7. It is a bot that does not require having the official client or anything like that, I hope you have understood it now. Probably the problem is you, check to have version 8 of the jdk. If your problem persists or you have some other I invite you to our forum where I will give you support. http://l2devsadmins.net/fissban/
  8. Description L2J-Robot is an emulator of the client of Lineage2 Interlude that aims to provide the user certain comforts and tools such as artificial intelligence for the automation of the acquisition of experience and elements of the game among other features that are in development. Screen Shots Login Main Systems * System to view inventory and items equipped. * System to see passive and active skills. * System to see the stats of the character. * System to read and write in the chat. * System to move around the map and interact with the different objects of the game. * Ai system customized by classes (in development) Project https://sourceforge.net/projects/l2j-robot/ Forum https://l2devsadmins.net/fissban/index.php
  9. NewCharacterCreated is still developing. About the champions, I'll check as this in front of me but the last time I did was functioning normally. Thanks for the report.
  10. that already implemented .... only use ".command" and will be read by all mods.
  11. I do not make the adaptations to the newest versions of ACIS because I have no access to them, if they want to adapt it will have to ask the owner of acis give me access to the latest versions.
  12. It works well for me. Show me the changes.
  13. This website requires javascript/cookies support in order to operate properly.This website requires javascript/cookies support in order to operate properly.It is true, I have entertained so long to write the code that eh forgotten to leave instructions for those who want to use my work. Although I check this forum so soon I do every day, if they will have to ask for support on my forum: This website requires javascript/cookies support in order to operate properly.http://l2devsadmins.com/
  14. I will not base my engine on private versions since my work is for everyone and not only for those who paid Acis. But even so is quite simple update my work last private versions
  15. Javalution not use the library. It has favored the use of maps and lists rather than simple arrays. I did much rework of very many kinds, whether for a cleaner or more efficient or just to have a better order code. They spent many of the quest to java and are testing. It works daily. some things were removed customs. They moved to xml many of the static data from the DB but not all. etc etc etc I invite you to review the timeline for more detailed information.
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