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Everything posted by Thelasthero

  1. if you are not interested on my pack then JUST DON"T ....... REPLY! and btw i don't share compile 20 euros..... i share BOTH compiled and decompiled 55 euros OK???????
  2. 1o double post 2o double post kai ekanes kai kainourgio topic -1 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=11.0 dn blaptei na to diabaseis
  3. hmm let me tell you a secret, there is a button called SEARCH, http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=105735.0 here you can find everything, i don't think such programm for phx hlapex walker all together exists, you have to compile your pack with eclipse. geodata: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=105918.0 (i am not 100% sre it works for epilogue, i am 95% but for gracia final 100% i have tested it
  4. hmm i don't get it... windows 2003 server 64, is a different OS ? (operating system). I mean i can install it as 2nd boot of my computer?
  5. that's a really awesome server, very nice i will 100% join
  6. log in and see them... i think the title says that [L2J Interlude Server]...
  7. hmm, it says total 63 euros per month to me there when i choose what i want, but when i press subtime it says 480 euros on paypap lol ???
  8. yes you can buy all all staff with adena, and yes double post isn't allowed...
  9. i want to install windows 2003 server, on a different partition, but i want to be able to boot to my xp too, how can i do that? btw i use windows xp sp 3 professional 32-bit
  10. that's like spamming...... , you didn't answer my question..
  11. guys, can i make l2off server on windows xp? not only at 2000?
  12. not for me.... i want to install windows 7 , to try playing without installing mu computer's drivers... only java.
  13. Guys, i am looking for a deticated server, about 60 euros, 4-6gb ram, big internet connection, that can support payments with paypal or paysafecard... If you can find something, reply here, thanks!
  14. gonna try that one... and tell you if it really works Don't work, to withdraw with paypal, you have to deposit with paypal...
  15. yes but have you tested it, it works? because one friend lost 60 euros from there and i want to see, if i try to do it, will i lost my money..
  16. Guys does this work, or i am going to lose my money?
  17. look, i had problems with l2 (i had windows 7 before 3 months), i had problems like i started l2.exe and nothing happened, and 1 other error i got was something that was saying contact etc etc.
  18. Hi guys, i want to sell a pack, interlude l2j, with a lot of features that l2j is missing on interlude. Here are protections: Flood protection for chats. Phx critical error. Force Bug. Cp Bug. Ctrl+alt+del from Olympiad. Pre frenzy/zealot/guts/angelic icon etc in Olympiad. Phx enchant bug. Increased multisell security. Phx announce. Phx enchant (werehouse). Olympiad fake death exploit fix. Pet enchant exploit. Server bypass flood protected. Multisell bug. Over enchant fix(kicks player and delets his item of overenchanted). Trade bug fix(the one with the bot alt+h). Subclass special ability stacking on weapons(100kk hp etc). Freeze when you subclass to take all skills and remove other class skills(stuck skills). Thanks to Coyote for here share, where i found all the antihacks. Here are features i have added: My L2JMods.properties file, there are also at Options.properties file some modifications about floods for chats: #--------------------------------------------------------------- #--L2JMODS------------------------------------------------------ #--------------------------------------------------------------- # All modifications can be enabled and disabled without effect - # effecting the server, designed specifically to add non - # retail types of gameplay into the L2J server. - #--------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Champion mobs - # Turns random mobs into Champions - #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Enable Champions L2JMod ChampionEnable = false # Chance for a mob to became champion (in percents) - 0 to disable ChampionFrequency = 5 # Min and max lvl allowed for a mob to be champion. ChampionMinLevel = 20 ChampionMaxLevel = 70 # Hp multiplier ChampionHp = 8 # Hp Regen Multiplier ChampionRegenHp = 1. # Rewards multiplier ChampionRewards = 8 # Adenas & seal stones rewards multiplier ChampionAdenasRewards = 1 # Atk bonus for champion (changes apply on patk & matk) ChampionAtk = 1. # Spd Atk bonus for champion (changes apply on patkspd & matkspd) ChampionSpdAtk = 1. # Chance to obtain a specified reward item from a higher lvl champion (in percents) default is off using glittering medal as reward ChampionRewardItem = 0 # Specified reward item ID ChampionRewardItemID = 6393 # Specified reward item rnd qty ChampionRewardItemQty = 1 #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Wedding System (by evill33t) #--------------------------------------------------------------- # description by unical3: # It's 2 parted. # First part "engage" # 1) Target the player that you want to make a couple with # 2) Write in chatwindow .engage nameofyourpartner then enter # 3) if player has you on friendlist popup will apppear with engage request # ============ # ok cancel # ============ # and a systemsg that you wanna engage with him/her # if not in your friendlist nothing will happen. (/friendinvite nameplayer) # 4) if player accepts you are engaged. Congratulations! # # Second part "marriage" # 1) if you are engaged go to a Wedding Priest named Andromeda # in Hot Springs Guild House (Goddard) and ask for marriage # [ you need Formal Wear (C4Items) and it costs 11k ] # 2) your partner goes to the npc and confirms after you make the request # 3) fireworks,wedding marchs and your are married # # You can use .gotolove nameofyourpartner to teleport to your partner if # you're married (costs 500 adena) # # if you want to cancel your engagement / marriage enter .divorce nameofyourpartner # if you're married you have to pay 20 % of adena to your partner # # When you try to engage with someone and you have already a partner you get # a bighead + debuff # # You find a priest NPC in Hot Springs Guild House (Goddard). # Wedding Manager Id: //spawn 50007 #--------------------------------------------------------------- #True Allows Wedding, False disables Wedding. AllowWedding=False #Cost of Wedding, set the price in Adena, remember not to exceed the max! WeddingPrice=250000000 #Would you like to punish the player for for disloyalty to their spouses? If you want them punished set to True, if you would like NO punishment then set to False WeddingPunishInfidelity=True #Have the players teleported for marriage? If so True, if not False WeddingTeleport=True #The Price for Teleport is configurable below in Adena WeddingTeleportPrice=50000 #Time before character is teleported can be set below (in seconds) WeddingTeleportDuration=60 #Homosexuality- Allowed = True, Not Allowed = False WeddingAllowSameSex=False #Require Players to wear formal wear, True is yes require formal wear, False is not require formal wear. WeddingFormalWear=True #Cost of Divorce, % of Adena WeddingDivorceCosts=20 #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Team vs. Team Event Engine (by FBIagent) - #--------------------------------------------------------------- # enable TvTEvent TvTEventEnabled = false # Time Between TvT events (in minutes, 300 = 5 hours) TvTEventInterval = 300 # Registration timer (in minutes) from start of event. TvTEventParticipationTime = 60 # Event running time, in minutes TvTEventRunningTime = 20 # TvT Event NPC Details (create a custom npc of type L2TvTEventNpc) TvTEventParticipationNpcId = 70010 TvTEventParticipationNpcCoordinates = 83425,148585,-3406 # Minimum amount of players allowed in each team TvTEventMinPlayersInTeams = 1 TvTEventMaxPlayersInTeams = 20 # Level rules TvTEventMinPlayerLevel = 1 TvTEventMaxPlayerLevel = 80 # Teleport delay Timers (in seconds) TvTEventRespawnTeleportDelay = 10 TvTEventStartLeaveTeleportDelay = 10 # First Team Details (name, start and death x,y,z tp point) TvTEventTeam1Name = Team1 TvTEventTeam1Coordinates = 148695,46725,-3414 # Second Team Details (name, start and death x,y,z tp point) TvTEventTeam2Name = Team2 TvTEventTeam2Coordinates = 149999,46728,-3414 # Reward for winning team # itemId,amount;itemId,amount;itemId,amount;... # no ";" at the start or end TvTEventReward = 57,100000;5575,1000 # TvTEvent Rules TvTEventTargetTeamMembersAllowed = true TvTEventPotionsAllowed = false TvTEventSummonByItemAllowed = false # Door id's to close/open on start/end # ex.: 1;2;3;4;5;6 # no ";" at the start or end TvTEventDoorsCloseOpenOnStartEnd = #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Custom Title - #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Deafult: False CharTitle = True AddCharTitle = L2Spike # Announce castle lords on enter game. default = false AnnounceCastleLords = False # --------------------------------------- # Section: PvP Title Color Change System by Level # --------------------------------------- # Each Amount will change the name color to the values defined here. # Example: PvpAmmount1 = 500, when a character's PvP counter reaches 500, their name color will change # according to the ColorForAmount value. # Note: Colors Must Use RBG format EnablePvPColorSystem = False # Pvp Amount & Name color level 1. PvpAmount1 = 500 ColorForAmount1 = CCFF00 # Pvp Amount & Name color level 2. PvpAmount2 = 1000 ColorForAmount2 = 00FF00 # Pvp Amount & Name color level 3. PvpAmount3 = 1500 ColorForAmount3 = 00FF00 # Pvp Amount & Name color level 4. PvpAmount4 = 2500 ColorForAmount4 = 00FF00 # Pvp Amount & Name color level 5. PvpAmount5 = 5000 ColorForAmount5 = 00FF00 # --------------------------------------- # Section: PK Title Color System by Level # --------------------------------------- # Same as above, with the difference that the PK counter changes the title color. # Example: PkAmmount1 = 500, when a character's PK counter reaches 500, their title color will change # according to the Title For Amount # WAN: Colors Must Use RBG format EnablePkColorSystem = False # Pk Amount & Title color level 1. PkAmount1 = 500 TitleForAmount1 = 00FF00 # Pk Amount & Title color level 2. PkAmount2 = 1000 TitleForAmount2 = 00FF00 # Pk Amount & Title color level 3. PkAmount3 = 1500 TitleForAmount3 = 00FF00 # Pk Amount & Title color level 4. PkAmount4 = 2500 TitleForAmount4 = 00FF00 # Pk Amount & Title color level 5. PkAmount5 = 5000 TitleForAmount5 = 00FF00 # Maximum Attack Speed 0 MaxAttackSpeed = 2000 # Maximum Casting Speed 0 MaxCastingSpeed = 2000 #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Character settings - #--------------------------------------------------------------- # Allow costum starting lvl False by default # lvl 20 and 100% instantly CostumStartLvl = False #------------------------------------------------------------- # Section: Custom Fight Stats Title System #------------------------------------------------------------- AllowFightStatsSystem = False #----------------------------------------- #Maximum number of subclass #----------------------------------------- MaxSubClass = 3 #Show Online Players number at startup ShowOnlinePlayersAtStartup = True #Set time interval to announce online players number (0 - don't announce) OnlinePlayersAnnounceInterval = 900000 # These controls the chance to get a skill in the augmentation process # Retail: 15, 30, 45, 60 AugmentationNGSkillChance = 15 AugmentationMidSkillChance = 30 AugmentationHighSkillChance = 45 AugmentationTopSkillChance = 60 # These controls the chance to get a Base Stat Modifier in the augmentation process # Note: # No dependancy on LS grade # Retail: 1 AugmentationBaseStatChance = 1 # These controls the chance to get a glow effect in the augmentation process # Note: # No/Mid Grade Life Stone can not have glow effect # if you do not get a skill or Base Stat Modifier # On Retail you can not get glow effect with NoGrade LS # Retail: 0, 40, 70, 100 AugmentationNGGlowChance = 0 AugmentationMidGlowChance = 40 AugmentationHighGlowChance = 70 AugmentationTopGlowChance = 100 #Everybody hero if set to True Default=False AllHero = False #Everybody noble if set to True Default=False AllNoble = False Selling at a very good price of: 1.Compiled(start gameserver.bat and loginserver.bat not the java codes)= 30 euros. 2.Decompiled(you can edit java codes as you want= 35 euros. 3.Both 1 and 2= 55 euros. Payments only with paypal. You can contact with me if you are interested by: 1.Add me msn gerasimos007@hotmail.com 2.Send me pm here(if i don't answer msn). Credits to me and thanks to coyote for HIS perfect share. Coyote Note: I am not a woman >_>
  19. http://www.l2mxc.com/ , www.l2dominion.eu/interlude (gve)
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