New awards will include some of these icons.
In order to get them, there will be some competitions, some will be paid , and some will be tradable.
An announcement will come soon!
Warning System will include these:
One button to report, easy to use
Only VIPs/Donators will have this ability
After some warning points, the member will be auto-muted ;)
Dont need to give -1 karma , spammers will be warned easier and faster
Reset Karma @ MxC?
Do you agree or not?
This vote is not about removing Karma function, but about RESETing to zero.
After Reset only VIPs with a specific amount of posts will be able to give Karma to avoid false positive-negative karmas
Topic is locked to avoid spam . Vote is OPEN!
edit: awards will be given before reset:
edit 2:
1. Karmaggedon (red) Reason: before karma reset this will be given to people who have total 20+ karma and more
1. Karmaggedon (blue) Reason: before karma reset this will be given to people who have total 15-19 karma
1. Karmaggedon (green) Reason: before karma reset this will be given to people who have total 10-14 karma
1. Karmaggedon (gray) Reason: before karma reset this will be given to people who have total 5-9 karma
5-9 Karma:
[+]Maxtor :P
10-14 Karma:
15-19 Karma:
+20 Karma and more ...
i need an award for "karma rights" . after the karma wipe, everything will be changed to permissions. only specific VIPs will be able to give karma. ;) (depends or post count)
1. karma rights
2. hammer award
3. porn award
4. hero award.
5. maxtor's buddy award
6. reputation award
Need a better Use "Report Section"
Or click this link:
Report Section
Now you can support as be using the Report Section.
Report karma abuse, spam, illegal activity here. No post count.
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We need some awards for competition winners:
top share
top supporter
icon for l2,lol,wow,aion etc...
and whatever else you think.
samples: .