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Editing Texture - Extract

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Hello everyone, i want understand how we find which texture does an item use. For example lets say the Formal Wear ID: 6408 

I search it on Armorgrp.dat and found this:

1	6408	0	3	6	2	0	dropitems.drop_wedding_box_m00			dropitemstex.drop_wedding_box_t00				0	0	0	0	0	1	0	0	icon.armor_t2000_ul_i00	icon.armor_t2000_u_i00	icon.armor_t2000_l_i00	icon.armor_t2000_g_i00	icon.armor_t2000_b_i00	-1	1000	17	0	0	0		1		9	4	Fighter.MFighter_m013_u	Fighter.MFighter_m013_l	Fighter.MFighter_m013_g	Fighter.MFighter_m013_b	4	MFighter.MFighter_m013_t2000_u	MFighter.MFighter_m013_t2000_l	MFighter.MFighter_m013_t2000_g	MFighter.MFighter_m013_t2000_b	4		0	255		0	255		0	255		0	255							4								4	Fighter.FFighter_m013_u	Fighter.FFighter_m013_l	Fighter.FFighter_m013_g	Fighter.FFighter_m013_b	4	FFighter.FFighter_m013_t2000_u	FFighter.FFighter_m013_t2000_l	FFighter.FFighter_m013_t2000_g	FFighter.FFighter_m013_t2000_b	4		0	255	Fighter.FFighter_m013_l_ad00	108	95		0	255		0	255							4		FFighter.FFighter_m013_t2000_l_ad00						4	DarkElf.MDarkElf_m011_u	DarkElf.MDarkElf_m011_l	DarkElf.MDarkElf_m011_g	DarkElf.MDarkElf_m011_b	4	MDarkElf.MDarkElf_m011_t2000_u	MDarkElf.MDarkElf_m011_t2000_l	MDarkElf.MDarkElf_m011_t2000_g	MDarkElf.MDarkElf_m011_t2000_b	4		0	255		0	255		0	255		0	255							4								4	DarkElf.FDarkElf_m011_u	DarkElf.FDarkElf_m011_l	DarkElf.FDarkElf_m011_g	DarkElf.FDarkElf_m011_b	4	FDarkElf.FDarkElf_m011_t2000_u	FDarkElf.FDarkElf_m011_t2000_l	FDarkElf.FDarkElf_m011_t2000_g	FDarkElf.FDarkElf_m011_t2000_b	4		0	255	DarkElf.FDarkElf_m011_l_ad00	108	95		0	255		0	255							4		FDarkElf.FDarkElf_m011_t2000_l_ad00						4	Dwarf.MDwarf_m009_u	Dwarf.MDwarf_m009_l	Dwarf.MDwarf_m009_g	Dwarf.MDwarf_m009_b	4	MDwarf.MDwarf_m009_t2000_u	MDwarf.MDwarf_m009_t2000_l	MDwarf.MDwarf_m009_t2000_g	MDwarf.MDwarf_m009_t2000_b	4		0	255		0	255		0	255		0	255							4								4	Dwarf.FDwarf_m009_u	Dwarf.FDwarf_m009_l	Dwarf.FDwarf_m009_g	Dwarf.FDwarf_m009_b	4	FDwarf.FDwarf_m009_t2000_u	FDwarf.FDwarf_m009_t2000_l	FDwarf.FDwarf_m009_t2000_g	FDwarf.FDwarf_m009_t2000_b	4		0	255	Dwarf.FDwarf_m009_l_ad00	108	95		0	255		0	255							4		FDwarf.FDwarf_m009_t2000_l_ad00						4	Elf.MElf_m012_u	Elf.MElf_m012_l	Elf.MElf_m012_g	Elf.MElf_m012_b	4	MElf.MElf_m012_t2000_u	MElf.MElf_m012_t2000_l	MElf.MElf_m012_t2000_g	MElf.MElf_m012_t2000_b	4		0	255		0	255		0	255		0	255							4								4	Elf.FElf_m012_u	Elf.FElf_m012_l	Elf.FElf_m012_g	Elf.FElf_m012_b	4	FElf.FElf_m012_t2000_u	FElf.FElf_m012_t2000_l	FElf.FElf_m012_t2000_g	FElf.FElf_m012_t2000_b	4		0	255	Elf.FElf_m012_l_ad00	108	95		0	255		0	255							4		FElf.FElf_m012_t2000_l_ad00						4	Magic.MMagic_m014_u	Magic.MMagic_m014_l	Magic.MMagic_m014_g	Magic.MMagic_m014_b	4	MMagic.MMagic_m014_t2000_u	MMagic.MMagic_m014_t2000_l	MMagic.MMagic_m014_t2000_g	MMagic.MMagic_m014_t2000_b	4		0	255		0	255		0	255		0	255							4								4	Magic.FMagic_m014_u	Magic.FMagic_m014_l	Magic.FMagic_m014_g	Magic.FMagic_m014_b	4	FMagic.FMagic_m014_t2000_u	FMagic.FMagic_m014_t2000_l	FMagic.FMagic_m014_t2000_g	FMagic.FMagic_m014_t2000_b	4		0	255	Magic.FMagic_m014_l_ad00	108	95		0	255		0	255							4		FMagic.FMagic_m014_t2000_l_ad00						4	Orc.MOrc_m008_u	Orc.MOrc_m008_l	Orc.MOrc_m008_g	Orc.MOrc_m008_b	4	MOrc.MOrc_m008_t2000_u	MOrc.MOrc_m008_t2000_l	MOrc.MOrc_m008_t2000_g	MOrc.MOrc_m008_t2000_b	4		0	255		0	255		0	255		0	255							4								4	Orc.FOrc_m008_u	Orc.FOrc_m008_l	Orc.FOrc_m008_g	Orc.FOrc_m008_b	4	FOrc.FOrc_m008_t2000_u	FOrc.FOrc_m008_t2000_l	FOrc.FOrc_m008_t2000_g	FOrc.FOrc_m008_t2000_b	4		0	255	Orc.FOrc_m008_l_ad00	108	95		0	255		0	255							4		FOrc.FOrc_m008_t2000_l_ad00						4	Shaman.MShaman_m009_u	Shaman.MShaman_m009_l	Shaman.MShaman_m009_g	Shaman.MShaman_m009_b	4	MShaman.MShaman_m009_t2000_u	MShaman.MShaman_m009_t2000_l	MShaman.MShaman_m009_t2000_g	MShaman.MShaman_m009_t2000_b	4		0	255		0	255		0	255		0	255							4								4	Shaman.FShaman_m009_u	Shaman.FShaman_m009_l	Shaman.FShaman_m009_g	Shaman.FShaman_m009_b	4	FShaman.FShaman_m009_t2000_u	FShaman.FShaman_m009_t2000_l	FShaman.FShaman_m009_t2000_g	FShaman.FShaman_m009_t2000_b	4		0	255	Shaman.FShaman_m009_l_ad00	108	95		0	255		0	255							4		FShaman.FShaman_m009_t2000_l_ad00						4	Kamael.mkamael_m010_u	Kamael.mkamael_m010_l	Kamael.mkamael_m010_g	Kamael.mkamael_m010_b	5	mkamael.mkamael_m010_t2000_u	mkamael.mkamael_m010_t2000_l	mkamael.mkamael_m010_t2000_g	mkamael.mkamael_m010_t2000_b	mkamael.mkamael_m010_t2000_ut	4	Kamael.Mkamael_m000_w_ad00	119	95	Kamael.mkamael_m010_l_ad00	108	95		0	255		0	255							4	Mkamael.Mkamael_m000_t00_w	mkamael.mkamael_m010_t2000_ut						4	Kamael.fkamael_m010_u	Kamael.fkamael_m010_l	Kamael.fkamael_m010_g	Kamael.fkamael_m010_b	5	fkamael.fkamael_m010_t2000_u	fkamael.fkamael_m010_t2000_l	fkamael.fkamael_m010_t2000_g	fkamael.fkamael_m010_t2000_b	fkamael.fkamael_m010_t2000_ut	4	Kamael.Fkamael_m000_w_ad00	119	95	Kamael.fkamael_m010_l_ad00	108	95		0	255		0	255							4	Fkamael.Fkamael_m000_t00_w	fkamael.fkamael_m010_t2000_ut						1		1			0				0			LineageEffect.p_u002_a	4	ItemSound.armor_underwear_1	ItemSound.armor_underwear_4	ItemSound.armor_leather_2	ItemSound.armor_leather_8	ItemSound.itemdrop_etc_book	ItemSound.itemequip_armor_cloth	1	0	2	0	0	0	0	0	0

I am familiar with editing client side (+/-) but again i can't understand which of these line tell you where the textures of Formal wear (the white clothes) are, i mean which *.utx file i need to decrypt with decrypter.


The basic idea is to find this line, decrypt - extract the textures inside of *.utx  edit the image on Photoshop (change color e.t.c) - encrypt again into new *.utx and replace the old line with the new file *.utx i just made so it will seperate utx file for formal wear, but how i found which line says? 




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MElf.MElf_m012_t2000_u    MElf.MElf_m012_t2000_l    MElf.MElf_m012_t2000_g    MElf.MElf_m012_t2000_b

Something lets say i found the *.utx... i extract the *.tga images of it (they are like 100-150) i edit one on photoshop and replace with old... to encrypt back to utx with unreal i need to load 1 by 1 again? is there any way to open the official utx on unreal, export the one i want - edit - import - replace and save again? because when i try to load *.utx in unreal even if decryped (with criticalerror tools) i get error and Unreal closed.

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Ps. there is no images    MElf.MElf_m012_t2000_u    MElf.MElf_m012_t2000_l    MElf.MElf_m012_t2000_g    MElf.MElf_m012_t2000_b                  Inside MElf.utx no formal wear textures... 

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melf = utx name

after the . = shader name

you cant have a shader if the texture doesnt exist

iff its melf_m012_t2000 u textures would be melf_m012_t2000_ori and melf_m012_t2000_u_sp


yes after you export you can just import edited ones as a new utx

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???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ????



melf = utx name

after the . = shader name

you cant have a shader if the texture doesnt exist

iff its melf_m012_t2000 u textures would be melf_m012_t2000_ori and melf_m012_t2000_u_sp


yes after you export you can just import edited ones as a new utx

I almost did it, but i have some dificulties but i think i did may can you give me your skype or add me on skype: unst0ppabl32       i want show u something from shared screens. If you and when you can because posting and posting does not help and i really stuck. Thanks a lot!! i wait

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???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ????



melf = utx name

after the . = shader name

you cant have a shader if the texture doesnt exist

iff its melf_m012_t2000 u textures would be melf_m012_t2000_ori and melf_m012_t2000_u_sp


yes after you export you can just import edited ones as a new utx

Yeah but how u open *.utx in unreal editor withouth needed to extract all *.tga from it... ???

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download umodel

make a bat in the same folder as umodel

 umodel -export -all name.utx

Yeaaaaaaaaaaa for god sake i did this read :P but this extract arround 500 tga  if i edit one of them how i make all 500 back to utx ? unreal "import" only load 1 per time it make me tired.

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No you didn't understand it don't even allow me to import... i get error and unreal close... and something else UTPT does not work (i cant view textures, or export them) ... wtf... this ever happen to you?

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Seriously you haven't understand what i am trying to say... anyway i'll try them alone thanks and i am not dumb i can prove u in other things that u are the dumb if u want :) u are not life expert the fact that u have some knowledge in this because u are used to does not make you smart it was my first day i started with client and after 4 hours i am editing mesh in 3D's max and playing with models bones. The problem is that most of programs i found in forums are dead (links) and some of them no work for me but again i find a solution. thanks anyway for your time

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