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  1. Dear Friends, bits and bytes is happy to announce Interlude Core x8 which will start on Friday @ 12/10/2018 21:00. The decision of the creation of the new Interlude server was taken after a heavy load of requests that were received lately regarding a fresh interlude server, where BNB is fully experienced. You will find server settings below ================================== Αγαπητοί φίλοι, Η Bits and Bytes ανακοινώνει τo Grand Opening του Interlude Core x8 server της, την Παρασκευή 12/10/2018 και ώρα 21:00. Η απόφαση της δημιουργίας ενός Interlude server πάρθηκε ύστερα από το μεγάλο αριθμό αιτημάτων που λάβαμε το τελευταίο διάστημα σχετικά με έναν φρέσκο Server, chronicle στο οποίο η BNB έχει εμπειρία αρκετό καιρό. Θα βρείτε τα server settings παρακάτω SERVER INFORMATION - CORE INTERLUDE x8 Chronicle: Interlude Official Files Site: http://l2.bnb.gr Forum: http://l2forum.bnb.gr Support: http://l2support.bnb.gr Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/l2bnbgr/ Rates XP/SP: x8 Spoil chance: x3 Adena amount: x4 Seal stone amount: x3 Drop chance: x4 RB exp/sp: x4 RB Drop chance: x2 Epic drop chance: x1 Quest reward XP/SP: x4 Quest reward adena: x4 Quest item amount: x1 Server Features 3 Client limit per PC Vote Reward system from the beggining Antibot system & also antibot policy. Offlineshop Castle NPC will be stronger Clanhall prices will be increased and can be bought only from active clans (lev 5) The cost of castle consumables is increased Teleport cost from GKs is increased after 76 Augmentation cost increased Prist of dawn/dusk prices for consumables increased Price of registrations to castle attack - increased exp on/off + other commands providing comfortable gaming Olympiad Retail. Olympiad start later upon prior announcement. Cursed Disabled. Siege flags bloosted (hp/pdef/mdef) Frintezza area will be pvp zone If someone logout inside AQ Spawn zone and doesnt login within 10 minutes, he will be teleported out of town. 1st & 2nd class with adena or donation (100.000 adena, 500.000 adena respectively) + 3rd Class retail for some days Teleport Rune <-> PI. 150.000 Cost Max clans per alliance: 3 Clan level up Retail Retail Subclass Retail Nobless Seven Signs & Sieges like retail Newbie buffer, retail Secure Anti-DDoS protection @ sites + servers Modified Respawns for more pvp Baium: 5 days +- 60min AntQueen: 32 hours +-60 min Zaken: 48hours +- 60 min Antharas: 8 Days +- 60min Valakas: 11 days +-60min Frintezza: 56 hours +-60min Cabrio/Hallate/Kernon/Golkonda/Barakiel/Shadith/Mos/Hekaton/Tayr/Ember/Behemoth/skylancer/meanas anor/ von hellman/ sobekk/ Priest Cloe:12 hours +- 60min (depending on server population, the time may be decreased) Server Donations Donation coins tradeable so users can buy them with adena from other users if they want First class: 100k adena Second class: 500k adena 3rd Class: retail on the beggining. it may changes with donation coins few days after Hair Accessories Premium Account (+40% XP/SP, +30% Adena) Weight Limit Potions (buffs) Change email Transfer Char Unban account rename char/clan/pet restored deleted character change sex Change main class Any setting may change until server launch. There will be notice Thank you
  2. Never had issue with depmax. At emergency issues i had support from their team and solved any issue that appeared kiv is the best programmer of all time in private lineage2 extenders and a great man! regards
  3. I see much pain around. The fact that some other servers attacked us hard last time (sept 2016) with all their power and hired multiple hacker teams to damage us, does not mean that we will be retired. It seems that you want us to be retired from the field of lineage2 servers, thing that it will not happen. We will be here forever. As for your notes: 1st. Our last project is still online and upgraded from interlude to high five even with 300 users max. It is online since 5 months now 2nd. we are using official files not java, this is a fact and they are stable with big uptime without crashes 3rd. There is instant ban on botter while other servers offer unban, 2nd chance, 2nd chance with donation and more. 4th. We are launching 2 servers per season. one during winter and another during spring with huge online. this is a fact even if it may hurt 5th. Zero lag from any place in the world since we are using specific network configuration in routing to our server. As it happens with programs such as battleping Regards
  4. in the following days will be posted. Dont worry
  5. More info will be posted here about additional features that server will have https://l2forum.bnb.gr/threads/bnb-interlude-sylvanas-x75-launch-17-3-17-21-00.1044/ For any issue/question use our forum https://l2forum.bnb.gr/forums/interlude-sylvanas-x75-17-march-2017.25/
  6. Dear Friends, Bits and Bytes is happy to announce the launch of Interlude Sylvanas x75 which will start on Friday @ 17/03/2017 21:00 Athens Time. The decision of the creation of the new Interlude server was taken after a heavy load of requests that were received lately regarding a fresh interlude server. The new server is with higher rates in order to provide the best lineage2 experience at this period of time as Spring is coming! Why you should preffer BNB Interlude server: - Official PTS files without bugs - International English based community - Long term project - Stable OFF files but not JAVA. - GMs with perennial experience in L2 server since 2004 - Instant support and troubleshooting through teamviewer 24/7 - Instant permanent ban on botters - Few and stable server per season in order to provide you the best gaming experience and create a better server in time - Zero lag from any place in the world ================================== Αγαπητοί φίλοι, Η Bits and Bytes ανακοινώνει τo Grand Opening του Interlude Sylvanas x75 server της, την Παρασκευή 17/03/2017 και ώρα 21:00. Η απόφαση της δημιουργίας ενός Interlude server πάρθηκε ύστερα από το μεγάλο αριθμό αιτημάτων που λάβαμε το τελευταίο διάστημα σχετικά με έναν φρέσκο Server, chronicle στο οποίο η BNB έχει εμπειρία αρκετό καιρό. O νέος server διαθέτει μεγαλύτερα rates με σκοπό να προσφέρει καλύτερο και γρηγορότερο gameplay αυτή την περίοδο αφού η άνοιξη πλησιάζει Τι διαφορετικό προσφέρει η Bits & Bytes σε σχέση με άλλους servers: - Οfficial PTS files χωρίς bugs, ένα από τα μοναδικά σε παγκόσμιο επίπεδο - Διεθνές Community βασισμένο στην Αγγλική - Project που θα διαρκέσει αρκετό χρονικό διάστημα και όχι servers που ανοίγουν και κλείνουν μέσα σε μικρό χρόνο - Σταθερά OFF files και όχι Java - Προσωπικό με πολυετή εμπειρία σε L2 Servers από το 2004 - Άμεση εξυπηρέτηση στο support και δυνατότητα επίλυσης προβλημάτων μέσω teamviewer 24/7 - Μικρό και σταθερό αριθμό server ανά season με απώτερο σκοπό την παροχή σωστών υπηρεσιών gaming προς τους χρήστες μας και την καλυτέρευση των server μας. - Μηδενικό lag από οποιοδήποτε μέρος του πλανήτη SERVER INFORMATION - SYLVANAS INTERLUDE x75 Chronicle: Interlude Official Files Online Expected: 3.500+ Site: http://l2.bnb.gr Forum: http://l2.bnb.gr/forum Support: http://l2.bnb.gr/support Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bnb.gr HOW TO CONNECT: http://links.bnb.gr/2kOgSJr Rates XP/SP: x75 Spoil chance: x15 Adena amount: x50 Seal stone amount: x10 Drop chance: x20 RB exp/sp: x4 RB Drop chance: x2 Epic drop chance: x1 Quest reward XP/SP: x10 Quest reward adena: x10 Quest item amount: x1 but some quests will be increased Quests with increased rates: Gather the Flames - rate x3, amount of Torch. Relics of the Old Empire - rate x3, amount of Broken Relic Part. Delicious Top Choice Meat - rate x3, amount of quest items. Alliance with Varka Silenos - rate x3, amount of quest items. Alliance with Ketra Orcs - rate x3, amount of quest items. War with Ketra - rate x3, amount of Molar of Ketra Orc. War with Varka - rate x3, amount of Varka's Mane. Heart in Search of Power - rate x3, amount of Gem of Submission (Gem of Saints) The Zero Hour - rate x3, amount of Stakato Fang.
  7. If you cannot use updater due to antivirus problem: 1) download the file below http://files.bnb.gr/l2/patch_2_11.rar 2) extract files into system
  8. https://l2forum.bnb.gr/threads/client-update-update-clients-from-updater.517/ Client update released. Update your clients through our updater in order to be able to login
  9. Starting from Today 30/10, new players will receive shadow D grade full armor upon character creation as a first step for helping them. https://l2forum.bnb.gr/threads/new-player-bonus.477/
  10. launch of other servers are coming and trolls are released ! sorry bro but server is full of life in compare with others that are dead in 7 -10 days (no need to name it, all of you know about what im talking for) Yesterday's barakiel pvp was around 500 ppl so you can GTFO !
  11. Sure. <3 Butthurts Serious information about those who are really care and play to our server: In the following days when we will completely defend the attacks we will provide gifts and compensation to players as a reward for their trust We need to thank all players about it
  12. Up and running with ~4.5k. Sorry to them if it is true I really loled. You can leave this topic if you dont like it but it seems you really want to say something about it. You seem very angry. You can troll better Noone leaves because they know what trash of server are out there. Admins making black-market, selling items to players, paying clan leaders to invite ppl to server and some other shit. You seem also angry ! So doleful people in this topic ! It seems of a lot of ppl with pain in the ass gathered in this topic and they are feeling hunted ! need to speak ! need to write their comment about our server ! Bits and Bytes will be always here, never leaves and never stops. And some people know it and they are too afraid of it Our regards and kisses
  13. Unban account is not allowed in botting Our donation list is minimal and carefully chosen in compare with other servers where admins add equipment on donations, create black market and sell items to players, or they pay clans to play to their server
  14. Server launch will be 7/10/2016 - 21:00 http://l2.bnb.gr/forum/index.php?/topic/1576-bnb-interlude-core-x8-launch-30916-2100/
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