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[help]about cho'gath

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Well ,i play Cho'Gath like Nunu

i am making Tank build in start,and last 2 items are AP ones


so,i make Mercury threads

Frozen Heart(armor and cd reduction)

Warmog's Armor

Zhonya's Hourglass(AP and Armor) or Abyssal Scepter(regarding enemies)

Then, i make Rabadon's Deathcap

No game lasted more ;D



Cho'Gath must be tank in start,mostly as supporter.And become kind of DD in end


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I prefer him as tank'gath

Build: Start with Doran's ring>Merc Tread>Mejai's/Leviathan>Leviathan/Mejai's>Force of Nature>Warmogs>Sell Doran's and get either Archangel staff or Atma's Impaler, had a test with Nashor's Tooth and works fine with feast/vorpal spike combos. Made lots of tweaking with this build. At both 20 stacks he's really strong, Rupture works fine against weak champs, Feast 3lvl nukes like hell, vorpal spikes does lots of damage combined with atmas impaler and hp, with this build he's fully capable to tank. But this build works as long as your team is able to kill.

Other build: Mejai's/Leviathan traded for sunfire cape and abyssal scepter(this one depends on who dominates in enemy team, if AD champ than take thornmail, if AP champ than scepter)

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Dunno, ap cho sux, I've tried him as AP, but he's not as effective as TANK cho. I'd place my bets on TANK cho.

i have played one game...




havent tried him with tank build. ;]

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