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you have serve freya files full?

give me please


For one, nobody has them yet, I'm guessing fr3d will make a post when he has the files working.

and two, i doubt you would be able to get 'em cheap, everything costs when it comes to l2off and you should know this by now.


For one, nobody has them yet, I'm guessing fr3d will make a post when he has the files working.

and two, i doubt you would be able to get 'em cheap, everything costs when it comes to l2off and you should know this by now.


What does fred have to do with anything?




For those interested..

There are no other files - no daemons, no other database scripts or anything.

They leaked "encoded" from an updater fault from NA/EU Retail for bout 1 hour or so - in late oct/early nov.


Only people who win here is La2Guard/Nextdev/kvoxi and very smart L2J people.

(If any left).




What does fred have to do with anything?




For those interested..

There are no other files - no daemons, no other database scripts or anything.

They leaked "encoded" from an updater fault from NA/EU Retail for bout 1 hour or so - in late oct/early nov.


Only people who win here is La2Guard/Nextdev/kvoxi and very smart L2J people.

(If any left).



That DS-Dazzel guy uses advext, that's why.


Every smart person knows that guardex is better.


Every smart person, evaluates both softwares first to know what is better and what is not.


GuardEx actually is Gracia Final. (Incomplete in many ways, but it is).


AdvExt64 is Full Interlude (100%) and Almost Complete Hellbound w/ soon Fortresses and Instances working (which GuardEx do not have properly done yet, altough they have know-how for this).


AdvExt64 Soon will have Freya Client compatibility too.


AdvExt64 have 'full support' for the all its chronicles, either Interlude or Hellbound (which GuardEx, do not have and do not plan to have).


So i respect your opnion, but as a non AdvExt64 client and a non GuardEx client, you should evaluate the differences before judging what is better or not.


Also GuardEx do not have even "half" of the custom mods, AdvExt64 Have to Offer.


AdvExt64 Have cheaper update prices, compared to GuardEx.


AdvExt64 Costs usually "half or near to half" of GuardEx cost for the small servers...


GuardEx is good for those who wants to play Gracia Final, no doubts on this.


Every smart person, evaluates both softwares first to know what is better and what is not.


GuardEx actually is Gracia Final. (Incomplete in many ways, but it is).


AdvExt64 is Full Interlude (100%) and Almost Complete Hellbound w/ soon Fortresses and Instances working (which GuardEx do not have properly done yet, altough they have know-how for this).


AdvExt64 Soon will have Freya Client compatibility too.


AdvExt64 have 'full support' for the all its chronicles, either Interlude or Hellbound (which GuardEx, do not have and do not plan to have).


So i respect your opnion, but as a non AdvExt64 client and a non GuardEx client, you should evaluate the differences before judging what is better or not.


Also GuardEx do not have even "half" of the custom mods, AdvExt64 Have to Offer.


AdvExt64 Have cheaper update prices, compared to GuardEx.


AdvExt64 Costs usually "half or near to half" of GuardEx cost for the small servers...


GuardEx is good for those who wants to play Gracia Final, no doubts on this.


Dear Mon3yBR,


Always protecting your product and disrespecting others work... it is really disgusting!

And yes, GuardEx is much better than your extender which is such a nice work either. But you gotta deal with the reallity dear Mon3yBR.


Back ontopic...


Such a nice share, was waiting for this instead of buy it from any other money stealer like Mon3yBR or someone else.

Scripting and fixing errors are gonna be much easier from now.




Dear Mon3yBR,


Always protecting your product and disrespecting others work... it is really disgusting!

And yes, GuardEx is much better than your extender which is such a nice work either. But you gotta deal with the reallity dear Mon3yBR.


Back ontopic...


Such a nice share, was waiting for this instead of buy it from any other money stealer like Mon3yBR or someone else.

Scripting and fixing errors are gonna be much easier from now.




Again words, without analyzis, and more than this, you like to "offend me", thanks for the nice words ;)


And money ? Nobody had it what was wrong with selling it ? now it will be "MoneyBR" if i try to sell it for 50 dollars like some 'noobs' are already doing to people that don't know about this forum =) !!


Plus you never bought my stuff, and you also never was GuardEx Client. so don't act this way please :)


Sawk was client of 'Both' Products, FotisLol also client of 'both' go ask then, wich extender do they prefer, before saying this kind of stuff ;)


It's ok that you do not like "my person", but please do not say something is better than another if you didn't tried it at all.


About that i have to say that the best thing for guardext is the scripts but on their extender are years behind fred. They have some nice options but they are not enough. Freds extender is something good, he need time to proove some script files (PS here: he doesn't make them himself). But as i said before extender is 10x better from guardex. And to be more specific: Features? (Fred +1) Stability (Fred +1), Protection (Fred +1), Scripts (Guardex +1).


This is the thruth guyz, live with it. They only reason which some of you try to make war with fred is to sell your extenders ( Also i want to mention here that people started making extenders from the source which FRED Shared on PP! Most extenders out there have source or parts from fred svn)


Try to ask everyone who used the depmax or the advext if is happy with it or not. Just only this...




Your a stupid idiot.



Are you a developer? No.


Have you developed an Extender? No.


Do we sell extenders ? No.



Name one dupe exploit caused by native L2server code that kvoxi hasn't fixed, fr3d has.

You can't - period.



Run latest Fr3d(Dvampire *cough*) vs latest Kvoxi(NextDev/La2Guard) with 1000 Active Sockets.

See who crashes first, it ain't gonna be kvoxi.


Features? What Features does AdvExt(Again dvampire + fr3d custom crap module) - have that La2Guard doesn't ?




Lets not  count offlineshops and olympiad changes and all this custom crap kids thought of.

Let's instead measure up against retail.



Secondly, DO not speak of shit do you do not know.

Fr3d asked for sourcecode for a PRIVATE PROJECT from everyone he bloody could for Open PP.

People shared, created a base - then pulled a 180 and shared EVERYTHING.



So he could get credits to download shit on PP - when it wanted leecher policy to prevent anyone from downloading everything.


Who kept updating it? fr3d? -beep- no, several people even some who were just trying to learn and do small extenders.


What happened once fr3d got what he wanted ? - Back to depmax - back to cash.

Back to lost Car, Computer x 5495049504 - please buy i need money :C



Thirdly Fotis retard - NO extender on the known MARKET is based of Open PP.


Ezme/Ezasm never was.

Kation/Vangath has his entire own(Which stability functiontionality wise kicks dvampire/advext imho).

Kvoxi has his entire own aswell with god knows how much rewritten by himself.



You know what's saddest?


That i'm trying to enlighten people in this forum full of absolute unintelligent 12 year olds, who like to get stuffed in the ass.

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