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[L2J]L2Sapphire - Unique Features ! (No customs)


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Patch : http://rapidshare.com/files/445964531/L2_Sapphire_v2.rar









EXP: 5000x

SP: 5000x

Drops: 5x

Adena: 8000x.

Safe Enchant: 7

Max Enchant: 20

Enchant Rate: 75%

Blessed Enchant Rate: 80%


Unique Systems



Noblesse when looging in

When you are creating char, you got noblesse skill,but in order to join at the olympiad games you must farm to obtain the caradine's leeter


Death streak system

So, you are new player, but you cant survive,other players are killing you everytime they meet you,but you want to desperately farm,so we will give you a little hand,if you die 10 times without getting flag, server gives you 4000 additional CP (combat points)

Killing Spree System

You will love it, after 5 kills in a row without dying , you will get messages telling how many kills in a row you have,if you reach 50 you will get hero aura



Auto noblesse casting on revive

Arent you bored when losing a pvp to cast the spell noblesse again and again? Here is the solution, in pvp areas, like pi there is no need to take the noblesse buff, because you are auto noblessed

Castle lords and heroes announcement on login

.When a castle lord login it will be announced,same one with hero.



Custom Channel for players with more than 2000 pvp's

You have over than 2000 pvp's ? Then try your new channel by pressing ~ and then write whatever you want


Siege's currently duration is 1 hour


Hero's every 2 weeks


PvP Play Ground

The ultimate feature.We want to see mass and organised pvp on our server so we give big clan's a place to kill each other and also gain reputation points for each enemy kill.To join on the ultimate pvp playground you must be on a FULL PARTY WITH GUYS FROM YOUR CLAN otherways our system will not let you join , in order to join party leader speak to the npc and the whole party gets teleported.Be ready to face your enemies in a REALL WAR



Archers and Dagger classes are not able to use heavy armors



There is a destriction in olympiad which will not allow you to use custom armors and weapons


Player's Helper Team

You have probably saw it on other server's as well.Players that called players are 5 players that will be chosen and will have:

Rank on Forum (Helper)

and will be on InGame with name colour white blue.What you can do with them is petition them and ask them about the server by using the command :  .pmhelper


-A new topic will be created for helper's applications




Register on our forum and make suggestions if you want.(http://forums.l2sapphire.net/)



Server's Specs



Intel® Core™ i7-920 Quadcore


2 x 750 GB SATA-II HDD

100mbps up/down connection

100gb backup space


Server opened today without customs and with much fixes.We gone 25 on midday and max 34 online before 2 hours.We are not yet in hopzone (actually we are wating confirmation bcuz we changed rates) and we are waiting at least 10 more by tomorrow.Server's population is rising normally and economy's becoming more stable.

make a server restart to take safe +7. also remove archer critical power or boost mages p def. i have 1k m def and they hit me 7k


impossible.I know that archer's crit are a bit op , but not like that.

Make pi 2nd farming zone not only for "pvp",and make it when you die to spawn there again.Since server hasn't custom items better to remove blessed scrolls from shop too and keep only ls cheaper.

impossible.I know that archer's crit are a bit op , but not like that.

come to see. i have 1k p def and one archer dark elf hits me for 7k damage. idk if he has +20 weapon or duel might(impossible), but it's 7k. and others from his clan 5-6k



also wtf man, safe is 3 or 7? wtf?


come to see. i have 1k p def and one archer dark elf hits me for 7k damage. idk if he has +20 weapon or duel might(impossible), but it's 7k. and others from his clan 5-6k



also wtf man, safe is 3 or 7? wtf?

dude u have 1k pdef wake up


Features are really nais,i like non customs server so good luck with your server and I will give it a try with my friends tonight. :)

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