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Hello all!


Some of you already know but for those who does not know about this system it can be really usefull


It is donation system with smscoin including shop itself!


Here you can find basic info about this system: http://smscoin.net/software/engine/L2J+-+Server/


Here you can get script itself: http://l2donate.com/


Here you can see some screenshots: http://l2donate.com/info/screenshots/


Script itself supports more then 1 payment system!You can sell hero,nobl,++ items or anything else you want!

Setup is very easy,and everything is ready!

All credits go to L2Donate.com!



I dont really get it? Ppl can donate for stuff on your server with SmS, but who will take the voted money? L2Donate.com or yourself?.. If its yourself, how will you get the money?? :o


If you follow steps then u will see you have to register account with SMS coin who provide service!


In script it self from admin panel you can add SMS coin,PayPal,moneybookers,webmoney as payment methods!

You just add ur own info like PayPal email and once players clicks on donate link he will be redirected to paypal.com to make payment,ammount he donated will be added to his profile and he will be able to spend it on items you add in donate shop!


well i never tried before to add an sms donate on my srv but i will search it :) anyway thnx for sharing it a good service and old is www.fortumo.com :)

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  • 7 months later...

can someone help me to make this work with l2jls y l2jgs (2 databases) one for login and two for gameservers. :D ?

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